Is the product photo set by seller or amazon ?

Deal Subedar

is the product image set by another seller or seller himself calling him Fake seller ?? smile

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Entertainer Entertainer
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Nice find stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye joy

Benevolent Benevolent
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The the original owner of listing might have lost buy box against new seller so I think he did that to prevent the sales of new seller
That’s pretty creative.

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Sellers can edit the listing (even the new sellers can i believe)
So one of those frustrated buyers would’ve created a fake seller account >> Listed the same product & added this product image smile

Benevolent Benevolent
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No if a new seller is listing over a existing asin or listing of product he can’t edit the listing only the creator of product listing can do that.
Also the buyer won’t do that much work to do this.
This is done by seller as he must have lost the buy-box(when you click on buy-now button on product page which sellers gets the sale is called buy-box) which means new seller is getting all the sales due to his competitive prices. That’s why original seller must have done this.

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