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RCC Exclusive Birthday Gift Event Spin and Win

RCC Exclusive Birthday Gift Event Spin and Win

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Rules & Prizes

1. RCC members who have completed their birthday information can claim their respective birthday presents once a year.

2.Each account can participate in the
 Jackpot activity once a year during the month of the user's birthday.

3.Every year you will get one chance to participate the Jackpot where you can get a chance to win
 100 RedCoins/ 200RedCoins/ 500 RedCoins/ Free OnePlus Watch 2R/ Free OnePlus Power of Community Duffel Bag Silver Gray / OnePlus Brand Collectible Toy in the form of a redeemable coupon on oneplus.in / OnePlus Store App.

Elite and Maestro RCC members have one more chance to play Jackpot every year. Therefore, they have two chances to receive prizes during their birthday month each year.

5.Claimed Time:the month of the filled-in birthday. For example, if the filled-in birthday is December 20th, then it can be claimed from December 1st to December 31st.

6.The specific prizes are subject to the content displayed on the monthly birthday event page.

Rules & Prizes
Prize list
OnePlus Watch 2R
OnePlus Brand Collectible toy
OnePlus Power of Community Duffel Bag
6 Dimers
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Free Gifts For Birthday People relieved😍

Link smile https://www.oneplus.in/rcc/birthda...ft

Fill up the Birthday Date and Spin it and Win Some Great Merchandise and Free Red Coins

You have to Update Your Birthday Month First smile https://accounts.oneplus.com/v2/profile/user_in...

December Birthday People will Get Spin in December Month and January People in January and So on

Try IMG20241207082123994
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Mera birthday hai mujhe oneplus ki mobile chahiye

Analyst Analyst
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 90% dimers birth month *is* December and birthday is today if no proof is required 

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. @admin Repost,

RCC Exclusive Birthday Gift Event Spin and Win

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