Desidimers, Need to if any cashback by credit card or any payment method for paying 25000 LIC ??

Deal Cadet
I Need to pay around 25000 LIC,

is there any cashback offer if we pay by credit card or any payment method??

Guys...Pls let me know fast as due date is 8th Jan 25
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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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bro buy agv at 5 % via sbi cashback or hdfc millania cc and then do lic payment from amazon smile 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Amazon gv se till what limit we can pay?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I've paid policies as high as nearly 70k, and then a few more amounting to more than 1.25lc at a time. No issues faced ever.
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Amazon gift vouchers cannot  be used to pay Bills only we can buy products

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