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Shop for Rs. 399+ and get Strawberry at Rs. 39.
Offer valid from 17th December - 25th December 2024.
Offer valid once per user during the offer period.
Offer applicable on website, App & M-site.
Cannot be clubbed with any other offer.
bigbasket can terminate the offer without prior notice.
bigbasket has the right to cancel orders if found to be of fraudulent nature.
bigbasket reserves the right to change / modify / add/ delete any of the terms and conditions of the offer at any time without any notice.
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Not on my account, only 1 kg onion+potato free on 399 fresho egg, fish, meat.
Update - Offer valid from 17th December - 31st December 2024.
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No need to buy for 399. Offer item will not add to cart automatically..
Just add this Fresho Strawberry to cart.. Price will be around 150..
Now add items for remaining price of around 250 (399-price of strawberry)
Then Strawberry Price will change to 39
@deals_greed @MrCritic