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Maybelline Colossal Kajal, Black, 0.35g For Rs.100

Maybelline Colossal Kajal, Black, 0.35g For Rs.100

12 Dimers
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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Some prime user order for me?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Give details.. i will

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Good find bro https://cdn2.desidime.com/assets/textile-editor/icon_smile.gif

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Having prime acc pm me who wants to order

Budding Star Budding Star
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Risk you inviting

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Pm me who need …I hv prime .👌

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Lol https://cdn1.desidime.com/assets/textile-editor/icon_biggrin.gif
@G33kBoyRavi or anyone how this Kajal is part of SVD offer ? any idea ? Is this true ?

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Just a thought-
these kajals are good for eyes i mean they dont have side effects?
just a thought for person who buys…dont know much about it just a thought which came into mind so wrote this

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