Any current best ways to achieve Amex MRCC 1500x4 transactions?

Deal Cadet

Any current best ways to achieve Amex MRCC 1500x4 transactions a month?

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I am also looking for the same ..

Hunk Hunk
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If you have NPS payment you can do that.

Insurance payments.

Buy vouchers from amex rewards multiplier.

If you don't have normal spends to cover these transactions then better close the card.

Its not worth the headache or paying wallet load chargers.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I haven't tried NPS from Amex...

Suppose I have to deposit 50K in NPS. Is it okay/possible to do 1500*3 + 45500 = 5000

effectively 4 txns like that?

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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If you do not have HDFC Tata Neu Infinity card, use MRCC in Tata Neu app for bill payments. You can bundle bills together to reach 1500 mark. (ps: Infinity card already offers 5% for bill payments)

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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does nps site allow to use amex cc ?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Do we get reward points if we load paytm wallet using mrcc cards?

Generous Generous
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