Diabetes - Insulin cost

Deal Cadet

I am a diabetic and 27 year old. So I wanted to know how you people are dealing with it w.r.t. the insulin cost.
I was on Mixtard few months ago. Now shifted to basal-bolus regime (Basalog and Actrapid).
Total insulin cost form me is around ₹2300/- per month including 10% off.
Is there any place where you are able to fetch more than 20% discount. I live in a tier 3 city where only medplus is providing 20% on online orders.
Any suggestions or any other info or any experiences you want to share will be much helpful.
Thank you.

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Try MedPlus and so many apps pharmeasy,netmeds

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I tried and only medplus is shipping insulin at my place. No other online pharmacies. sad

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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Are you suffering from Type 1 or 2 diabetes? At your age most diabetics are on Oral meds like Metformin. Type 1 is a different story though.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I had 60+kgs weight in 2017.
Suddenly people were telling me why have you become so thin. Aren’t you having enough food and all. But I neglected it and thought its normal.
Last year in march I was sick, weak and very lean.
I lost weight which I dont know how. It was sudden. During blood test, I checked my weight and it was jaw dropping 49.8kgs.
Report had fasting reading 380 and pp 495. Immediately I was on insulin for two weeks. I gained about 5kgs weight and was feeling perfectly fine. I wanted to be on oral meds alone so i doctor discontinued insulin and prescribed me metformin and some other type 2 meds for a month. And within a few days I again lost almost 3kgs and my readings were super high and uncontrolled. So its definitely not type 2. Its type 1 or lada sad
It’s been a year now and I am fine and weight is also super stable (58.4kgs).

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Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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I don’t think there’s any other option
Myra (Flat 20%)– Only Mumbai/Bengaluru
Medlife/1mg/Pharmeasy/Netmeds (Flat 20% + Bank Offers) – Not serviceable
Apollo Pharmacy (Online) – Only 10%

There are no online offers now for MedPlus  (offline r there) AFAIK but they have some flexi rewards scheme right?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Flexi rewards is of no use. We have to opt either 20% instant discount or 20% flexi rewards points. And also those points can only be redeemed on the products they offer under that scheme.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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This medicine is cold storage item. Many online pharmacy take order and cancel it.

Better way to get is ask friends in metro to order via online and bring it with them when they come to your place

However cannot comment on cold storage need during transit.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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1mg and netmeds I tried both rejected my order

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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is it genetic or u r the first victim of diabetes in Ur family bro?? I’m really feeling bad for u bro cry

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Eat millets bro
You don’t need insulin.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Tried. I m not eating any sugary or high carb foods. I Just eat 2 chapati afternoon and 2 to 3 at night with veggies and/or non veg. No rice, breads, fruits, cold drinks, maida items. I drink morning and evening tea with stevia and 2 whole wheat flour sugar free biscuits (Nutri choice zero). I sometimes eat millets as a substitute to rice. But still I need insulin. Damn.

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