Got instant cashback !
Add ₹10,000 to your Mobikwik wallet via UPI using promo code GET100OFF for a ₹100 discount.
**Valid once per user.
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- Mobikwik Wallet
keep getting “Don’t worry, money has not been deducted. Please try again.” any solution?
Hdfc bank facing issue
Added 10k , cash back not yet received😞
Same not yet credited but coupon applied
keep getting “Don’t worry, money has not been deducted. Please try again.” any solution?
Hey, how did you resolve this?
VU got one time on CC pay & 1 time on wallet add
OVER: Now the error shown as "Coupon is no longer valid."
savings account works?
They're withholding this ₹100 cashback for add money for those who used the CC bill trick multiple times. I looted 6 times for CC so I just loaded to wallet and transferred back to bank. No cashback on this one
It says oupon code no longer valid
Now over
Mobikwik rules! They are underrated as hell.
Offers don't even last a single complete day nowadays
i dont trust them
they are the real life daku
Maybe active again for those who haven't used it earlier
old deal was expired....
Loot those who missed
already have comment
Can i transfer bakc to bank account?
yes for free
Earned 100rs this time
Added thanks
I can't activate upi account
Can't link bank account to upi
Worked today Vu Kg
Got today, could apply the coupon again today since yesterday didn't get even after applying coupon
Anybody can provide the offer screenshot with t & c
Today got instant
Oh didn't know wallet UPI can transfer to personal QR or UPI ID too
Yes I transferred 10100 back to my account successfully.
Today I got 300 while paying CC and 100 from wallet load
Total 10400.
OVER: Now the error shown as "Coupon is no longer valid."