Got a flipkart voucher from Gyftr with zero balance

Deal Cadet

I purchased three ₹1000 Flipkart gift vouchers through Gyftr SmartBuy, but all three show a zero balance when I try to add them. Additionally, there’s no customer care number available for Gyftr. Can anyone assist me with this issue?

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Post Tycoon Post Tycoon
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There is a chat option available in support section of gyftr

Pro Entertainer Pro Entertainer
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That's strange! Is the expiry date exactly 1 year from the purchase date?

You said smartbuy, so hdfc is charging a 2.95% convenience fee to deliver a zero-value voucher!

Benevolent Benevolent
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Recently many people reported about voucher leaks from hdfc gyftr and intermiles. I would say avoid them for a few weeks.

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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[spoon feeding]

Took less than five minutes to get the grievance officer's personal and professional e-mail address and even a handfone number, albeit it us not his most current number.

[/spoon feeding]

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