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Moments that Cliq Sale on Tata Neu - Insane saving using NeuCard on Tata Neu on clothes and shoes

58% OFF 6898.0
  • 194
  • 1
Deal Newbie
Coupon Code : MTC10

I bought two tshirts on Tata Neu via Tata Cliq using my Tata Neu Card. The savings are insane:

  1. MRP - 6898
  2. Discount - This is two parts. One was normal discount on MRP. I also got 10% off using a coupon code MTC10
  3. Coupon - Got flat 10% off using my HDFC Tata Neucard
  4. In addition to above, I will earn 10% Neucoins since I used my Tata Neucard


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