IDFC First Bank Mall Offers
Get 10% Cashback
Offer Details:
Get 10% cashback up to Rs. 3,000 on minimum spends worth Rs. 7,500 or greater at participating merchant stores at select Malls during the offer period
The total spends will be clubbed to calculate cumulative spends for shopping done across any or all participating merchant stores
There is no minimum transaction value for any purchase transaction. To qualify for the offer, the customer will need to do single/multiple purchase/s for cumulative spends of Rs. 7500 or greater at participating merchant stores
Purchase transactions done at participating merchant stores (only) during the offer period will qualify for the offer
Purchase transactions done using the same card including Add on card (if any) issued to the customer will qualify for the offer. Purchases done using multiple cards issued to the customer will not be combined to calculate cumulative spends value. Separate cashback for each card will be provided to the customer provided minimum spends worth Rs. 7500 or greater are done using the card at participating merchant stores during the offer period. However, please note Maximum cumulative cashback per customer/card account (including Add on Card/Other IDFC FIRST Credit Cards issued to the customer) is Rs 3000 for this offer.
No two offers can be clubbed together. This offer cannot be clubbed with any other offer or promotion that a customer might have received from the Merchant or IDFC FIRST Bank
Offer is Valid at participating Retail stores – not applicable at Spas, Jewellery stores & any specific brands or outlet where IDFC FIRST Bank is running an independent offer.
Cashback shall be credited to active card account of eligible customers within 90 days of the offer end date
All Customer Queries/dispute on the offer should be raised during the offer period or within 90 days after expiry of the offer or promotion period. In case of any query/dispute, the customer will be required to submit the copy of the original bill and Charge slip copy . No query/dispute will be resolved without the same.
Cashback Offer will not apply for returns/refunded (partial or full) /cancelled transactions or any transaction which could not be completed due to technical or other reasons
List of Participating Malls for the Offer:
Mall name
Nexus Seawoods Mall
Navi Mumbai
Nexus Westend Mall
Nexus Koramangala Mall
Nexus Hyderabad Mall
Nexus Esplanade Mall
Axis Mall
Avani Mall
VR Mall
List of Stores
Click here to see the list of participating stores for the offer
List of Stores in Malls:
Click here to see the list of participating stores for Nexus Seawoods Mall
Click here to see the list of participating stores for Nexus Westend Mall
Click here to see the list of participating stores for Nexus Kormangala Mall
Click here to see the list of participating stores for Nexus Espalande Mall
Click here to see the list of participating stores for AXIS Mall
Click here to see the list of participating stores for Avani Mall
Click here to see the list of participating stores for VR Mall
Validity - Jan 11, 2025
Terms & conditions
About IDFC First Bank Mall Offers
IDFC First Bank Mall Offers
© 2025 PerksHub
Expiring In
14 days
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