After getting a credit card, the first thing one should do is ditch all postpaid/paylater services for peace of mind. Usually all these services are backed by NBFCs, show up as loan in CIBIL and its hard to permanently close them.
Do you have Ola Money POSTPAID?
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Hello Dimers,
Are you using Ola Pospaid with 1.18% convenience fee???
Today I got a small worthless limit of Rs.1000 as Ola Postpaid limit and the catch is 1.18% convenience fee...
so anyone using this service?
Would be nice to know your experiences:)
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5 Dimers
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Yes many says this , but if we have long GOOD credit history the number of loans we have wont matter is my guess (so I am experimenting this case)
I personally dont know why multiple loan affects ? is this dangerous to have multiple loan account showing in credit report?
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Only used Ola once in life. I paid for cash ride but my account shows pending bill, bad experience with support.
Never touched Ola again.
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After getting a credit card, the first thing one should do is ditch all postpaid/paylater services for peace of mind. Usually all these services are backed by NBFCs, show up as loan in CIBIL and its hard to permanently close them.