looking for Havells BLDC fan reviews
Anyone used this or other variant from Havells?
Is it worth?
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Bldc is trash ,repair cost is too much
i bought non bldc fans,
fabs around 1.5k make less noise but have somewhat lower rpm works if you are in region w/o extreme temperatures
around 2k there are higher rpm fans but some extra noise works great for ncr
I bought Havells Ambrose and another similar one they have at the same price. both working great
also bought a polycab aero was around 100 cheaper and git 100 gc from polycab for review that is tad bit fast and less noisy than havell but accumulates dust easily
over all i have bought only non-bldc and used them at 3 during normal weather in ncr. bldc i avoided as in non metro cities can't expect much from service center neither i can deal with service centre headache and wait days for fixing fan
as for bldc
one of my friends bought the same havells and another atomberg in bldc in blr. both got a fault after few months havells service centre took 2 days to get replacement part, atomberg fixed it next day but blamed it as his fault using there warranty tnc and charged him.
in my opinion for non metro cities avoid bldc. in places like delhi with certain free electricity quota its not worth it.
i find it similar to the case of ev if you want to adopt the new tech go ahead but be ready for faults and lack of support outside the service centre improper infra etc and extra initial purchase spends for some savings in fuel cost. someone setting up a taxi fleet or in a place with expensive fuel and lack of petrol pumps this will be great but fir a common person its just headache. same is here you will probably save some electricity but its not worth the headache so unless you like to go with new tech or maybe in some place where most times fan will be on inverter you can take bldc otherwise buy a simple fan and have some less stress in life. down the line once the bldc tech will get robust and savings will be worthwhile govt will most probably shove them like leds at cheap.
Good experience with Havells.
Using it from 3 years no problem.
Please disconnect your regulator
Info some where, that its slow in compair to non bldc