Old lalptop best way to dispose

Deal Cadet

I have a gateway NV78 laptop , screen not working. This was a gift. It has old HDD which has a lot of photos and games  any way to find a replacement screen and upgrade to evm2

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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If original factory fitted screen is required, then cannibalising another machine with the compatible part number.. is an option.

Since oftentimes companies have multiple vendors for the same part too, there might be slight BUT IMPORTANT variations.
Hence knowing the internal layout and/or the EXACT part number is a must.

Vendor01 might have designed a flatbed type pin for attaching the display to the PCB, whilst Vendor02 might have used a nuanced angled design or some such thing.

If the specifications are properly known, then those in the industry can even source the official part from Delhi, Chennai or wherever the parts get imported in to.

The (generics) aftermarket too might be available if the right people/repair shops are tapped into.

If the same model/device is listed on ebay, quickr, olx.. then it might be worth finding out from the seller if the screen is original and explore if it is worth scrapping it for parts and selling the remnants.
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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If original factory fitted screen is required, then cannibalising another machine with the compatible part number.. is an option.

Since oftentimes companies have multiple vendors for the same part too, there might be slight BUT IMPORTANT variations.
Hence knowing the internal layout and/or the EXACT part number is a must.

Vendor01 might have designed a flatbed type pin for attaching the display to the PCB, whilst Vendor02 might have used a nuanced angled design or some such thing.

If the specifications are properly known, then those in the industry can even source the official part from Delhi, Chennai or wherever the parts get imported in to.

The (generics) aftermarket too might be available if the right people/repair shops are tapped into.

If the same model/device is listed on ebay, quickr, olx.. then it might be worth finding out from the seller if the screen is original and explore if it is worth scrapping it for parts and selling the remnants.
Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Bro sell it for part should be able to get some money

Benevolent Benevolent
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Have you tried connecting to your TV via HDMI

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Yes connecting to tv using hdmi works but it is 17 inch laptop so quite noticeable when placed any where even with lid closed . 

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Pro Mobile Guru Pro Mobile Guru
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Have an old HCL laptop. Looking for best way to dispose. Had bought back in 2009 for ~30k

Has Pentium dual core

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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If you want to, if you get to https://clubhouse.com/@3rzerowaste have a word with Shiv Rao ji https://3rrecycler.com/category/e-waste-recycling(then) you can.
1000129115 He is a chilled out person and off of what I understood over a number of interactions.. actually did have his heart in this
[for him to move back to India, leave a regular (paying) corporate job, to venture into this].
Gurugram, Delhi being Delhi.. often paid the society office bearers too (when they opened their mouths) to have the normal scrap from societies picked up. The separate payments to the society too were made for the (kabaad) scrap, he used to tell us.

Since others, you (with your बलडी baladi iphone, early access) introduced many of us here https://desidime.com/last_comment?topic_id=1303055 to 🏠klabhaaus🏡, hence mentioned it,
OTHERWISE you are resourceful enough to figure things out on your own, 🇩🇪SJ🇮🇳.
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Use as homeserver.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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i have 3 extra laptops, how can I dispose of them without Olx sell?

Generous Generous
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If still usable (with small upgrade like SSD if possible), better give them to someone who deserves to have a computer for his/her education purposes.

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I found the croma also recycles old laptops and plant a tree on donors behalf

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