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Uber one + Zomato gold

Uber one + Zomato gold

80% OFF 149.0
Deal Newbie

Benefits available only for eligible trips marked with the Uber One icon.
Up to 10% Uber One credits on trips
1. Collect 10% in Uber One credits on Go, Go Sedan, Premier, XL, Reserve, Exec, Auto, Moto and Courier
2. Collect 35% in Uber One credits on Shuttle
3. Collect 1% in Uber One credits on Intercity and Rentals
4. Uber One credits restricted to INR 150 per trip and limited to 150 trips for the 1-month and 3-month plans, and 600 trips per year for the 12-month plan. Uber One credits on trips will expire after 60 days and will not apply to the portion of payment made with Uber One credits.
Uber One credits are only valid with an active membership; rejoin Uber One to access the balance
5. Taxes and similar fees, as applicable, do not apply towards Uber One credits benefits. Other fees and exclusions may apply
6. Uber One credits can be redeemed on all trips
7. Members will be assigned top-rated drivers based on availability
8. 24/7 support for members
* Limited time offer
Note: Zomato Gold voucher codes will be emailed and messaged via the Uber app within 3 working days post-purchase.
Taxes and similar fees, as applicable, do not apply towards Uber One credits benefits. Other fees and exclusions may apply.
Estimated savings do not include membership price.
Actual savings may vary.imagepicker76AA6C86-6D7B-4369-BA86-C1B77EF168D7-71092-00000AFBF860409E

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