Tolstoy’s chicken and the expanding circle - No dead meat: The man who wouldn't harm a chicken |

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Tolstoy’s chicken and the expanding circle
No dead meat: The man who wouldn’t harm a chicken | THE HINDU ARCHIVE

I’m a devout carnivore, but a decade and a half ago, I turned vegetarian for a year. My reasons were moral, and best illustrated by a story about the Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy. In his later years Tolstoy was a vegetarian, and one day he invited his aunt home for dinner. She said she’d come but insisted, “I must have chicken!” Tolstoy paused at this condition, but then agreed to provide the bird. The lady duly came home, gup-shup happened, and then when they moved to the dining table, she found a live chicken on her chair. There was a carving knife alongside.

“We knew you wanted chicken,” Tolstoy said, “but none of us would kill it.”

The story, as I know it, ends there — but I can’t imagine Tolstoy’s aunt ate Tolstoy’s chicken. She must have been rather exasperated, and Tolstoy was indeed a bit of a spiritual crackpot towards the end of his life. But the story of the chicken resonates with me. It demonstrates our denial when it comes to food. In our mind, there is a screen between the meat that we eat and the animals that are killed for that meat. We taste the flavour and enjoy the texture, but we behave as if the butchery never happened. We pretend that the chicken on the plate and the chicken on the chair are different creatures. But of course they are not. Tolstoy’s flapping, squawking chicken is Varma’s Chicken a la Kiev — and so, many years ago, I gave up meat.

Even if I later explained my subsequent regression by talking about recurring headaches and how my body was too used to meat to give it up, deep down I know that’s just a rationalisation. I didn’t have the strength of character to carry through on my resolve. I dreamed of luscious, succulent kebabs, and ignored the screaming of the lambs.

The guilt and dissonance I still occasionally feel may soon be moot, though. Some fine scientists, much to be praised for their noble endeavours to better humankind, have recently found a way to grow meat in the laboratory, without a sentient creature being involved. Within a couple of decades, I predict, you will be able to eat a medium-rare steak that is, in every way, the same as any you would get today, except for the fact that no animal would be harmed in its making. The organ it will come from would have been manufactured a la carte, and would never have been part of a living creature.

On that note, at the turn of this new year, let me tell you about a concept propounded by a gentleman named WEH Lecky way back in the 19th century: The Expanding Circle. Lecky posited that there is a circle of beings who qualify for our moral consideration as equals, and that this circle has tended to expand through human history. In prehistoric times, we might have regarded just our family or our tribe as being part of it, and everyone else would have been ‘the other’. But through time, that circle expanded and kept expanding. It began to include other communities and races, and eventually included all of humanity itself. It is this expanding circle that led to the end of slavery, to women being allowed to vote, to the great immigrant nations across the world, like the US.

The philosopher Peter Singer argues that one day animals will be within this circle. He believes that one day we will be as aghast at meat-eating as we are today when we look back at slavery or women not being allowed to vote and so on. For a person in the 23rd century, looking back at the 21st, it will seem as astonishing that we once slaughtered animals for food as it does to us that the great apostle of liberty, Thomas Jefferson, once kept slaves.

At this point, it is worth considering why the expanding circle expands. To my mind, the reasons are instrumental. The circle expands because incentives change. The two main factors driving this are trade and technology.

Economics teaches us that every human being can provide value to this world (comparative advantage) and that voluntary trade always leaves both parties better off, leading to a positive-sum game. If ‘The Other’ is working hard to improve our lives, and it is in our interest to improve theirs, for that is how we profit, then the circle is bound to expand to include them.

Technology also plays its part. Until recently, half of humanity — the female half — was deeply constrained because that’s just how the comparative advantage game played itself out. Housework and raising large families took so much time that it made economic sense for family units to specialise, and for women to stay at home and for men to go out and be breadwinners. This got codified in social norms, and thus women got forced into subsidiary roles. That changed in the 20th century. Firstly, household technology freed up huge chunks of women’s time. Secondly, birth control gave them, well, more control over their bodies. There is much to be said for good intentions, but women’s empowerment really happened because of technology, and so hurray for technology.

And hurray for technology one more time, because if our circle expands to include animals, it will do so not because of the benevolence of meat-eaters around the world, but because growing meat may no longer require the killing of animals. And here, consider the consequences of all animal products being manufactured without animals being involved. The incentives around rearing farm animals will change. And so one day, cows and pigs and chickens and goats may go extinct not because we ate them, but because we stopped. The irony is delicious.

(Amit Varma is a novelist. He blogs at

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The more you research,
the crazier you sound to
ignorant people.
Heart centered
The more you investigate, the more crazy you sound ignorant people

Deal Major Deal Major
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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

The more you research,
the crazier you sound to
ignorant people.
Heart centered
The more you investigate, the more crazy you sound ignorant people

Well said! All that you need there is to tag a few people you’re directing towards.

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[ : Encouraging Things to Say to Yourself
♥ : ]

Marin Psychologist Blog
We all need a bit of encouragement and inspiration sometimes. In my therapy practice, some of the most common problems I see are clients being hard on themselves, getting caught up in negative thought cycles, not speaking up for themselves, avoiding doing the healthy things, or being scared to feel. It is important to learn to be a good coach and a good parent to yourself. If you never had a good parent who understood and encouraged you, you may not know where to start. Here are some encouraging words you can use. Pick your favorite ones and pin them on an inspiration board, put stickies on your fridge, or make a flashcard to carry with you so you can use it in times of stress.

You’re doing the best you can
Life isn’t always fair
Just get started
It’s OK to take a break
We don’t always get what we want
This too will pass
Today is a new day
It’s a bad day, not a bad life
Other people have their issues too
Stick to your healthy routine
Keep your eyes on the goal
You can’t control what you think, but you can control what you do
Be kind
Allow yourself to feel others’ opinions even if they are wrong
Express your dissatisfaction constructively
You can’t control what other people say or do
Be authentic
It’s OK to set boundaries and stick to them
You don’t have to please everybody
Don’t listen to your judging mind
Avoidance makes things worse
It takes courage to face your own weaknesses
Treat yourself with compassion
Surround yourself with healthy people
You can get through this
You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to try your best
You can learn and grow from your mistakes
Learn from the past, but don’t get stuck in it
If your old ways aren’t working, try something new
Some things are worth being uncomfortable for
You don’t have to tolerate abusive behavior
Don’t let anyone or anything control you
Find your own voice
It’s OK to feel
Vulnerability can be strength
Take care of your inner child
Tell your inner critic to get lost
Look for love in healthy ways
Stay grounded
Don’t compare your insides to someone else’s outsides
You can learn to keep yourself safe
Let your values guide you
Ask for support when you need it
Walk your own path but make room for others
Follow your passions.
Get up again when you fall
Don’t judge anybody without understanding their circumstances
Everybody messes up sometimes
Learn to forgive yourself
Respect yourself and others

About The Author
Dr Melanie Greenberg is a psychologist and life coach in Mill Valley, California who offers individual and couples therapy to clients struggling with mental health issues, relationship issues and life stress. She also coaches clients on wellness or career issues in person and via the internet.

Deal Colonel Deal Colonel
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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

The more you research,
the crazier you sound to
ignorant people.
Heart centered
The more you investigate, the more crazy you sound ignorant people

Well Said
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@Magus @sparkles
@hese @parry

As we grow older, and hence wiser, we slowly realize that wearing a $300. or $30.00 watch – - – - – -they both tell the same time…
Whether we carry a $300 or $30.00 wallet/handbag — – - the amount of money inside is the same;

Whether we drink a bottle of $30 or $3.00 wine – - – - – — – - – - the hang over is the same;

Whether the house we live in is 300 or 3000 sq.ft. – - – - – - – - – the loneliness is the same.

You will realize, your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of this world.

Whether you fly first or economy class, if the plane goes down – - – - – -you go down with it…

Therefore..I hope you realize, when you have mates, buddies and old friends, brothers and sisters, who you chat with, laugh with, talk with, have sing songs with, talk about north-south-east-west or heaven earth, …. That istrue happiness!!

Five Undeniable Facts of Life :

1. Don’t educate your children to be rich.
Educate them to be Happy.
So when they grow up they will know
the value of things not the price.

2. Best awarded words in London …
“Eat your food as your medicines.
Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food.”

3. The One who loves you will never leave you
because even if there are 100 reasons
to give up he or she will find one reason to hold on.

4. There is a big difference between a human being and being human. Only a few really understand it.

5. You are loved when you are born.
You will be loved when you die.
In between, You have to manage!

If you just want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone!
But if you want to Walk Far, Walk Together!

Six Best Doctors in the World
1. Sunlight
2. Rest
3. Exercise
4. Diet
5. Self Confidence and
6. Friends

Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy a healthy life.

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To be free from wants is to be free from waste

Expression: The one who is free from wants is the one who is free from expectations. When there are no expectations, there is not too much thought about what is not there or what should be there. Since the mind is free from all these kind of waste thoughts, whatever is done is the best.

Experience: When I am free from wants or desires, I am able to always remain content. I can then appreciate and enjoy everything that comes my way, and do not expect anything both from situations and people. So the mind is free from waste thoughts and questions.

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Busy? Press The Stop Button!

To rise above the monotonous and busy existence we all require a regular dosage of newness to keep our hearts and minds fresh. How can we define newness? It is a change of thoughts, feelings, words, actions, circumstances – when all or some of these deviate from the normal or are new, they give us an experience of joy. On a physical level we go on a holiday or a picnic etc., all of these and many more such activities explained earlier in this message series, achieve the purpose mentioned above. We then get back to our daily routine of thoughts and actions, with more freshness, which makes the routine more interesting.

On a spiritual level, to become silent, to be still in the ocean of hectic, noisy action is a choice many people are now making. When this is achieved, this stillness acts on the mind like oxygen, giving the breath to both understand and enrich life. Of course, action is a necessity, an expression of ourselves through time, relationships and the roles we play. However, if we do not sometimes stop and take a breath of silence, then the mind begins to suffocate, thoughts speed like bullet trains and the brain feels as if it is in a pressure cooker.

Emotions erupt and react like volcanoes, eyes become dizzy with mountains of information and the head feels like a rollercoaster. This is stress. The mind needs to come up for air, to leave the jungle of pressure, deadlines and speed and slow down and find the point of silence within. Also a daily dose of new and different spiritual knowledge at the start of the day does the work of newness and helps us rise above the monotony. It rekindles our creative spirit. Newness in our thoughts then flows into our feelings, beliefs, attitudes, personalities or natures, perceptions, actions, interactions, relationships, etc. bringing newness in all of them and removing the stagnancy of the regular routine.Also feeding spiritual knowledge to the mind benefits silence or meditation immensely, because meditation, which is not just a process of reducing the mind to a nil stage but the creation of positive, constructive thoughts to take the mind to a positive experience of peace and bliss, can then become an interesting, new and creative exercise each time one practices it. Spiritual knowledge is the foundation of good meditation or silence.

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] Emotionallect Intellect [

Most minds are ‘monkey minds’ that dart every which way with things that really have little to do with inner growth. Nothing wrong with a little monkey mind, but life will be shallow if that’s most representative of your stay here on earth. We are all born in a sense with a tubula rasa mind or a mind before it receives the impressions gained from experience, less unconscious experiences inherited from parents lineage, or some would say from a past life.

Each is born with different brain capacities, all of which can be further influenced by the journey through life for abilities to cognize and develop input or not. WE are all better at some things than most everyone else. We live in a society at the moment that rewards what’s called ‘intelligence’ but is really intellect. Intellect is only a part of intelligence. Intelligent people can be bereft of intellect, and it’s achievements. Intellectual people rarely possess it’s compliment, ‘emotional evolvement’ that I call ‘emotionallect’. Together with aspects like ‘common sense’ they serve to form ‘intelligence’, which leads to ‘wisdom’.

Intellect is a ‘godsend’ that enables infinite contributions to the world. However, all love comes through relationships. The intellect may or not know that, but if unknowing, the ‘intellect person’ frequently becomes so attached to the seeming rewards from the intellect that the emotional side remains stuck in childhood and early teens at best. To be with mostly emotional aspects with little intellect or common sense is also a disaster. Bond with a skewed intellectual person and emptiness will follow whatever you are on the scale of intellect or emotional.

An overly emotional love with little common sense is a recipe for a standard up and down, hate/love battle ground. Balance and self love is the key to reducing the high odds of having to hide what you have from others. But once the ‘monkey mind’ is revealed through meditation — once we start being present with our thoughts as the observer of them — old thought patterns get broken and things begin to change in our lives.

With the balance of intellectual and emotional assets, you’ll give yourself and another the moon, the sun, the stars, and the forever presence of sensitivity and its blessing with warmth in and out of life’s challenges. Don’t be a hostage to your mind. The mind alone will fight meeting the heart. Let the heart love the mind and vise versa, with that be open to love another heart. Be open to dropping the intellect where love wants in. Just the two of these qualities you can build castles in the sky with the open mind and heart! Balance!

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@Gr@h@m@lkene™ wrote:

@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

The more you research,
the crazier you sound to
ignorant people.
Heart centered
The more you investigate, the more crazy you sound ignorant people

Well said! All that you need there is to tag a few people you’re directing towards.

Do u have names to suggest from ur end ?

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

@Magus @sparkles
@hese @parry
@prinkle .

Was this message directed to me or that ghost of DD u all think of ?

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@asoka wrote:

@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

@Magus @sparkles
@hese @parry
@prinkle .

Was this message directed to me or that *ghost of DD u all think of *?

Leave it bro, let ghost sleep.

Critic Critic
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What if the expanding circle encompasses plants too? What will we eat after that? Will there be laboratory developed capsules with all the energy and nutrients we need to be alive? Still, where will the raw materials come from? All this sounds funny. Our relationship with nature is symbiotic. We should be careful not to destroy the balance. That’s enough.

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Malaysia’s Islamic airline takes off _ with a prayer, halal meals, dress code for attendants

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — The short domestic flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s biggest city, begins with a recital of Prophet Muhammad’s supplication before his travel. The passengers — most of them Muslims — cup their hands, as a crew member murmurs a short prayer over the loudspeaker just before takeoff.

Malaysia’s Rayani Air took to the skies over the weekend with a clear bailiwick. It is the country’s first Islamic airline, offering flights that adhere to Islamic rules, including prayers, no serving of alcohol or meals with pork, and a strict dress code for Muslim female flight attendants.

The idea for Rayani Air grew out of much-publicized complaints by conservative Muslims who believed that two major air disasters for the national Malaysia Airlines — Flight 370 that went missing in March 2014 and Flight 17 downed a few months later over Ukraine — were caused by Allah’s wrath. Their solution: Airlines must adopt strict Islamic customs to avoid divine retribution.

The reaction to the disasters, and the creation of the airline that operated its inaugural flight on Sunday, is an example of rising hard-line Islamic values in Malaysia, where Muslims account for about 60 percent of the country’s 30 million people.

“We are answering the call of many Malaysians who wanted an Islamic airline,” Rayani’s managing director, Jaafar Zamhari, told The Associated Press. “We are not talking about being a holy airline or flying to holy destinations. We just want to provide an alternative to travelers, but we are open to all races and religions.”

Ironically, the people who answered the call of conservative Islam and started Rayani Air are Hindus, perhaps an indication that a business opportunity knows no religious boundary. The founders of the airline, which currently flies to three domestic destinations using two Boeing 737s, are Ravi Alagendrran and his wife, Karthiyani Govindan. They used parts of their first names for the airline’s name.

Alagendrran or his wife couldn’t be immediately reached for comments, but in remarks to local media, he had said that “anyone wishing to travel in a modest and alcohol-free environment will feel right at home.”

On a 55-minute flight Tuesday (delayed by two hours) from Kuala Lumpur to the northeastern city of Kota Baru, more than 100 passengers were greeted by Muslim female flight attendants wearing black headscarves, long pants and lime-green jackets. A prayer was recited before takeoff and passengers were served halal food, where animals are slaughtered according to Islamic procedures.

At least one passenger said she chose the airline because of its Islamic credentials.

“It’s quite important for me because first of all, I am a Muslim, and second, Malaysia is an Islamic country,” said Che Masnita Atikah, a 23-year-old student. “It’s quite important to have this kind of airline to represent Malaysia and its image as an Islamic country.”

Rayani Air is the fourth Islamic airline in the world after Royal Brunei Airlines, Saudi Arabian Airlines and Iran Air.

Jaafar said that male and female passengers are not segregated, and that there is no dress code for travelers.

“Even if they come in shorts, they are most welcome,” he said. “We respect the differences among us.”


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It’s Christmastime again in the Downriver and money is tight. As wonderful as the season is, you can sometimes feel the financial and emotional pressure in the air. If your heart has eyes for it you can see it.

Jim is one of our deacons. Jim and Bea needed gas one day last week. They were shopping gas prices, trying to save a few cents a gallon, when they saw a sad sight with the eyes of their hearts.

A young man was out in the cold on a bike. He had laid his bike down and he was digging though a trash can. At first they thought he was looking for cans but he must have been hungry. As they watched from the warmth of their car they saw him pick up a couple half-eaten sandwiches and unwrap them to see if they were edible.

Jim got out his wallet and Bea reached for her purse. Between them they came up with fourteen dollars cash. Jim took the money, got out of the car and walked over to the man on the bike. He said; “I’d like to buy those sandwiches from you. I’ll give you fourteen dollars for both of them.”

The man was grateful for the gift. Jim took a minute to talk with him, listen to his story, and give him the money and a little booklet explaining the gospel.

Like everyone else you know rich or poor, what the young man on the bike needed more than anything was the message in the little book, but it’s easier to hear the gospel when you don’t have to listen over the noise of an empty stomach.

Jim and Bea gave away more than they saved on their discount gas, but that winter evening they made an investment that will pay off in eternity.

It’s Christmastime again. See the world though the eyes of your heart.Ken Pierpont, Riverview, Michigan

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A man’s heart plans his course, but The Lord directs his steps.

We see, here, that man plans what he wants to do, but God decides whether it will happen or not. the rich fool was so selfish and would not do God’s will with the abundance he had. He even tore his barns down and made greater barns to hold all his goods, but we will see what happened in Luke 12:20. "But God said unto him, [Thou] fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?" It all comes down to this, our sovereign God overrules the plans of men to fulfill His purposes.
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Acid Attack Survivor Becomes Face Of Fashion Brand In India
by Paulina Tikunova

There are approximately 1,000 acid attacks in India every year. Laxmi, who goes by her first name, was attacked by a scorned suitor when she was just 15. Now 26, she has become an advocate for women affected by acid attacks, and this year will model for an Indian clothing label for their ‘Face of Courage’ campaign.
“This opportunity to represent an apparel brand was a platform for me to set an example for women like me to be confident and have courage despite their physical appearances, Laxmi told the BBC. “This was also a platform for me to send a clear message to criminals that women will not lose courage even after they are attacked with acid to destroy their physical beauty.”
More info: (h/t: bbc, mashable)
“People victimise acid attack survivors, but I think we need to come out of this mindset”
Laxmi was attacked with acid when she was 15 for not wanting to marry a man 17 years her senior
Now 26, this year she will model for an Indian clothing label in their ‘Face of Courage’ campaign
“The whole idea was to challenge the widespread judgement of women on the basis of their beauty,” Rastogi of Viva N Diva said
“I began showing my face gradually. Then other survivors saw that if I could do it, why couldn’t they?” explains Laxmi
“This opportunity to represent an apparel brand was a platform for me to set an example for women like me…”
“…to be confident and have courage despite their physical appearances”
“This was also a platform for me to send a clear message to criminals…”
“…that women will not lose courage even after they are attacked with acid to destroy their physical beauty”


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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:


Acid Attack Survivor Becomes Face Of Fashion Brand In India
by Paulina Tikunova

There are approximately 1,000 acid attacks in India every year. Laxmi, who goes by her first name, was attacked by a scorned suitor when she was just 15. Now 26, she has become an advocate for women affected by acid attacks, and this year will model for an Indian clothing label for their ‘Face of Courage’ campaign.
“This opportunity to represent an apparel brand was a platform for me to set an example for women like me to be confident and have courage despite their physical appearances, Laxmi told the BBC. “This was also a platform for me to send a clear message to criminals that women will not lose courage even after they are attacked with acid to destroy their physical beauty.”
More info: (h/t: bbc, mashable)
“People victimise acid attack survivors, but I think we need to come out of this mindset”
Laxmi was attacked with acid when she was 15 for not wanting to marry a man 17 years her senior
Now 26, this year she will model for an Indian clothing label in their ‘Face of Courage’ campaign
“The whole idea was to challenge the widespread judgement of women on the basis of their beauty,” Rastogi of Viva N Diva said
“I began showing my face gradually. Then other survivors saw that if I could do it, why couldn’t they?” explains Laxmi
“This opportunity to represent an apparel brand was a platform for me to set an example for women like me…”
“…to be confident and have courage despite their physical appearances”
“This was also a platform for me to send a clear message to criminals…”
“…that women will not lose courage even after they are attacked with acid to destroy their physical beauty”



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12 of the Most Inspirational Commencement Speeches of All Time
The best commencement speeches that will not only inspire you but will motivate you when you need it most.

Now and then we all need something to pick us up when we’re feeling down, to give us clarity when we’re confused, to inspire us when we don’t feel motivated.

These lines, excerpted from a dozen of the best commencement speeches in recent years, can help.

1. President Barack Obama, Rutgers University
“So don’t lose hope if sometimes you hit a roadblock. Don’t lose hope in the face of naysayers. And certainly don’t let resistance make you cynical. Cynicism is so easy, and cynics don’t accomplish much. As a friend of mine who happens to be from New Jersey, a guy named Bruce Springsteen, once sang, ‘They spend their lives waiting for a moment that just don’t come.’ Don’t let that be you. Don’t waste your time waiting.”

2. Sheryl Sandberg, The University of California, Berkley
“It is the greatest irony of my life that losing my husband helped me find deeper gratitude-gratitude for the kindness of my friends, the love of my family, the laughter of my children. My hope for you is that you can find that gratitude-not just on the good days, like today, but on the hard ones, when you will really need it.”

3. Michelle Obama, Eastern Kentucky University
“If you’re a Democrat, spend some time talking to a Republican. And if you’re a Republican, have a chat with a Democrat. Maybe you’ll find some common ground, maybe you won’t. But if you honestly engage with an open mind and an open heart, I guarantee you’ll learn something. And goodness knows we need more of that, because we know what happens when we only talk to people who think like we do-we just get more stuck in our ways, more divided, and it gets harder to come together for a common purpose.”

4. Mindy Kaling, Harvard University
“I’m supposed to give you advice and I thought, ‘What advice could I give you guys?’ … So then I was thinking, ‘Well then, who should be giving advice?’ The answer is people like you. You’re better educated and you’re going to go out there in the world and people are going to listen to what you say … I look at all of you and see America’s future … Understand that one day you will have the power to make a difference, so use it well.”

5. Shonda Rhimes, Dartmouth
“Dreams are lovely. But they are just dreams. Fleeting, ephemeral, pretty. But dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It’s hard work that makes things happen. It’s hard work that creates change….Maybe you know exactly what it is you dream of being, or maybe you’re paralyzed because you have no idea what your passion is. The truth is, it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to know. You just have to keep moving forward. You just have to keep doing something, seizing the next opportunity, staying open to trying something new. It doesn’t have to fit your vision of the perfect job or the perfect life. Perfect is boring and dreams are not real. Just … do.”

6. Denzel Washington, Dillard University
“In this text, tweet, twerk world that you’ve grown up in, remember that just because you’re doing a lot more, doesn’t mean you’re getting a lot more done.”

7. Jim Carrey, Maharishi University of Management,
“Fear is going to be a player in your life, but you get to decide how much. You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about your pathway to the future, but all there will ever be is what’s happening here, and the decisions we make in this moment, which are based in either love or fear.”

8. Bo Jackson, Auburn University
“I have a plaque in my kitchen that says: ‘If you don’t think you can, you can’t. You’ve already failed.’ Step outside of that box. You may have to step outside that box a couple times. But you know something? In the long run, you will reap the benefits of stepping outside that box.”

9. David Brooks, Darmouth College
“You have to give to receive. You have to surrender to something outside yourself to gain strength within yourself. You have to conquer your desire to get what you crave. Success leads to the greatest failure, which is arrogance and pride. Failure can lead to the greatest success, which is humility and learning. In order to fulfill yourself, you have to forget yourself. In order to find yourself, you have to lose yourself.”

10. Matthew McConaughey, University of Houston
Don’t choose anything that will jeopardize your soul. Prioritize who you are, who you want to be, and don’t spend time with anything that antagonizes your character. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid! It tastes sweet today but it will give you cavities tomorrow."

11. Robert De Niro, New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts
“There will be times when your best isn’t good enough. There can be many reasons for this, but as long as you give your best you’ll be OK.”

12. Steve Jobs, Stanford University
“Sometimes life hits you on the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going [after being fired from Apple] was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”

Commencement means a beginning, a start, to launch- when you need something to motivate you or inspire you, allow these words to energize and empower you.

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