Are you investing in this stock
This is not a thread for stock market advice or anything
This is just to know if you are investing in a stock or not. Yes or No why?
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@EkdamSastaRaju @bikidas2060 @malikcool @jaybro @Tanmayyy @guest_999 @decideaim; @deb3l @BlueFlash
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ur reason for investing in vbl?
they have launched own in house brand soft drinks and energy drinks
This is not a thread for stock market advice or anything
Not investing in mkt currently as no funds(what I had is stuck in tcs shares & cartrade ipo for now).
why u chose tcs and cartrade paji? this thread is about reason behind selecting stocks
Missed AWL when it was available at 227, at the time of IPO.
Keeping M&M, Tech Mahindra and VBL in wishlist.
Buy the dip karna hai kya 22g
@kukdookoo All the companies you have mentioned are very good fundamentally. Personally have AWL in my portfolio from your list.
Why awl? Average price?
I am soon going to start a choco dip factory. Anyone want to seed the investment?
Holding some AWL since IPO and added few later. Those who do frequent swing or intraday on this scrip it’s rewarding. I plan to sell @ 800 and reenter later. (No time limits, given current condition of market conditions)
P.S. – Newbie in Market
My favourites ITC and HDFCbank….
Adding both in these dips…particularly hdfcbank available at great value
13xx is great value for hdfc?
@bikidas2060 @malikcool adding tcs, wipro etc. these days?
VBL is one of my finds. I shared it in that ipo thread years ago. 🙂🙂🙂 I am glad that it’s doing well.
Siemens too