can i close my cbi account if there a loan linked with it ?

Deal Captain

so i cosigned a loan and it shows in my bank account ,can i close this central bank of india shit account ?

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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From title, I thought you were asking about closing your case from cbi department for a pending loan scam.

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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From title, I thought you were asking about closing your case from cbi department for a pending loan scam.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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I also thought the same 😁😁😂😂

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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I was going to say if you join the right political party you can close anything against you....

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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i have a hunch, that @tridentdg might.. in real life.. be Ajit "dada" Pawar.

just around the time (in 2024) it started getting clear that they would form the government in Maharashtra.. @tridentdg was not seen around here for a week or so.

then the official oath taking and other ceremonies later.. Ajit 'tridentdg' Pawar had all those thousand crore plus assets unlocked again and the hold on them from the authorities was removed.

hence the hunch, when Ajit 'tridentdg' Pawar remain unavailable here, mostly ever since those assets (properties, bank accounts) are again under his control.
Comrade Comrade
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I was about to ask how to open a cbi account and what are the benefits? stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Worst bank bro. No benefits. Only headache.

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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If the loan is secured by some asset then you can close the savings account any day.

If loan is not secured, then closing savings account is very difficult. In that case consider transferring loan to some other bank. And then closing the savings account.

Remember the shit head cbi bank calls you twice even to close the savings account.

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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It's home loan on my mom account which I co-signed
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