When you will try to pay on cred payment page it says upto 200 cashback
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User Specific Offer ..
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Try At Your Own Risk
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Not for me
Unused or new account try bro
Anyone got cb?
This banner only comes when the order value is less than 200rs and when order value is raised to 200rs, then the offer changes to upto 200rs. A bug or a scam ran by Meesho 🙂
Just a banner mistake I guess.
See this deal
It was also not worked as this was a bug
Confusing offer
stopped using cred
Not great offers from cred
I see only cred and Gpay allows to pay outstanding CC amount. It that correct? That's why I am still using CRED. Amazon always says 'bill not generated' when try to pay cc bill. Please suggest any other app to pay CC bill with useful rewards
It's a scam nothing else. Another scam from messho if you catch a good deal then cancellation confirm after the delivery date.
Does anyone feel that Meesho itself is a scam website?
It's a scam
When you will try to pay on cred payment page it says upto 200 cashback
This banner only comes when the order value is less than 200rs and when order value is raised to 200rs, then the offer changes to upto 200rs. A bug or a scam ran by Meesho 🙂