Any better suggestions to get Google One subscription at discounted prices
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Appears good option. Anywhere we can buy Google Play Store gvs at discounted prices
There's a link to get free 2Tb Google one storage for six months. Cannot share the link here. DM
Do you need the google one or just storage?
If it is just storage then subscribe to Microsoft business basic for cheap 1tb storage
oh what is this "Microsoft business basic" would be nice to know more details:)
any link to directly apply or check?
well i hardly use google for my data to store:) i mostly use gmail storage not google drive files
but still definitely not touching jio easily
jio modulus operandi will be
1) give free unlimited with more size of data
2) once every customer ditches other services and gets to jio , then jio puts a small subscription charge
3) this kills all the competitors
4) when people cointinue without decline, increase subscrption charge
5) and try to run this as monopoly by increasing charges year on year with no one to complain or switch to
But this is not available to all. Tried in my accounts
my WhatsApp is now 14 GB and back is in my google account..... so i will have to buy google sub for 1300 in few months... is there any other option??
I usually back up whatsapp every couple of days..just in case if phone is lost in travel...What will you do if your phone is lost in some train journey etc...??
Yes. This is the main reason I wanted to understand any options we have to extend existing Google One subscription of 15gb to higher limits with some discounted prices.
Other storage won't help as Google storage is integrated with all data in phone including Gmail,photos and watsapp.
Pay via googleplay gvs at discount