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PharmEasy Spin the wheel and win assured rewards

PharmEasy Spin the wheel and win assured rewards

Dimer of The Year 2020

Spin the wheel and win assured rewards
Play Spin the wheel to get special discounts and exciting rewards
Only users who have played the spin the wheel game will be eligible to receive one of the mentioned rewards
Users can play spin the wheel only once during the campaign period.
How do you get it?
Log into PharmEasy app or website.
Check out our T&C page to read all the information.
Play Spin the Wheel contest
Place your first medicine order using the code you won in Spin the Wheel contest.
Use the code you won while placing the medicine order
After the coupon code is applied, please proceed to complete the order process.
Once the order is screened by our order processing team and if it passes all the eligibility criteria, the entry will be automatically eligible for the offer.
You will receive the prize/voucher after 7 days of order being delivered.
Conditions in case of cancellation
In case the order is canceled or rejected the participation will be disqualified.
The user will not be eligible for prizes if the order is canceled, returned or partial return.
Other terms and condition
This offer is applicable only on healthcare order on PharmEasy.
User entry will be submitted only when the order is fulfilled
This offer is not applicable on diagnostics orders.
This offer/prizes is not transferable.
PharmEasy has the right to amend the terms & conditions, end the offer, or call back any or all of its offers without prior notice.
If the user places two orders then the first entry will automatically be qualified as the official entry for the offer.
PharmEasy reserves the right to award offers and related benefits as per internal policy.
The offer is valid in the territory of India.
Any offer related queries should be raised within 7 days post a successful transaction.
PharmEasy reserves the right to take the final decision on the interpretation of these terms & conditions and also reserves the right to resolve the same as per the Terms.
Products available on Spin the Weel:
1. Maate: https://pharmeasy.in/health-wellness/products/O...
2. Chicco: https://pharmeasy.in/health-wellness/products/O...
3. Luvlap: https://pharmeasy.in/health-wellness/products/O...
4. Nestle: https://pharmeasy.in/health-wellness/products/O...
5. Tiffy Toffee: https://pharmeasy.in/health-wellness/products/O...
6. Sebamed: https://pharmeasy.in/health-wellness/products/O...

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