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⚫ this voucher code is for one-time use only
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• this voucher expires on 30th September, 2024
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game rules
• a member can participate in this reward to
try and win a voucher for 300 less on hand
cream from Asaya
• you can participate in this reward by
redeeming 3000 coins before 29th September,
the total number of winners for this
are 50,000
Amazon selling at - 319rs
Flipkart selling at - 236rs
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have got couple of these creams for free, do buy if you want average product according to me. If you see ratings on any website than those are totally fake.
Now a days fake rating is provided by company 😄
Available in many cashback websites at 94% cb in combo. I ordered. Not worth the money.
Asaya products available at almost 100% cashback nowadays, bought sunscreen gel, spray and shower oil etc