Get flat ₹50 cashback on your first 2 transactions using RuPay credit card on UPI ( User Specific ) Offer Eligibility
* User will get assured ₹100 cashback on completing 2 eligible transactions
* User will get flat ₹50 cashback on each of the 2 transactions
* To avail offer, Scan any QR or Pay online using a linked RuPay credit card on UPI on Paytm
* Minimum transaction amount should be ₹200
* This offer is applicable only once per user
* Only 1 transaction per day is eligible for this offer
* To link your card - Click Here
* Users require a RuPay credit card linked to Paytm UPI with a valid UPI Pin to avail this offer
* To set UPI Pin for your linked card - Click Here
* Offer needs to be activated by the user before the 1st transaction
Offer Duration
This offer is valid for 30 days from date of offer activation
* Scratchcard containing Cashback will be received within 24 hours of completing the transaction
* Users can locate their scratch cards in Cashback & Offers section
* All scratchcards Issued from this offer will be valid for 7 days
* Cashback will be credited in your bank account linked with Paytm UPI within 24 hours
* In case of any query, users can reach out to the Help and Support Section on the app
* Paytm reserves its absolute right to withdraw and/ or alter any terms and conditions of the offer at any time without prior notice
paytm will change it to 400 or something after few min like everytime shit app