BBPS not allowing CC payment beyond Due amount

Deal Cadet
Does this means it's end of prepayment?
So the amount spent using CC every month will be reported in Statement and eventually to CICs?Screenshot20250102-020712
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Finance Ninja Finance Ninja
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hmm this is always the case for last few months:)) 

good eve:)

(to prepay only 2 option 

a) designated own bank app or 

b) NEFT at this point of time, as far as i know)

if anyone know any other options please do ADD/correct me if i am wrong:)

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Any other way to pay hdfc more than bill amount after using bthe card amount?.

As part from hdfc app?

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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You can use HDFC PayZApp to pay more.
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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The whole point of preparing from various apps was to gain cashback via debit cards

Finance Ninja Finance Ninja
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then its dead end at this point of time for prepayment 

its dead end:)
Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Innopay allows payment more the billed amount.

I make txns in 1000

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Payment received for the period is showing.

Not permitting to pay beyond the billed amount 

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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For Hdfc Cards , Payzapp Allows You To Pay Full Outstanding Amount , I Am Paying Early Through Payzapp Before Statement Generation

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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pay via billdesk if no issue of rewards. will take 2 days to reflect.
you can otherwise fetch bills in multiple apps go to otp / upi page and pay all together.

its good initiative overall makes it easy to track if the entire bill is paid or not.

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