Details Expires on January 25, 2025
Flat 60% off is only valid on Tees by Fastrack sunglasses.
Voucher valid only on Fastrack Eyewear Web and App, not in the Fastrack Eyewear stores / marketplaces/Titan Eye+ stores.
No minimum spend. No capping on the discount. This offer is only valid on Tees by Fastrack.
This offer is valid for all users.
How redeem
Click on Redeem Now. Add product(s) to the cart.
Click on the Cart page.
Add the GPay Voucher code to apply the offer.
Continue and place the order.
Terms & conditions
Fastrack Eyewear provides 7 days return.
This offer cannot be combined with any other offers on the Website/App.
For cancellation & shipping related policy please visit our website.
Other Google Pay Vouchers General Terms & conditions apply