Order And Rhythm: Being In Sync With Yourself And With The Outside

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Order And Rhythm: Being In Sync With Yourself And With The Outside

Nature is cyclical; it has order and rhythm with the weather, seasons, time, the calm after a storm, or disruption. With the way that nature grows, everything is in a never-ending circular motion, and you need things to happen for the circle of life to continue.

As already mentioned, we have various biological rhythms that need to occur in the way they do for our bodies to work in an orderly manner—e.g. cardiac rhythms, sleep-and-wake rhythms, menstrual cycles, cell regeneration, digestion, respiration.

We don’t tend to think of these rhythms that occur naturally every day. We just get on with our lives until a rhythm is out of sync and we are ill. We seek medical attention, and the rhythm is restored.

Matthew Kelly has a book called The Rhythm of Life: Living Every Day with Passion and Purpose. He deals with the issues we have of trying to make more time in a day to do the things we’d like to in order to make us happier, healthier, more fulfilled, a better person, more effective, etc.

Usually in life, there are obligations and priorities that we need to fulfill as part of running a family or having a career. Kelly points out that everything in life is a choice. We have the power to live the life we want to, so it’s up to us to make that happen.

For Kelly, the perfect rhythm of life is one that is full of rest, activity, and pace, which enable us to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. A lot for Kelly is about conditioning and control, imposing a rhythm and order on life.

Kelly promotes good eating, sleeping, exercise, and prayer habits built into a day, with time for weekly reflection. These Back- to-Basic Principles here in this book will help you realize what the six key principles to living your life are.

The famous Marxist sociologist and philosopher Henri Lefebvre wrote a collection of essays called Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life. In his book, Lefebvre looked at urban environments, the rhythms within them, and the effect these had on people’s lives.

For Lefebvre, rhythm is something that is repeated and can be measured either in a cycle or a linear rhythm. A cyclical rhythm for Lefebvre would be one like we’ve already mentioned, such as night into day, then day into night. A linear rhythm could be the flow of information from a television set. There are rhythms on TV and radio, for example with the news being broadcast at certain times during the day and night.

There is a quote by Thomas Merton, an American Catholic writer and mystic (he was also a Trappist monk) from the ‘Being and Doing’ chapter, in the book, No Man Is an Island (1955):

We cannot be happy if we expect to live all the time at the highest peak of intensity. Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony.

Music is pleasing not only because of the sound but because of the silence that is in it: without the alternation of sound and silence there would be no rhythm.

This is an interesting quotation, beautifully written, explaining the nature of rhythm and order in creating a balanced life, a life which has natural pauses at times too, whether this is a pause to rest or a pause to sleep or a pause to reflect; these are just as important in life. Merton believed very much that all lives were interconnected.

People talk about ‘finding their own rhythm in life’, and this is definitely something we’ll touch on in the later chapters. With music, rhythm obviously refers to the beat or tempo; with regards to life, rhythms in life relate more to the flow of life. Some people will seem to have more energy than others while others are slow, steady, and methodical; you have to find what is right for you.

Finding a beat, something that spurs you on and motivates you, can be a useful technique. Use all the tools that you have available to you. Is what you’re attempting to do in tune and in harmony with what you’re attempting to do? Or are you doing anything that is discordant and not helping with the natural flow of music within you? Tapping into your internal rhythm is not easy, but the Back to Basics book will help you to do just that.

This post is an extract from the book, Back To Basics – Transforming Life by Murali Nandula & Anuja Surve, that brings together many excellent self-help elements, including analysis, introspection and superb conceptual connections to help you begin your personal journey of transformation.

The book is available online in multiple stores, including Amazon, Google Play and Flipkart.

Written by

Nandula Murali Krishna

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Your inner adventure never ends !

@vishusgh @mahidada @srocks @Magus

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Don’t Focus So Much on Success You Never See Your Friends and Family


When taking on the difficult task of being an entrepreneur, many busy individuals start making less and less time for their personal lives. Whether they stop working out as much or stop paying as much attention to their hobbies, when work demands grow, personal obligations seem to fall by the wayside. While no person will ever achieve the “perfect” work life balance, it is important that all entrepreneurs remember the importance of friends, family and loved ones in their life. While spending time with these individual may often fall second to the demands of the job, their presence does a lot to help an entrepreneur thrive.

Unfortunately, there are so many entrepreneurs spending most of their time focusing on products, profits and on the latest actions of their competitors. Getting so caught up in all of the dollars and cents of running a business causes many to forget some parts of their humanity. Entrepreneurs who want to do everything on their own often unknowingly shut out others.

Related: How CEOs Can Prevent the Scourge of Isolation

The important thing to remember is that we are all human. Not even the most skilled entrepreneur can do everything on his or her own. We all need the support of others to succeed. This is particularly important for entrepreneurs because they, unfortunately, face failure much more than the average person working a job. Owning a business often means failing much more than succeeding. If and when you do fail, it will be your friends and family who will support you, keep you on track and help you pick yourself back up again. So while you may not think about it, your friends and family are extremely important to your overall success as an entrepreneur.

Related: These 7 Tips Helped Me Avoid Solopreneur Isolation

While it can be tempting, don’t be a loner. Do not forget about the important people in your life. Don’t be so obsessed with work and your company that you have no real life to speak of. While you may think that pouring every spare second into your company will fulfill you, you are still abandoning a very important part of your needs as a person and you are abandoning the friends, family and loved ones that matter most.

This can be a hard pill for some entrepreneurs to swallow, but it is an important piece of advice to consider. It is easy to say you will spend more time with your loved ones but it is even more difficult to follow through with these actions, especially if you are running a startup in today’s highly competitive market.

For the many entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs who are struggling to make time for their friends and loved ones it is important to remember this: when you do achieve success and you have spent 100% of your time working to achieve that success and money, who will you share your success with?

If you want to be the best entrepreneur possible, then you need to make sure to be thankful for your family. Remember to keep friends, family and loved ones close throughout the entire process, whether you are just getting started, facing a difficult downturn with your company or just looking for someone to share the fruits of your labor with. Having individuals that care about you surrounding you during the difficult endeavor of being an entrepreneur will make all of the work seem worth it.

So remember, next time you are tempted to blow off friends and family to spend another evening inside alone, working, think about whether or not it is really worth it in the end. It will help you keep everything in perspective. It is good for your relationships, it is good for your family and it is good for your mind and your soul.

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A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word.

An earlier discussion had led to an argument and
neither of them wanted to concede their position.

As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats, and pigs,
the husband asked sarcastically, ‘Relatives of yours?’

‘Yep,’ the wife replied , ‘in-laws’’

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7 Tips for Achieving Work/Life Balance
by Harvey Deutschendorf

According to a recent study published by the American Sociological Review, 70 percent of American workers struggle with finding a work-life system that works for them. For many in the workforce, achieving any type of work-life balance, can seem like a myth that is unachievable. Not only are we working more hours than we have in the past, but technology results in us being accessible around the clock. Time free from workplace obligations seems to becoming ever more elusive. Despite these realities, there are those that have managed to have carved out satisfying and meaningful lives outside of their work. Here are some of the tools they practice:

Making deliberate choices about what they want in life

Instead of just letting life happen, people who achieve work-life balance make deliberate choices about what they want from life and how they want to spend their time. They talk to their partners, spouses and others who are important in their lives and come up with a road map of what is important to them, how they want to spend their time and commit to following their path.

Regularly communicate about what is working and what is not

Work-life balance going off the rails is usually a result of letting things slide as opposed to any kind of intentional choice. People who are good at staying on track make a conscious choice to continually talk to the important people in their lives about what is working or not and make decisions to change direction if needed. While life happens and situations change, they avoid ending up in a place they didn’t want to be due to drifting along.

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Set aside time for family, friends and important interests

People who have managed to carve out a work-life balance that works for them don’t just wait to see what time is left over after work. They make a point of preplanning and booking time off to spend outside of work and powerfully guard this time. While emergencies happen and situations come up that need their attention at work on occasion, they strongly resist any intrusion on this time.

Set their own parameters around success

People who manage work-life balance have developed a strong sense of who they are, their values and what is important to them. Using this as a guideline for everything they do helps them determine what success means to them. They know what makes them happy and strive to get more of that in their lives. While their time may be seen by others as being skewed towards either work or life, it is what they consider balanced that works for them.

Turn off distractions

People who maintain balance are able to turn off their electronic devices to enjoy quality uninterrupted time doing matters they enjoy. They realize that multi-tasking is a myth and focus on the task at hand. Having developed the ability to compartmentalize their time, they seek out moments to simply enjoy the experience and savor life. Often they have discovered meditation, music, physical activity or some other interest that allows them to get away from the pressures of everyday life, relax, rejuvenate and regenerate themselves.

Have a life plan and goals aligned with pursuing their passion

Many people go through life and get caught up in situations and circumstances that end up controlling them. Those that achieve balance have a defined plan around time frames and are willing to make some sacrifices to get what they want in the end. For example, many entrepreneurs typically plan to spend a substantial amount of time in the early part of their businesses. Those that achieve balance down the road see this as a sacrifice that will allow them to spend extra time and energy in other areas they are passionate about once the business is established.

Develop a strong support network

People who have achieved good balance have a strong support network they can depend upon to help them get through difficult times. They are givers who typically extend themselves to help out in their family circles and communities. They tend to have a variety of interests and are always open to new learning and possibilities. They are curious, open and want to experience life to the fullest.

Read more at http://www.business2community.com/human-resourc...

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@JonSnow @vishusgh

Welcome cup of Tea

A group of 15 soldiers led by a Major were on their way to the post in Himalayas where they would be deployed for the next 3 months.

The batch who would be relieved waited anxiously.

It was cold winter intermittent snowfall made the treacherous climb more difficult.

If someone could offer a cup of tea. .
the Major thought, knowing it was a futile wish..

They continued for an hour before they came across a dilapidated structure, which looked like a tea shop but locked. It was late in the night.

“No tea boys, bad luck”, said the Major. But he suggested all take some rest there as they have been walking for 3 hours.

“Sir, this is a tea shop and we can make tea… We will have to break the lock”, suggested one soldier.

The officer was in great dilemma to the unethical suggestion but the thought of a steaming cup of tea for the tired solders made him to give the permission.

They were in luck, the place had everything needed to make tea and also packets of biscuits.

The solders had tea biscuits and were ready for the remaining journey.

The major thought, they had broken open lock and had tea biscuits without the permission of the owner. They’re not a band of thieves but disciplined soldiers.

He took out a Rs1000/- note from his wallet, placed it on the counter, pressed under sugar container, so that the owner can see.

The officer was now relieved of his guilt.

He ordered to put the shutter down and proceed.

Three months passed, they continued to do gallantly in their works and were lucky not to loose anyone from the group in the intense insurgency situation.

It was time for another team to replace them.

Soon they were on their way back and stopped at the same tea shop which was open and owner was present in the shop.

The owner an old man with meager resources was very happy to greet 15 customers.

All of them had tea and biscuits.

They talked to the old man about his life and experience specially selling tea at such a remote place.

The old man had many stories to tell, replete with his faith in God.

“Oh, Baba, if God is there, why should He keep you in such poverty ?”, commented one of them.

“Do not say like that Sahib ! God actually is there, I got a proof.

3 months ago."
“I was going through very tough times because my only son had been severely beaten by terrorist who wanted some information from him which he did not have.

I had closed my shop to take my son to hospital. Some medicines were to be purchased and I had no money.

No one would give
me loan for fear of the terrorists.

There was no hope, Sahib".

“And that day Sahib, I prayed to God for help. And Sahib, God walked into my shop that day.”
“When I returned to my shop, I found lock broken,

I felt I was finished,

I lost whatever little I had.
then I saw that God had left Rs 1000/= under the sugar pot.

I can’t tell you Sahib what that money was worth that day.

God exists Sahib. He does."

The faith in his eyes were unflinching.

Fifteen pairs of eyes met the eyes of the officer and read the order in his eyes clear and unambiguous, “Keep quiet”.

The officer got up and paid the bill.

He hugged the old man and said, "Yes Baba, I know God does exist.

And yes,

the tea was wonderful."

The 15 pairs of eyes did not miss to notice the moisture building up in the eyes of their officer, a rare sight.

The truth is

YOU” can be God to anyone.

(shared by a soldier …a true story in Kupwara Sector)

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John C. Maxwell
John C. Maxwell
Leadership Expert | Trainer of 6 Million Leaders | Certification Program For Coaches, Teachers, Speakers & Professionals

Don’t Manage Your Time; Manage Your Life!

Here’s an important announcement: There is no such thing as time management.

Think about it; the term is an oxymoron. Time cannot be managed. It cannot be controlled in any way. Everyone gets the same number of hours and minutes every day. Nobody—no matter how shrewd—can save minutes from one day to spend on another. No scientist—no matter how smart—is capable of creating new minutes.

Even with all his wealth, someone like Bill Gates can’t buy additional hours for his day. And even though people talk about trying to “find time,” they need to quit looking. There isn’t any extra lying around. Twenty-four hours is the best any of us is going to get. You can’t manage your time. So what can you do? Manage yourself!

Nothing separates successful people from unsuccessful people more than how they use their time. Successful people understand that time is the most precious commodity on earth. And that we all have an equal amount, packed into identical suitcases. So even though everyone’s suitcase is the same size, they get a higher return on the contents of theirs. Why? They know what to pack.

Essayist Henry David Thoreau wrote, “It is not enough to be busy…. The question is, ‘What are we busy about?’” How do you judge whether something is worthy of your time and attention? For years I used this formula to help me know the importance of a task so that I can manage myself effectively. It’s a three step process:

One: Rate the task in terms of Importance

Critical = 5 points

Necessary = 4 points

Important = 3 points

Helpful = 2 points

Marginal = 1 point

Two: Determine the task’s Urgency

This month = 5 points

Next month = 4 points

This quarter = 3 points

Next quarter = 2 points

End of year = 1 point

Three: Multiply the rate of Importance times the rate of Urgency

Example: 5 (critical) x 4 (next month) = 20.

After assigning each task a new number, make a new to-do list. This time, list everything from highest to lowest task management score. That’s how you plan your day. How you spend your time is an important question not only for you, but also for your team. People tend to take their cues from the leader when it comes to time management—so make sure there’s a match between your actions, your business priorities, and your team’s activities.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Written by

John C. Maxwell
Leadership Expert | Trainer of 6 Million Leaders | Certification Program For Coaches, Teachers, Speakers & Professionals
@JonSnow @Achilles

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