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Scan or Pay using Paytm Upi and Get assured 5000 Cashback Points

Scan or Pay using Paytm Upi and Get assured 5000 Cashback Points

Wishlist Champion


User Specific Offer

Terms & Conditions

Offer Eligibility

Offer needs to be manually activated.

Once the offer is activated, users get 7 days to complete the offer.

To avail offer, Scan and Pay on Paytm QR, Recharge Mobile, Make Bill Payments, and do any transaction on Paytm App using UPI.

Minimum transaction amount should be of ₹25 or more.

Offer is applicable once per user per month.

Transactions done via Paytm UPI will be eligible for this offer.

Users can locate their scratch cards in Cashback & Offers section.

Scratch cards will be valid for 2 days after the transaction.

Offer Duration

Offer is valid till December 31st, 2024, 23:59 hours.


On completing 1st transaction, users will get assured 1000 cashback points.

On completing 2nd transaction, users will get assured 1000 cashback points.

On completing 3rd transaction, users will get assured 1000 cashback points.

On completing 4th transaction, users will get assured 1000 cashback points.

On completing 5th transaction, users will get assured 1000 cashback points.

Other Details

This campaign is conceptualized, organized, sponsored, and administered by One 97 Communications Ltd. (Paytm).

This document is an electronic record under the IT Act, 2000.

By participating, users agree to abide by these terms and Paytm policies.

Paytm reserves the right to amend or terminate the offer at any time.

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Pay using Paytm Upi and Get 5000 Cashback Points

Screenshot20241223095655 Offer Eligibility

* Offer needs to be manually activated
* Once the offer is activated, users gets 7 days to complete the offer.
* To avail offer, Scan and Pay on Paytm QR, Recharge Mobile, Make Bill Payments, and do any transaction on Paytm App using UPI
* Minimum transaction amount should be of R25 or more
* Offer is applicable once per user per month
* Transactions done via Paytm UPI will be eligible for this offer
* Users can locate their scratch cards in Cashback &
Offers section
* Scratch cards will be valid for 2 days after the transaction

Offer Duration
Offer is valid till December 31 st, 2024 23:59 hours

* On completing 1st transaction, users will get assured 1000 cashback points
* On completing 2nd transaction, users will get assured 1000 cashback points
* On completing 3rd transaction, users will get assured 1000 cashback points
* On completing 4th transaction, users will get assured 1000 cashback points
On completing 5th transaction, users will get assured 1000 cashback points
This campaign is conceptualised, organized, sponsored and administered by One 97
Communications Ltd.

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