SBI Cashback CC - Transaction wise cashback

Deal Cadet

Is there any way to know the transaction wise cashback received?

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Finance Mentor Finance Mentor
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No, manually track cb txn after txn, manually...

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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If you are doing 3-4 transactions in a day, it is difficult to know between 0%(ineligible) or 5%. Depending on the amount of each trnx, sometimes you may be able to find it out.
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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Eligible Transactions done on the same day are clubbed together and cb is calculated on the whole amount, rather than every single transaction. I think.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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It's calculated per txn basis , not on whole amount 

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Sadly no way, you have to maintain excel file smile hazzle of getting 5% on most of online things xD

Generous Generous
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Excel formula


Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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The cashback of 5% is provided on individual transaction. So divide the transaction amount by 20, ignore the decimal part and note it down. For eg - For a transaction of 599, 5% = 29.95 but the cashback is not rounded off to the nearest integer, instead it'll be just 29. This works perfectly, been tracking my cashbacks since Sept 2023 after they credited less in Aug. Create a table in any one the notes app that you use to keep track of your cashback.

There's another thing - as soon as you reach the monthly cashback limit of ₹5,000, you won't receive any more cashback unless you return something bought before and you're sure that the refund is now successfully settled in your account. Even in such cases, I would recommend you to start off with a smaller transaction first to make sure that they have resumed giving you cashback.

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