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Tata Neu x 1mg - Get Extra 12% upto 250 Neucoins on Min Order of ₹1499

Tata Neu x 1mg - Get Extra 12% upto 250 Neucoins on Min Order of ₹1499

17% OFF 1500.0
Deal Subedar


Place an order above on 1MG on Tata
Neu(website/app) above ₹ 1499 during
the offer period & get extra 12% Neucoins (Max reward: 250 Neucoins).

TnCs state 10 Dec 2024
12:00 AM - 11 Dec 2024 11:59 PM as the offer period, which is most definitely a mistake. Must be 11th Dec.

I'll update it here once Tata Neu updates the proper date.

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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2. A maximum of 250 extra NeuCoins can be earned from this offer.

3. The offer is valid from 10 Dec 2024
12:00 AM - 11 Nov 2024 11:59 PM

4. Customers need to make a net
minimum purchase of ₹ 1499, i.e. a single transaction above ₹ 1499 on Tata Neu led 1MG to avail this offer.

5.The offer is only valid on both pharma & labs category (1MG) on Tata Neu

6.A successful order is defined as any
order with net value higher than or equal to ₹1499, post any cancellation or
returns, after applying any discounts,
coupon codes, etc,

7.To be eligible for the offer, customers
must click on ""Claim Now" within the
specified offer window

8.In case of any cancellation or returns
where order does not meet the criteria
for a successful order, the credited
NeuCoins will be withdrawn, and you will not be eligible for the offer.

9.A credit of eligible NeuCoins will be
initiated in your account within 72 hrs
from the date of delivery of full order,
subject to customer not canceling the
entire order(s) and being in strict
adherence to all the T&Cs of this offer
and Tata Neu platform but not limited to misuse of the promotional offer,
suspicious usage of the Tata Neu
platform and any other fraudulent
activities. These NeuCoins will get
unlocked after the return window of
respective brands are over. *Please refer to the NeuPass terms and conditions for
more details.
Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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10.Customers need to use these
NeuCoins to shop on the platform within 45 days of the issue date. NeuCoins not used within 45 days of issuance will expire.

11.This offer is over and above the upto
5% NeuCoins (and any other promotional activity running during the offer period) that you will earn on Tata Neu. Terms and Conditions apply,

12.The offer is valid once per user during the offer period. A customer can earn maximum 250 NeuCoins in this offer.

13.Exceptional scenarios will be handled separately and credit of NeuCoins may take longer than 72 hours from the date
of full order delivery.

14.In case of any issue pertaining to the
eligibility of the users for earning
NeuCoins as a part of this campaign,
Tata Neu's decision at its sole discretion
shall be final and binding. For any issues please write to [email protected]

15.Tata Neu reserves the right to
change / modify/ add/ delete any of the
terms and conditions of this campaign at any time without any prior notice

16.Tata Neu reserves the absolute right
to withdraw and/or alter any terms and
conditions of this promotion without any prior notice
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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any payment credit card offers that can be combined?
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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Thank you for the update!
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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not able to claim

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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If we pay through neucoins then also we will get 12% upto 250 neucoins???

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Same querry

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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For max benefit Order for 2100, and take care plan for some extra discount and cashback

Wingman Wingman
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2100 MRP or after discount?

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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I have paid fully using coins and got 12 % bonus coins

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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The Neo coin needed to be used before 45 days.

How or where to use these coins?

Credit card bill payment possible?

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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No, NeuCoins cannot be used for bill payments. One can use the NeuCoins on Big Basket, 1mg, Tata Cliq and such.
Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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Got 12% neucoins + 5% default+ Paid via Apay

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Didn't get full benefit, as order was split into two by 1mg, not my fault, have written to them, lets see, bad service by tata neu for not auto crediting all coins

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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NeuCoins are credited proportionately on delivery of each part of the order.

If you didn't receive the remaining NeuCoins even after the 2nd part was delivered, you might receive it within 3-4 days since you've already raised a ticket.
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