desidime app keep login out my account

Deal Captain

since few days i wake and find out that desidime app logout me again  😤 ,its super annoying -_- ,do anyone else facing this problem

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This forum has a unique mechanism to prevent from being super active.

Thats why they log you out so you can focus on other important stuff in your life.

Its not a bug...its a Feature 😎

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Bro automatically became beta tester without signing up for it joy

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Super Stud Super Stud
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After led tv , hdfc bank cc and now desidime

@gakarshit be like point_down🏻

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Install camera in your room. Probably someone from lenskart entering your house and logging out your DD account. stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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upaay tou query ke shuruaati mein hee hai!

Remain awake, do not sleep.
THIS problem will get solved (even if others crop up).

what, if any, is the benefit of using the application?

If the remember me feature and the session time-out bypass feature breaks, then such things happen on the browser sites too.

Sometimes these things get patched after a while. But applications in general are more buggy than web development (of any site).
Generous Generous
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Hi are you still facing the issue ? its ios or android?

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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not today smile android
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