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Understanding a PM aspirant

Deal Cadet

Strange things without any rational basis can happen in a nation of 128 crore people. Now, Arvind Kejriwal is projected as an “honest and different politician” who fights evil. Only when the electronic media calm down will his real face emerge.

Consider how he got out of government service. While serving as a Joint Commissioner in the Revenue Department (Income Tax) under the Finance Ministry, he went on a sabbatical (paid leave) from November 1, 2000 to October 31, 2002, and went abroad. One condition for such leave is that the employee must serve continuously for at least three years after return, failing which he or she must pay back the salary he drew over two years with penalty.

There is a bond to be executed, with witnesses and guarantors. Mr. Kejriwal re-joined duty on November 1, 2002 but at once went on 18 months’ leave without pay: he did not serve continuously. He resigned in February 2006. As he had jumped bond, his resignation was not accepted.

The Income Tax Department sent him a notice in 2007 and again in 2008 asking him to pay up. Mr. Kejriwal, who was by then appearing on TV almost every day, expected the government to budge. He said the government could deduct the dues from his retirement benefits; as he had done no wrong, his dues must be waived. After sending a notice on August 5, the department sent another in September asking him to pay up before October 27, 2011 — failing which he would not be relieved and he would not get his retirement benefits.

Attachment of his property and criminal action could follow. Mr. Kejriwal termed it an attempt to create obstacles to his agitation against corruption. When he did not respond by October 27, the department asked his guarantors to pay. Mr. Kejriwal pleaded his friends should not be disturbed. When it became clear the government would initiate proceedings, he announced on October 30, 2011 that he would borrow from his friends and pay the dues of Rs.9.28 lakh. He wrote to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on November 3, 2011 enclosing the cheque.

Certain things tend to be forgotten amid the din. An impression has been created that the Aam Aadmi Party enjoys the support of 2.2 crore Delhiites. It got only 29 per cent of the votes. That means 71 per cent of voters rejected it.

The AAP laid 18 conditions to get Congress support, some of them mere administrative actions like removing red beacons from vehicles. He said he had written to the BJP and the Congress on these, and once he got replies he would go to the people and ask them what to do. However, the Congress did not accept the conditions. Yet, the AAP formed the government with Congress support.

It is doubtful whether the schemes announced by AAP can be implemented. The Delhi government has a deficit of Rs.1,725 crore. After announcing a 50 per cent reduction in power tariff, he announced it was only under consideration. He had asked people not to pay power bills. Many did not, and faced power theft cases. If Mr. Kejriwal withdraws the cases that would be a bad precedent; no court will permit that. If he does not, his followers will feel victimised. While he promised 700 litres of water per capita, residents in many areas now beg for at least 20 litres. Only 68 per cent of households have piped water supply.

Mr. Kejriwal is known for his sensational announcements. During a first round of fasting action, he said he would expose corruption by 15 Union Ministers. In December 2013 he said he had proof to show five Ministers had Swiss bank accounts. He said in November 2012 the Central government had a list of 700 Indians who had stashed money in HSBC Bank in Geneva, and demanded that foreign banks give all the names to the government; he asked HSBC Bank’s staff members in India to resign.

The most popular of his stunts was restoring power connections severed for non-payment as he felt the tariff was high. As cameramen clicked away, with a pair of cutting pliers he connected the wires on June 27, 2013. Although it was an offence under the Electricity Act, the electricity authorities did not act fearing his TV-based backing. He chose to take law into his hands, sending a message that he did not believe in a democratic way of functioning. This is in tune with his other activities like offering dharna in front of the Prime Minister’s house, violating orders under Section 144.

What Mr. Kejriwal has done, has been done by so many other politicians. Prashant Bhushan of the AAP wanted a referendum held in Kashmir to determine people’s opinion on the presence of the Army. Mr. Kejriwal said it was Mr. Bhushan’s personal opinion but the consent of local citizens must be ascertained. But there is no difference between a referendum and getting people’s consent. On January 12, Mr. Bhushan said the police must be withdrawn from Naxalite-hit areas.

Mr. Kejriwal is yet another politician who has resorted to politics as his last refuge. I wonder if Meera Sanyal, V. Balakrishnan and Captain Gopinath have done their due diligence before joining the AAP.

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मोदी झूठ क्यों बोलते है ये तो वो खुद जाने या उनका स्पीच राइटर जाने ! फिलहाल झूठ की राजनीती का सच जाने हमारी टीम के साथ !

गोवा की रैली में कहा की अटल बिहारी वाजपई के पास प्रधानमंत्री बनने के बाद भी अपना खुद का घर नही है| अटल जी 2004 का चुनाव जब लडे थे, तब वो एक बार प्रधानमंत्री रह चुके थे| और 2004 के अपने चुनावी शपथ पत्र में खुद अटल जी ने अपने पास एक मकान होने की बात स्वीकारी थी| अब सवाल ये है की क्या कोई अपनी राजनेतिक रोटियां सकने के लिए “अटल” जी जैसे युगपुरुष को लेकर भी झूठ बोल सकता है?

दुनिया में तीन तरह के झूठ होते हैं, एक सामन्य झूठ, दूसरा सफ़ेद झूठ और तीसरा ‘आंकड़े’ तो आप ये मान कर चलिए कि रेफरेंसेज़ भी बे-ईमानों, घमण्डियों की अंतिम शरणस्थली ही हुआ करते हैं| वह मोटे तौर पर बड़े लोगों के आईटी रिटर्न की तरह होते हैं. देखने में जितना चाक चौबंद, मूल रूप से उतने ही खोखले या झूठ.

यह अक्सर अपनी अकर्मण्यताओं को छुपाने के टूल्स भी होते हैं| मसलन अगर पूछा जाये आपकी सरकार ने इतने करोड़ का घोटाला किया, तुरंत जवाब आयेगा, कि जब आपकी सरकार थी तो आपने इतने करोड़ का घोटाला कर दिया था, उससे तो हम बेहतर है| अब बेहतर यही होगा की नकली सवालों पर राजनीती बंद करके ! असली मुद्दों पर बात की जाये!


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अहमदाबाद में सरे-आम चल रहा है सेक्स रेकेट वो भी पुलिस की नाक के निचे! रेट है 450 रुपये! क्या ये न माना जाए की देश में जहाँ भी सेक्स और ड्रग रेकेट चलते है वो पुलिस और स्थानीय नेताओं की मिली भगत से चलते है?

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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56 इंच के सीने वाले मुख्यमंत्री की सरकार ने पहले 40 एकड़ कृषि योग्य ज़मीन दे दी Indigold Refninery को जिस पर ये अपना प्लांट लग सके| लेकिन इस कंपनी ने ये ज़मीन Alumina Refinery Private Ltd को बेच दी|

Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands (Vidarbha Region and Kutch Areas) Act, 1958 के मुताबिक ये ज़मीन सरकार किसी भी कंपनी को नहीं दे सकती थी| खेती करने वाला किसान जिसकी ये ज़मीन थी, प्लांट लगाने के लिए किसी कंपनी को दे सकता है, मगर यदि कंपनी ये करने में समर्थ नहीं है तो उसे वो ज़मीन वापस करनी होती है|

यहाँ पर सरकार ने किसानों की ज़मीन कंपनी को दी और उस कंपनी ने वो ज़मीन और ऊंचे भाव में दूसरी कंपनी को बेच दी|

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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भ्रष्टाचार से लड़ाई का दंभ तो सभी भर रहे है, चाहे नरेन्द्र मोदी हो, चाहे राहुल गाँधी हो या फिर अरविन्द केजरीवाल हो! मगर सोचने की बात ये है, कि कौन अपने ही घर से शुरुआत कर रहा है? राहुल गाँधी को तो हटा ही दीजिये, जिन्होंने अपनी सरकार में हुए घोटालों को लगभग क्लीन चिट दे दी है!

अब आइये नरेद्र मोदी जी पर, ये आज कल हर रैली में भ्रष्टाचार निवारण की बात करते है, मगर खुद को राज्य में लगातार 8 साल तक लोकायुक्त से वंचित रखा, और जब लाये तो ऐसा लाये कि कोई भी इनकी जांच नहीं करा सकता! यानी की ये अपने आप को “Uncorruptible” मान चुके है| खुद ही अपने पास ये अधिकार रख लिया कि लोकायुक्त जो जाँच रिपोर्ट देगा वो स्वीकार करनी है या नकारनी है| और पिछले 8 साल में चूँकि कोई लोकायुक्त इनके राज्य में रहा नहीं तो ऐसा मानकर चल रहे है, कि उस दौरान कोई भ्रष्टाचार हुआ भी नहीं|

तीसरी ओर है नए नवेले मुख्यमंत्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल जो दिल्ली में जो लोकायुक्त लाने जा रहे है, उसमे इन्होने खुद को यानी मुख्यमंत्री दफ्तर को भी लोकायुक्त के दायरे में रखा है| और लोकायुक्त को एक दम निष्पक्ष बनाया है|

— with Gurmukh Singh and Rakesh Kumar.

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परम आदरणीय, विकास पुरुष, इमानदारी के देवता, देश के एक मात्र राष्ट्रवादी, युगपुरुष श्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी की आज की उत्तरप्रदेश में हुई रैली में किसानों के लिए जो भावुक और अद्भुत बातें श्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी ने कही है…शायद इससे पहले कोई कहा हो….

मगर मोदी जी शायद ये बताना भूल गए की जिस गुजरात को वो महाराष्ट्र का छोटा भाई कहते है, वो सच में महाराष्ट्र के नक़्शे-कदम पर बढ़ रहा है| एक और जहां देश में सबसे ज्यादा आत्महत्याएं किसान महाराष्ट्र में करता है, तो वही गुजरात भी कोई पीछे नहीं है|

एक RTI से हुए खुलाशे में ये पता चला है कि 2008 से लेकर 2013 तक गुजरात में 150 से अधिक किसानों ने मौत को अपने गले लगाया है| वही दूसरी और गुजरात सरकार सिख समुदाय के किसानो की 20000 एकड़ ज़मीन हड़प करने पर तुली है, जिसके लिए कई बार सिख भाइयों ने आन्दोलन किआ है|

उम्मीद है कि युगपुरुष श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी अपनी अगली रैली में कोई ऐसे किसान नीति रखेंगे जिसमे कोई किसान आत्महत्या करने पर मजबूर न हो|

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परम आदरणीय विकास एवं युगपुरुष श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी को विकास की बातें करते हुए हमने काफी सुना है| सुनी हुई बातों को क्या बताना, आपको बताते है कुछ अनसुनी बातें|

जब युगपुरुष श्री नर्रेंद्र मोदी जी ने गुजरात की कमान सम्हाली तब उनके गुजरात पर कर्ज़ था 45301 करोड़| और फिर शुरू हुआ सिलसिला इकोनॉमिक मॉडेल के काम करने का और जैसे ही इसने काम शुरू कई ये क़र्ज़ दस साल में यानी की 31-03-12 तक ये क़र्ज़ बढ़कर हो गया 1,38,978 करोड़, जो कि 2013-14 तक 1.76 लाख करोड़ तक पहुचने का अनुमान है| और संयोग की बात है कि कोयला घोटाला भी इतने का ही हुआ था|

देश आशा करता है कि अगर युगपुरुष श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी प्रधानमंत्री बने तो कोई दूसरा इकनोमिक मॉडल प्रयोग करेंगे|

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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He voted for AAP as he could relate to it. But second day into the Rail Bhavan protest, the S-I is unsure. ‘Shouldn’t a CM know better than to incite violence?’ he asks.

A day in the life of: A Sub-Inspector, 42, posted at Arvind Kejriwal’s dharna

A sub-inspector with the Delhi Police, the 42-year-old has been in the force for over two decades. Usually, he’s posted at a government hospital in south Delhi. On January 20 morning, he was rushed to central Delhi’s Rail Bhavan roundabout, to be on duty as Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced the unusual move of sitting on a dharna.

Initially, the S-I says, he was quite happy. “I had voted for him, but I had never seen him, except on television. I knew that this protest was against police, but some of the things that the Aam Aadmi Party is talking about — corruption in police, lack lustre performance of some officers — these are true and need to be rectified,” he says.

After 24 hours on ‘Kejriwal duty’, however, the policeman is a disillusioned man. If the insults being flung at him with increasing vehemence leave him saddened, that they are clichés hurts him more. Someone calls him a ‘dalaal of the Congress’, another says he has sold his soul for a few rupees.

A police officer needs to have a thick skin, he knows. But standing there on January 21 — braving the intermittent rain, the cold and the angry protesters, and guarding a man who has made it known he thinks little of policemen like him or the service they provide him — he asks, shouldn’t a CM too know better?
“Some of the things Kejriwal has been saying are very stupid. He’s the CM and it’s important that he doesn’t say something that will make the crowd angrier. But by denouncing police and the media in such unclear terms, he’s setting things up for a violent episode,” the S-I says.

This is only a few hours before clashes between the police and AAP supporters turn violent. When the first stone is flung in his direction, he stands up angrily, only to sit down abruptly, remembering the orders given to the police not to react. Senior officers have told the policemen to ensure that no harm comes to any of the protesters, even as they are turned away from the site of Kejriwal’s dharna. “In other words, we have been asked not to touch anyone — even if we are pelted with stones,” he says, rubbing the stubble that has grown on his chin overnight.

It’s the first time in many years that he couldn’t shave in the morning. As Kejriwal slept in the open, he and hundred-odd others took turns keeping a watch through the night, barely 15 metres away, trying their best to keep warm in the clothes they had on them. While AAP arranged for blankets for its protesters, they didn’t offer any to the policemen on duty. The S-I had some tea before dozing off around 3 am. “The night was especially bad and very cold,” the policeman says. “I had only one jacket, I wrapped it around myself, and slept on the ground.”

Shave isn’t the only thing the S-I is missing as the day drags on. “I haven’t eaten anything since last night. I got my food from home, but that only lasted me till yesterday. Since then, we’ve been getting whatever food we can get from those shops,” he says, pointing to a few on nearby Rafi Marg.

He has two daughters and a son. The daughters are in Classes VII and VIII while his son is in Class XII. “He’s currently preparing for his board examinations. He wants to become an engineer,” he says. On most days, when he has the day shift, the S-I is back home in east Delhi by 9 pm. After dinner, he spends time with the children, asking them about school. He likes watching TV but, chuckles, makes it a habit to stay away from news broadcasts. He had also hoped his Rail Bhavan duty would be over by January 21 morning.
His children were partly the reason he decided to vote for AAP, the S-I says. “This party comprised people, I felt, I could go up and speak with, people like me. My daughters are growing up and, even though I am in police, I worry about them. In fact, it’s because I am in police that I worry about their safety, my son’s too. If AAP can bring changes that make the city safer, I’ll be very happy,” he says.

At Kejriwal’s dharna site though, that hope is receding as he worries if AAP knows the right way. “By attacking police — which is on the ground — he’s only making us feel like outsiders and making the people angry. Today, someone tried to pelt stones at us, tomorrow they’ll shoot us,” he says.

The S-I also questions Law Minister Somnath Bharti’s midnight raid against some Africans. “He tried to boss police around, and when they said they had to follow procedure, Kejriwal’s trying to get them fired. This goes against everything we were trained to do before we joined. This isn’t right,” he says.

Near Kejriwal’s car, someone is drawing a caricature of the police force on a chart paper. It shows an officer with bloodshot eyes, a long tongue hanging out of a cavernous mouth and claws for hands, as Rs 500 notes rain down around him.

While the S-I’s talking, an AAP supporter walks up to him and says, “Tu kya has raha hai be? Tu hamara naukar hai (Why are you laughing? You are our servant).” The S-I immediately brings on his impassive expression. “They forget that we’re also aam aadmi. I am just trying to do my job, follow my orders. This is my duty. It’s what brings food to my family. But here they’ve turned us into demons,” he says.

Asked whether he would vote for AAP again, he gives a brief smile. “Vote main kisko doonga, wo toh main dekhoonga. Bas koi isko yaad dila de ki policewallah bhi aam aadmi hota hai (Who I vote for is my concern, but someone should remind him that a policeman is also a common man).”

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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DAN wrote:

परम आदरणीय विकास एवं युगपुरुष श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी को विकास की बातें करते हुए हमने काफी सुना है| सुनी हुई बातों को क्या बताना, आपको बताते है कुछ अनसुनी बातें|

जब युगपुरुष श्री नर्रेंद्र मोदी जी ने गुजरात की कमान सम्हाली तब उनके गुजरात पर कर्ज़ था 45301 करोड़| और फिर शुरू हुआ सिलसिला इकोनॉमिक मॉडेल के काम करने का और जैसे ही इसने काम शुरू कई ये क़र्ज़ दस साल में यानी की 31-03-12 तक ये क़र्ज़ बढ़कर हो गया 1,38,978 करोड़, जो कि 2013-14 तक 1.76 लाख करोड़ तक पहुचने का अनुमान है| और संयोग की बात है कि कोयला घोटाला भी इतने का ही हुआ था|

देश आशा करता है कि अगर युगपुरुष श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी प्रधानमंत्री बने तो कोई दूसरा इकनोमिक मॉडल प्रयोग करेंगे|

Modi has economics called fekunomics. he talks big words without understanding it.
fekunomics example
a 2500 crore statue of sardar patel will help boost tourism in gujrat and help the state. no one in bjp asked the question about who is interested in seeing sardar patels statue in the world? or where apart from India sardar patel is famous that people will flock to see the statue ?

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Modi is not honest about corruption . He has welcomed yeddy in bjp thus proving that he is probably as good or bad as manmohan singh in congress.
His talks about economics grand vision and all appears like pappu’s wet dream of being a a harvard graduate.
in both cases the intentions and capability is missing.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Btw I have noticed something.
Bjp has channelised its entire energy in discrediting AAP by any means possible.
The entire Apco team is working on PR drama to prop up bjp in social media and mock, abuse AAP.
They are silent on congress and other parties.
This makes me believe that Bjp is extremely scared of AAP .
But why will bjp be scared?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Let’s revisit this conversation again and see how far he stood by his statements

Rajat Sharma exposes Kejriwal’s anti-corruption crusade

Here are some excerpts:

Allegation 1: Kejriwal has betrayed the people of this country

Rajat Sharma: Last time when you came on our show I asked you to make your own party if you want to eradicate corruption.

Arvind Kejriwal: I am contesting election after your suggestion.

Sharma: You are contesting for election on my advice or at Digvijay Singh’s who once said you should come into politics?

Kejriwal: You are all my friends and I acted on everybody’s advice. I had it all in the past two years after the Government betrayed us on Anna’s Lok Bill. That is why I decided to form my own party.

Sharma: If your intentions for making a political party were so noble then why Anna did not associate with you and your party?

Kejriwal: We tried a lot to make Anna understand that there is no other alternative to eliminate corruption except coming into politics but he continued to maintain that politics is bad.

Sharma: Isn’t it a betrayal with Anna? You picked his cap but left him and his ideologies behind.

Kejriwal: We tried a lot to persuade Anna but he did not listen to us. We think its time to act, not make ties.

Sharma: There is a leader who’s ideology matches exactly with you who says there is no time to make treaties. He is Rahul Gandhi. So there is ideologically no difference between you and him.

Kejriwal: There is a difference in what he practices and preaches.

Allegation 2: His campaign is not civilised

Sharma: Since you come from a civil society, your election campaigns were expected to be civilised and decent. But one of your ad campaign posters demeaned the female Chief Minister of Delhi saying “vote for Shiela Dikshit to continue making Delhi unsafe for women”.

Kejriwal: What wrong did we say?

Sharma: You are calling BJP’s Delhi unit chief Vijay Goel corrupt. Do you have any proof?

Kejriwal: Yes. He is charging Rs 2 crore each for an Assembly seat in Delhi. I would suggest you conduct a sting operation against him.

Sharma: You are saying BJP is going to lose the election in Delhi. Why would they pay crores for losing an election?

Kejriwal: AAP is going to form Government in Delhi.

Sharma: There are graft charges against your party member Prashant Bhushan. Have you carried out any probe against him?

Kejriwal: Set up a probe against him. If it gets proved in court, send him in jail.

Sharma: You came into the field to get the Jan Lokpal Bill implemented, but you stepped into politics.

Kejriwal: We are going to form a Government in December and we’ll get the Jan Lokpal Bill passed within 15 days.

Allegation 3: You are making compromises to win election.

Sharma: All the pre-poll surveys are showing your party at number three in the poll race.

Kejriwal: Those surveys are all fraudulent.

Sharma: You mean the surveys conducted by your members are true and the rest are fraud?

Kejriwal: Like the 2G scam and several others there was also a survey scam.

Sharma: You call Congress and BJP corrupt parties but 15 of your 70 candidates in Delhi were BJP and Congress MLAs in the past. Does that mean that whosoever joins your party, miraculously becomes a truthful one?

Kejriwal: BJP and Congress are mafias. We welcome anyone who wants a change.

Sharma: One of your candidates, Deshraj Raghav has made several scams in ration shops. We have fetched the information against him through RTI. There is a complaint against him in Lokayukta.

Kejriwal: He’s being framed by a BJP leader.

Sharma: The same Deshraj Raghav’s father passed away four-and-a-half years back but he is still seeking the latter’s pension. We have the documents against him.

Kejriwal: He had written a letter to the bank long back but the Government has not taken any action. Had you told me what you are going to ask I would have brought my documents as well. These are one sided documents that you are showing.

Sharma: Well, your party also does the same when you make allegations against anyone.

Allegation 4: AAP lacks vision for Delhi.

Sharma: Several people accuse you of betraying Anna. They claim, someone who can betray Anna can betray the country as well.

Kejriwal: These things are done by our political rivals. This is politics and we will have to face it.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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क्या भारत के नागरिक इतने नासमझ हैं कि कोई विदेशी एजेंसी समझाएगी कि उनके लोकतंत्र और देश के लिए कौन सही है…..???
कांग्रेस ने जहां राहुल गाँधी की छवि चमकाने के लिए जापानी कंपनी Genesis Burson-Marsteller और Dentsu advertising firm को 500 करोड़ का ठेका दिया है तो वही बीजेपी भी पीछे नहीं है! बीजेपी के PM पद के फायरब्रांड नेता नरेन्द्र मोदी APCO WorldWide नाम की पब्लिक रिलेशन कंपनी को 2010 में सालान 2.25 करोड़ का ठेका दे चुके है! (ये कॉन्ट्रैक्ट तब के डॉलर के मुकाबले रुपये की रेट पर हुआ था)

ये कंपनिया इन नेताओं के फेसबुक और ट्विटर पर लाइक्स और फोल्लोवेर्स बढाने का काम भी करेंगी!

निचे कई सारी लिंक दी गयी है, जिनमे पूरी जानकारी विस्तार से मिल सकती है..

नरेन्द्र मोदी और राहुल गांधी दोनों का,छवि-निर्माण हेतु विदेशी एजेंसी की मदद लेना और उसके एवज में करोड़ों रूपये इन्हें देना दुखद और शर्मनाक है……!! क्यो है नीचे पढ़े !1
1= भारत मे ४५% से ज्यादा बच्चे कुपोषड के शिकार है ! ये हमारे नेता है जिनको अपनी इमेज की पड़ी है जबकि देश के बच्चे भूके मर रहे है !
रिफरेन्स :
2= भूक से तडप रहे लोगो को गिने तो हमारा महान भारत टॉप पर है ! क्योकि हमारे नेता अपनी इमेज को चमकाना चाह रहे है . खुद फैसला ले क्या ये उचित है ! मोदी या राहुल इस पर कुछ बोलेंगे ! फिलहाल लिंक देखे और आंकड़ो को पढ़े ! और अगर शर्म आ रही हो वो २०१४ मे अपना गुस्सा जरुर दर्ज कर देना :
रिफरेन्स :

इमेज जनता के बीच जाने और काम करने से बनती है, पीआर कंपनियों से नहीं. पीआर कंपनियों को पैसा देने की बजाय अगर राहुल देश के 500 गांवों में घूमकर हर गांव पर 1 करोड़ रुपये खर्च कर दें तो इससे लोगों को भी फायदा होगा और उनकी इमेज भी सुधरेगी-बनेगी. यानी के आम के आम और गुठलियों के भी दाम.
इस मसले पर राहुल गांधी और नरेंद्र मोदी में मुझे एक समानता दिखती है. दोनों हेलिकॉप्टर पर चढ़ के और उसके डैनों से मिट्टी उछाल के राजनीति-नेतागीरी में गर्दा उड़ाना चाहते हैं. ऐसे में जनता अगर इन्हें और इनके इरादों को धूल चटा दे, तो कोई हैरत नहीं होगी.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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hii.satya62 wrote:

Sharma: One of your candidates, Deshraj Raghav

उत्तम नगर से देशराज राघव को ‘आम आदमी पार्टी’ से टिकट दिया गया है। कुछ लोगों ने देशराज राघव पर आरोप लगाए हैं कि वह राशन माफ़िया हैं। कैसे राशन माफ़िया हैं? इन लोगों का आरोप है कि उनके और उनके परिवार के लोगों के पास 13 राशन की दुकानें हैं।

इस मुद्दे पर पार्टी ने गहन जांच की है। सारे कागज़ पढ़ें और कई लोगों से बातचीत की।

जांच में पाया गया कि देशराज राघव के खिलाफ लगे आरोप सत्य नहीं हैं। देशराज राघव ने लोकायुक्त में अपना एक एफीडेविट जमा किया है। जिसकी कॉपी संलग्न है। इस एफीडेविट को आप ध्यान से पढि़ए। शिकायतकर्ता ने आरोप लगाया था कि आठ दुकानें देशराज राघव के नाम हैं। जबकि उनमें से एक भी दुकान उनके नाम नहीं है और न पहले कभी थीं। जांच में उन दुकानों के असली मालिकों का पता भी चल गया है, जिनका ब्यौरा संलग्न एफीडेविट में दिया गया है। पूरा एपफीडेविट पढ़ने पर आपको साफ हो जाएगा कि उन पर लगाए सभी आरोप मनगढ़ंत हैं।

अब प्रश्न यह उठता है कि ये आरोप किसने लगाएं हैं? लोकायुक्त में यह झूठी शिकायत श्री अचल शर्मा ने की थी। दो वर्ष पहले तक अचल शर्मा बीजेपी के निगम पार्षद थे। एक वर्ष पूर्व हुए नगर निगम के चुनावों में देशराज राघव ने निर्दलीय लड़ते हुए अचल शर्मा को बुरी तरह से पछाड़ दिया। अब अचल शर्मा उसका बदला ले रहा है। पिछले बीस साल से मुकेश शर्मा यहां से कांग्रेस का विधायक रहा है। यहां कि जनता मुकेश शर्मा की गुंडागर्दी और भ्रष्टाचार से त्रस्त हो चुकी है। देशराज राघव जनता के बीच काम करता रहा है। इसलिए वो निर्दलीय उम्मीदवार होने के बावजूद भारी बहुमत से जीता था और उन्होंने कांग्रेस और बीजेपी दोनों के उम्मीदवारों को हरा दिया था।

अब ‘आम आदमी पार्टी’ की तरफ से देशराज राघव विधायक के लिए खड़े हो रहे हैं। इस वजह से बीजेपी और कांग्रेस दोनों डर गए हैं। उन्हें डर है कि जैसे देशराज राघव ने नगर निगम के चुनाव में दोनों पार्टियों को बुरी तरह से हराया था, वैसे ही वो विधायक के चुनाव में दोनों पार्टियों को हरा देगा। इस वजह से बीजेपी के अचल शर्मा और कांग्रेस के मुकेश शर्मा इकट्ठे हो गए हैं। देशराज राघव को हराने के लिए उसे बदनाम करना शुरू कर दिया है।

क्या हमारे कार्यकर्ता देशराज राघव के खिलाफ हैं? नहीं, बिल्कुल नहीं। उम्मीदवार चुनने के लिए जब पार्टी के कार्यकर्ताओं की वोटिंग हुई तो उसमें देशराज राघव को भारी बहुमत मिला है। तो ये कौन से कार्यकर्ता हैं जो देशराज राघव की इंटरनेट पर और मीडिया में जा-जाकर खिलाफत कर रहे हैं। और ये कार्यकर्ता देशराज राघव की खिलाफत क्यों कर रहे हैं?

इनमें दो कार्यकर्ताओं के नाम प्रमुख हैं – रंजन राही और रमन मिश्रा। कुछ हफ्रते पहले उत्तम नगर में कार्यकर्ताओं की मीटिंग हुई। उस मीटिंग में इन दोनों ने देशराज राघव के खिलाफ काफी कुछ बोला। तो वहीं पर देशराज राघव के खिलाफ सबूत इकट्ठा करने के लिए एक कमिटी बनाई गई और इन दोनों को उस कमिटी में डाल दिया गया। इस कमिटी को एक हफ्रते का समय दिया गया। एक हफ्रते बाद यह कमिटी देशराज राघव के खिलाफ सबूत के तौर पर अचल शर्मा की शिकायत और लोकायुक्त के नोटिस के अलावा कुछ भी सबूत पेश नहीं कर पाई। इन सभी आरोपों की गहन जांच के बाद ही उन्हें टिकट दिया गया है।

इन सब तथ्यों के बाद यह साफ हो जाता है कि देशराज राघव को बदनाम करने के लिए बीजेपी और कांग्रेस ने मिलकर एक गहरा षड़यंत्र रचा है। हमें ऐसे षड़यंत्रों से सावधन रहना है।

पिछले तीन सालों में इन बीजेपी और कांग्रेस वालों ने अरविंद केजरीवाल, मनीष सिसोदिया, कुमार विश्वास और प्रशांत भूषण इत्यादि लोगों को भी बदनाम करने की।

लेकिन सच्चाई तो सच्चाई होती है। उनकी कोई भी चाल चल नहीं पाई। अब ये लोग हमारे उम्मीदवारों के खिलाफ षड़यंत्र रचेंगे।

‘आम आदमी पार्टी’ सच्चाई और ईमानदारी की बुनियाद पर खड़ी हुई है। हम बार-बार यह ऐलान करते रहे हैं और फिर से यह ऐलान करते हैं कि अगर हमारे किसी भी उम्मीदवार के खिलाफ भ्रष्टाचार का कोई भी सबूत मिलता है तो आप हमें लाकर दीजिए। चुनाव के एक दिन पहले भी यदि आप हमें सबूत देंगे तो हम उसकी टिकट कैंसल कर देंगे। सीट खाली छोड़ देंगे, लेकिन गलत आदमी को विधानसभा के अंदर नहीं जाने देंगे।

Download the Affidavit (Hindi)…na (English)…xy

Deshraj Raghav has been awarded a ticket from the Aam Aadmi Party for the Uttam Nagar Vidhan Sabha seat. Some people have accused Deshraj Raghav of running a Ration Mafia. What Ration Mafia? He has been accused of owning 13 Ration shops along with his family members.

Aam Aadmi Party has conducted a detailed inquiry into the matter. We have read all the documents and talked to a lot of people.

Our investigation has found that the allegations against Deshraj Raghav are not true. He has submitted an affidavit to the Lokayukta, whose copy is attached. Please read this affidavit carefully. The complainants had accused Raghav of having 8 shops registered in his name. However, there is not even one shop registered in his name and never was. Our inquiry has also revealed the actual owners of those shops, and the attached affidavit has their details. Once you read the full affidavit it will become clear to you that these allegations are entirely baseless and made up.

Now the question arises, who accused Raghav in the first place? This false complaint was submitted to the Lokayukta by Mr Achal Sharma. Till two years ago, Achal Sharma was the municipal councillor from the BJP. A year ago, Deshraj Raghav contesting as an independent defeated Achal Sharma by a huge margin in the municipal elections. Achal is now taking revenge. For the last 20 years, Mukesh Sharma of the Indian National Congress has been the MLA from Uttam Nagar. The people of Uttam Nagar are deeply frustrated and anguished with Sharma’s reign that has fostered vandalism and corruption. Deshraj Raghav, the AAP Candidate, instead works directly among the people. That is why he won despite contesting as an independent, and that too with a huge majority, defeating both Congress and BJP candidates.

Now Deshraj Raghav is being fielded as the “Aam Aadmi Party” Candidate for the Uttam Nagar Assembly seat. No wonder the BJP and Congress are both scared. They fear that just as Deshraj defeated their candidates by heavy margins in the municipal elections, he can defeat them again. That is why Achal Sharma of the BJP and Mukesh Sharma of the congress have joined hands. In order to defeat Deshraj Raghav they have started to defame him.

Are the AAP workers against Raghav? No, not at all. In the candidate selection process when the volunteers cast their votes, Deshraj received a big majority of votes. So who are these volunteers who have been speaking against Deshraj Rahav on the internet and in the media and why are they doing so?

Two volunteer names are prominent – Ranjan Rahi and Raman Mishra. Some weeks ago, Uttamnagar volunteers had a meeting. In that meeting, these two said quite a lot against Deshraj Raghav. Right there and then a committee was created to collect any possible evidence to substantiate these allegations against Deshraj Raghav and these two volunteers were included in it. This committee was given a week’s time. After a week, this committee was not able to gather any proof against Deshraj Raghav other than the complaint of Achal Sharma and the Lokayukta notice. He has been given a ticket only after thoroughly investigating all these charges.

From all these facts it is clear that the BJP and Congress have together hatched a deep conspiracy to malign Deshraj Raghav. We have to be careful of such conspiracies.

In the last three years, BJP and Congress have tried to tarnish the reputations of Arvind Kejriwal, Manish Sisodia, Kumar Vishwas and Prashant Bhushan among others. The truth is the truth and it always prevails. None of their tricks succeeded. Now they will hatch conspiracies to malign our candidates.

Aam Aadmi Party is built on a foundation of truth and honesty. We have been repeating this many times and declare it again that if you find any evidence of corruption against any of our candidates, please give it to us. Even if you give us proof a day before the elections, we will cancel his/her ticket. We will leave the seat empty, but will not allow a wrong person to enter to the legislative assembly.…

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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amitinmumbai wrote:

Btw I have noticed something.
Bjp has channelised its entire energy in discrediting AAP by any means possible.
The entire Apco team is working on PR drama to prop up bjp in social media and mock, abuse AAP.
They are silent on congress and other parties.
This makes me believe that Bjp is extremely scared of AAP .
But why will bjp be scared?

लगता है गुजरात के मुख्मंत्री ओर PM इन वेटिंग नरेन्द्र मोदी ने अरविन्द केजरीवाल को गंभीरता से लेना शुरू कर दिया है! जब मोदी को पता चला की गुजरात में “आप” के 1.25 लाख से ज्यादा सदस्य बन चुके है तो मोदी ने दिल्ली बीजेपी के डॉ हर्षवर्धन से मुलाक़ात की और आम आदमी पार्टी को दिल्ली में ही घेरने की तैय्यारी शुरू कर दी. अब बीजेपी जनवरी के आखिर में दिल्ली में आम आदमी पार्टी के खिलाफ अभियान शुरू करेगी!

It seems Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi has finally realized that more than any other politician, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal has the potential to ruin his chances of becoming the country’s Prime Minister. Sources in Modi’s core strategy team said that the chief minister is now seriously focusing on ‘strategizing afresh’ for his 2014 Lok Sabha election campaign.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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amitinmumbai wrote:

Modi is not honest about corruption . He has welcomed yeddy in bjp thus proving that he is probably as good or bad as manmohan singh in congress.
His talks about economics grand vision and all appears like pappu’s wet dream of being a a harvard graduate.
in both cases the intentions and capability is missing.

True Bro.
Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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किरण बेदी कहती है कि जब मोदी बोलते हैं तो लगता है दूसरे नेताओं को स्कूल जाना चाहिए वे मोदी के ज्ञान से कैसे इतनी प्रभावित हैं ?

मोदी ने जिस स्कूल में पढ़ा है उसमें उन्हें पढाया गया है—
1- तक्षशिला पाकिस्तान में नहीं बिहार में है
2- चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य, मौर्य वंश के नहीं गुप्त वंश के संस्थापक थे
3- सिकन्दर महान पंजाब से नहीं लौटा था बल्कि वीर बिहारियों के डर से बिहार आकर लौटा था
4-दांडी यात्रा "मोहन लाल करमचंद गांधी " ने कि थी ,,, जबकि उनका नाम “मोहन दास करमचंद गांधी” था
5- इतना ही नहीं जिस पार्टी में उसने अपना जीवन गुजार दिया उस पार्टी(जनसंघ) के संस्थापक श्यामा प्रसाद मुखर्जी को गुजरात का गौरव बताया जबकि उनका जन्म बंगाल में हुआ था,
6-मोदी के ज्ञान के हिसाब से श्यामाप्रसाद जी की मृत्यु यूरोप में हुई थी जबकि उनकी मृत्यु कश्मीर में हुई थी साथ ही यह भी बताया था कि 1935 में उनकी मृत्यु हुई थी जबकि वे 1947 में नेहरूजी के मंत्रीमंडल में वे मंत्री थे|

तो यह है मोदी ज्ञान जिस पर किरण बेदी फ़िदा हैं ऐसे ज्ञान की प्राप्ति किस स्कूल में होगी जहाँ नेताओं को जाने की सलाह किरण बेदी दे रहीं हैं.

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The BJP’s prime ministerial candidate and Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi, who had taken a head start over his political opponents with his aggressive campaigning, now appears to be faltering on historical and contemporary facts in his speeches.

Modi, whose strategy of addressing rallies on Sundays, telecast live on TV channels across the country and making newspaper headlines the next day, was giving sleepless nights to his opponents till his friend-turned-foe and Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar decided to challenge him on facts on Tuesday.

Kumar rebutted virtually every single point made by Modi during his massive rally in Patna on October 27. Even as Modi was struggling on historical facts related to Bihar, he was caught on the wrong foot when he said that India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru didn’t attend the funeral of his home minister, Sardar Patel.

This confused even BJP leaders, with its deputy leader in the Rajya Sabha Ravi Shankar Prasad saying on Wednesday that Nehru not only skipped Sardar Patel’s funeral but also missed the last rites of India’s first President Rajendra Prasad.

However, another BJP spokesperson, Meenakshi Lekhi, said a newspaper which “misquoted” Modi on Nehru missing Sardar Patel’s funeral issued a correction and the Gujarat CM had expressed his thanks.

Political analysts say such mistakes show that Modi has a long way to go before establishing himself as a leader at the national level.

Noted sociologist Andre Beteille said Modi lacks the qualities of leaders he wants to emulate. “The comparison of Modi with Sardar Patel is false and misleading. Patel was mentioned as the original Lauh Purush (Iron Man) but he was a very well-read and soft-spoken man. I don’t find these qualities in Modi,” he said.

Read More: Nitish’s point-by-point rebuttal of Modi

“Patel was a good lawyer with a great sense of history and was a fluent writer. The kind of mistakes Modi is making with historical facts is bound to happen, given the kind of message he wants to spread,” Beteille said.

Political scientist Neera Chandhoke is of the view that Modi’s team has made a critical error by focusing too much on generating headlines.

“Modi is out of his depth on issues not related to Gujarat. His speech writers are focusing too much on grabbing headlines but in the process his credibility is becoming a casualty,” she said.

Chandhoke said it is highly debatable whether Modi’s campaign approach is correct.

“His recent speeches show that he lacks statesmanlike qualities and has been unable to understand the country fully.”

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Nitish’s point-by-point rebuttal of Modi

Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar’s address to his party workers at Rajgir on Tuesday was a point-by-point rebuttal of his Gujarat counterpart and BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi’s speech at Patna two days ago. Modi had ridiculed Nitish at the rally.

Gujarat CM and BJP’s PM candidate Narendra Modi: Bihar BJP has demanded a 50,000-crore package and the state must get it
Bihar CM Nitish Kumar: Janata-Dal United’s signature campaign forced Centre to set up panel to consider special status for Bihar… BJP launched a vicious campaign against Amartya Sen just because he had praised Bihar model of development

Modi: This (hunkar) rally is not just historic, but it will also lay foundation stone for a new future
Nitish: BJP’s hunkar (battle cry) rally reflects their arrogance

Modi: I used to sell tea on trains. Even the railway minister doesn’t have my experience of what one face on trains. Hum gharibi main paida huye hai. I have seen and experienced poverty
Nitish: I have not sold tea, but I too come from a modest background

Modi: In the alliance of JDU-BJP, the BJP ministers who worked for the welfare of people of Bihar… We wanted to remove jungle raj from Bihar, therefore had tolerated many insults
Nitish: My ex-friends once praised me and now they are finding faults with me… BJP is responsible for the split.

Modi: Bihar CM and I were at an occasion where he was most uncomfortable to be seen in my presence. I told him: Don’t worry, there are no cameras here
Nitish: We were not seated at the same table at any lunch hosted by PM Manmohan Singh

Modi: I want to tell the descendants of Shri Krishna (Yadavs), I have come from Dwarka to take responsibility of your well being
Nitish: They talk about Lord Ram and Lord Krishna. BJP should remember Ram, Krishna united country and didn’t belong to any caste or party

Modi: Poverty is a very big issue and due to price rise poor have nothing to eat. Children are crying
Nitish: What’s their thought for the millions who live below the poverty line? I have a vision and I am working for it

Modi: When we are reminded of the Gupta Dynasty we are reminded of Chandragupta’s rajneeti
Nitish: BJP has amazing grasp of history. They should know Chandragupta was of Maurya dynasty, not of Gupta dynasty

Modi: Alexander’s army conquered the entire world but was defeated by the Biharis. That’s the might of this land.
Nitish: Alexander’s army never crossed Ganga and he wasn’t defeated by Biharis. Neither is Takshashila in Bihar (as Modi had said), it is situated in Pakistan.

• Janata Dal United leader Shivanand Tiwari embarrassed his party by openly praising Modi. He then went on to attack Kumar

• Flashing his convocation ID card, Kumar said it was made in Bihar. He then showed a card which he said was a BJP rally card and claimed it was made in China

• I noticed Modi was wiping his face. Why was he sweating? A man who aspires to lead India should be patient

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Modi blames Gujarat’s history of riots!

Modi shrugs off his responsibility as CM during Gujarat riots by telling SIT that Gujarat has a history of communal riots.
Midday cartoon

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Deshraaj ke khilaaf fake case banaya jo FLOP ho gaya
but ye BJP Minisdter to convicted hai any response ?

नैतिकता की एक मात्र पक्षधर पार्टी, भ्रष्टाचार की एक मात्र विरोधी पार्टी, देश की एक मात्र देशभक्त पार्टी के ये नेता 3 साल की सजा खनन घोटाले में पाने के बाबजूद भी अपनी कुर्सी से चिपके हुए है! क्या करे इस कुर्सी का किस्सा ही कुछ ऐसा है! दूसरों से बिना बात इस्तीफ़ा तो मांगना आसान है, मगर अपनी गिरेबान में झांकना उतना ही कठिन!


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क्या इस देश में जहां गाँव का गरीब 17 रुपये और शहर का गरीब 23 रुपये में अपना एक दिन गुजारने को मजबूर है, क्या इस देश में जहां जनसँख्या का एक बड़ा हिस्सा रोज़ भूखे पेट सोता है, ये पूछना अपराध है कि देश की दो बड़ी पार्टियों के दो बड़े नेता अपनी रेली में करोड़ों रुपये खर्च कर रहे है वो कहाँ से आ रहे है?

कौन है जो इन नेताओं को हेलिकोप्टर में उड़ने के सुविधाएँ मुहैय्या करवाता है जब हमारे देश में आम आदमी को चलने के लिए सड़कें नहीं है, एक ट्रेन में 4 ट्रेन के आदमी भर भर के सफ़र करते है?

क्या आम आदमी का ये पूछना गुनाह है की उसके टैक्स से दिए हुए पैसे को ये पार्टियाँ कहाँ खर्च कर रही है?

1 BJP spent nearly Rs. 15 crore on Modi’s Vikas Rally in Rohini

2 Rahul Gandhi’s flying visit to TN cost over Rs.1 crore

3 Congress party workers spend 6 lakh on Rahul Gandhi banners

4 Poor in villages live on Rs 17 a day, in towns on Rs 23 a day: Survey

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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क्या मोदी वाकई में “विकास पुरुष” है? या ये सिर्फ विदेशी कंपनी APCO वर्ल्ड वाइड का कमाल है? बीजेपी ने मोदी को इस बिनाह पर PM प्रत्याशी बनाया है, कि उन्होंने ने गुजरात में विकास किआ है! मगर रिज़र्व बैंक की ताज़ा रिपोर्ट
(September, 2013) के मुताबिक इस देश में सबसे विकसित राज्य गोवा और केरल है जबकि गुजरात एक “कम विकसित” राज्यों की श्रेणी में रखा गया है!

हाल ही में गोवा के CM मनोहर परिकर ने भी कहा है कि अगर पार्टी कहेगी तो वो प्रधानमंत्री पद के प्रत्याशी बनने पर विचार कर सकते है!

ऐसे में सवाल उठता है, कि क्या नरेन्द्र मोदी को PM प्रत्याशी बनाने के पीछे कोई गहरी विदेशी साज़िश है? अगर नहीं तो विकाश के पैमाने पर मोदी से भी आगे निकले और पढ़े, लिखे, सरल स्वभाव के तथा सादगी से जीवन जीने वाले मनोहर परिकर को प्रधान मंत्री पद का दावेदार क्यों नहीं बनाया गया?

2 — with Gaganjot Singh and 2 others.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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बड़ी विडंबना है कि बीजेपी अपने आप को कांग्रेस से अलग होने की बात बार बार करती है, मगर इनकी नीति और नीयत कहीं न कहीं जाकर एक ही बिंदु पर मिलती है|

बीजेपी की सरकार ने “इंडिया शाइनिंग” नाम का जो केम्पेन चलाया था उस पर 500 करोड़ खर्च हुए थे! क्या ये पैसा बीजेपी ने अपने जेब से दिया था? तब के CAG ने बीजेपी के मीडिया केम्पेन पर लुटाये गए जनता के पैसे के लिए बीजेपी की सरकार को जमकर लताड़ा था!

अब सुनिए कांग्रेस का हाल, “भारत निर्माण” के अपने केम्पेन में कांग्रेस ने 630 करोड़ लुटा डाले! आखिर ये पैसा किसका है? क्या ये पैसा आम आदमी की जेब से नहीं जा रहा?

बीजेपी और कांग्रेस के द्वारा अपने निजी फायदे के लिए लुटाये गए इन पैसो को अगर बिजली, पानी, सड़क और स्वास्थ जैसे सेवाओं के लिए खर्च किआ जाता तो सोचिये कितने लोगों को फायदा पहुच सकता था!

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महिलाओं की इज्ज़त की बात करने वाली बीजेपी का घिनोना चहरा—
पंजाब में बीजेपी नेता को दहेज़ सम्बंधित मौत के मामले में गिरफ्तार किया गया…

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