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Get one month Magzter Gold subscription free

Use code DBSMAGZTER and get one month Magzter Gold subscription free.


Until 31 May 2020

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Single Use (one month)


  1. Click here to open the Magzter sign up page
  2. Sign-up / login on the Magzter website
  3. After you sign-up / login, proceed to Coupon section
  4. Enter the coupon code DBSMAGZTER to avail One month Magzter Gold subscription
  5. After you register for the above on the Magzter website, you can read all Magzter GOLD newspapers and magazines for Free for a period of 1 month from the date of using the Coupon Code – you can then read on the Magzter website or download the Magzter Apple or Android app and also read from there on your mobile device or tablet

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Terms and Conditions:

  1. Offer can be redeemed on the Magzter website only and not on Magzter app but after you redeem it on the Magzter website you can then read on the Magzter website or download the Magzter Apple or Android app and also read from there on your mobile device or tablet
  2. DBS Bank shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss / damage / claim that may arise out of use or otherwise of any goods / services / offer availed by the customer, under the alliance offered by the alliance partner.
  3. The offer is sponsored by Magzter and customers shall be bound by the terms and conditions stipulated by the Magzter in this regard.
  4. Magzter and DBS reserves the right to modify these terms & conditions at any time.

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