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Get Flat ₹50 cashback on Movie Tickets of minimum ₹250  ( User Specific )

Get Flat ₹50 cashback on Movie Tickets of minimum ₹250  ( User Specific )

20% OFF 250.0
Get Flat ₹50 cashback on Movie Tickets of minimum ₹250  ( User Specific )

Follow the steps below to redeem the reward:
1. Once the reward is collected, make a payment at Movie ticket between 29-Nov-2024 12:00:00 AM to 06-Jan-2025 11:59:59 PM of min. value ₹250.
2. Reward is applicable on Movie Bookings
3. This offer can't be clubbed with any other & is valid 1 time(s) per user
4. The cashback will be credited as Amazon Pay balance within 24 hours. You'll receive an email and SMS for the cashback. Alteratively, you can also check your cashback at: www.amazon...vs
5. Make the payment through eligible payment method using Amazon app at the store
3 Dimers
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Post Mogul Post Mogul
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do Any transaction you get Coupon in rewards

1. Once the reward is collected, make a payment at Movie ticket between 29-Nov- 2024 12:00:00 AM to 06-Jan-2025 11:59:59 PM of min. value ₹250.

2. Reward is applicable on Movie Bookings

3. This offer can't be clubbed with any other & is valid 1 time(s) per user

User specific
Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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This offer has already been posted by someone else. If you post it again, it will be considered a repost, and the admin will merge it with the original post. To avoid this, refrain from posting deals or offers that are already shared. Always search for important keywords before submitting a post.

Post Mogul Post Mogul
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Now I have changed will it not merges now

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