if i share my amazon prime video with freind can they access my main amazon account?


i am thinking of upgrading to full prime  and sharing prime video with my friend but worried that they can access my main account which got all my cc linked and stuff sad

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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They can access your Amazon Account.

Weird policy of Amazon.

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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How is the policy 'weird' if their complete ecosystem is integrated?

except amazon.cn and recently acquired properties like IMDB, the same credentials work across properties (even in different market).

And at-least I feel that it is advantageous.
If one requests the procedure for permanent account closure, then the e-mail that they send with the procedure
also alerts the users to all the sites to which one's access will be revoked.
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Cool Cool
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Same account is used for all amazon related apps (prime video,kindle, audible, Amazon alexa)

Benevolent Benevolent
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yes, Amazon have single login/password for video, music, kindle, shopping. They are doing it intentionally to minimize account sharing.
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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It is only accessible on Android. On iOs, when we sign in on the Prime Video app, it doesn't automatically sign in to the Amazon app.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Your login credentials are the same over different Amazon services. So, yes. Amazon generally sends a notification to your already logged in account if someone uses your credentials to log into a different device. So, you might get a notification if someone uses your credentials to log into your Amazon account.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Yes, once they log into any single Amazon app (whether it is shopping, video or music), it automatically gets logged into the rest. So I too haven't shared it with anyone, except with people using a Smart TV to watch Prime Video.

Helpful Helpful
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Not only is the same account shared for all services under a country specific Amazon site but also the same account can be used to access another country’s site too. e.g a user is able to use the same account for both Amazon.in and Amazon.com. That’s a very bad feature and I have been a victim of that.
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