Credit card bill due vs refund adjustment-ICICI
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Sbi hdfc etc dont consider it as payment, but as I've heard, icici marks it as payment and you dont have to pay that amount.not personally tested.
If refund is from billed transaction (billed in old statement) than you dont need to pay that amount. If refund is from unbilled transaction, it will not be treated as payment.
Source transaction should be from last statement, if not what's the point? You can make a transaction, cancel it within minutes and skip paying cc bill forever?
In any case, keep paying the min due to avoid negative remarks in credit info companies. banks/cc issuers are known to refund the finance charges easily (/ through RBI Ombudsman), but it won't be that simple to fix CIBIL/Experian
Pay your remaining 15k amount and relax. nothing will be happen but pay 15k for sure
U Have To Pay Minimum Due Amount Before Due Date... So U Already Have To Pay 15k Na .. Pay 15k And Get Relax
No-Relax ?? Simply Call Customer Care... Thats It...
In Transaction Mail Also They Will Mention, Refunds Are Not Considered As payment, Pls Pay Minimum Due Amount Bla Bla Bla....
You have to pay the billed amount, nothing can done. The worst thing you can't transfer surplus amount later to your bank account without charge, at least SBI give this option but others bank adjust the surplus amount.
Just pay remaining 15k before due date nothing gonna happen card outstanding will be zero so don't worry...
Any update bro? Did u pay 45k? Or 15k?
As per rbi guidelines refund should be treated as payment. But In case of ICICI, they chose not to follow it.
So you need to pay 45K bill if you want to avoid any Charges.
Because last month I got charged 1100 Rs because they didn't consider refund as payment.