which is the most rewarding upi app available right now?

Savings Mentor
Which is the most rewarding upi app available currently?

Which app are you using?

M using supermoney for now, heard kiwi is good (with it's own cc).

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Talk-Of-The-Town Talk-Of-The-Town
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Am using both... Superpe and kiwi

16 Dimers
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Cool Cool
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*Supermoney for small amount  transactions

*Kiwi  for some big amounts

Many new apps coming now a days not tried much

Wingman Wingman
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New app like that....?

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Beacon Beacon
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navi is good

Savings Mentor Savings Mentor
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Reward rate?

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Spearhead Spearhead
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Kiwi, sasti tikau... pray🏻

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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2% cb on rupay cc

1% cb on Normal upi.

Cb can be used to purchase voucher of amazon pay, flipkart & many more

Downloaded recently

Savings Mentor Savings Mentor
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Dada 1:1 nhi hai uska, jo 2% kamaoge ,uska kuch percent he use hoga against any gv.

Lets say , u made a tranx of 50k, u get 2% i.e 1k

Par us 1k use karne ke liy u need to purchase gv worth 20k.

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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@zingoysupport when are you (zingoy) launching a wallet UPI at-least?
quantum quantum i am not tagging anthrax.ut in this, but possibly you can.
Finance Ninja Finance Ninja
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so you wanna loot DD and the team ah? using wallet upi

Talk-Of-The-Town Talk-Of-The-Town
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Am using both... Superpe and kiwi

Savings Mentor Savings Mentor
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For kiwi we need to get their own card, superpe is available for anycard or bank via their upi.

So comparison is hard.

Still which app u like the most, superpe or kiwi?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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P2p which app provides rewards? 

Savings Mentor Savings Mentor
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Superpe i guess

Beacon Beacon
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Any app providing good rewards with rupay cc on upi? Got my first cc i.e. supercard from super.money app.

The PostMighty The PostMighty
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Can someone refer me to kiwi?

Hunk Hunk
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I like Amazon pay. Got many cashback.

Spearhead Spearhead
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+ @kartikxxx Are SuperMoney UPI and Flipkart UPI (on the Flipkart app) the same?

Savings Mentor Savings Mentor
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