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Offer Details:
Get assured cashback between ₹20 to ₹200 on transactions above ₹300.
Valid on BookMyShow payments using RuPay credit card on Paytm UPI.
Offer is valid until January 11, 2025, 23:59 hours.
Applicable for select Paytm customers.
Minimum transaction value: ₹300.
Link your bank account on Paytm to avail of this offer (if not already done).
Offer can be availed only once per user during the campaign period.
Cashback will be credited within 24 hours of the transaction.
Terms & Conditions:
Offer can be found in the "Cashback & Offers" section of Paytm.
Paytm reserves the right to modify or withdraw the offer anytime without prior notice.
Get assured cashback between ₹20 to ₹200 on transactions above ₹300.
Valid on BookMyShow payments using RuPay credit card on Paytm UPI.
Offer is valid until January 11, 2025, 23:59 hours.
Applicable for select Paytm customers.
Minimum transaction value: ₹300.
Link your bank account on Paytm to avail of this offer (if not already done).
Offer can be availed only once per user during the campaign period.
Cashback will be credited within 24 hours of the transaction.
Terms & Conditions:
Offer can be found in the "Cashback & Offers" section of Paytm.
Paytm reserves the right to modify or withdraw the offer anytime without prior notice.
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upto 😂