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Woohoo App Referral Offer back

Woohoo App Referral Offer back

Deal Lieutenant


Woohoo App Referral Offer
Refer and earn Woohoo Loyalty Points
Terms & Conditions
Refer new user using the spread joy option.
Loyalty points will be credited to both sender and receiver only once the receiver performs a successful transaction within 30 days of registration.
Receiver gets 40 loyalty points on installing the app. Once the new user transacts sender gets 25 points as well.
Points will be credited within 15 working days.
Offer valid for max. up to 20 new referrals only.
All loyalty points have 30 days validity from date of issue.( 1 loyalty point =1 rupee)
Due to reasons of privacy concerns, we will not share any referrer or referee data with any other user.

We may terminate your account, or the accounts of any members you refer, if you or they take any of the following actions:
Open multiple accounts, including with different e-mail addresses or mobile number, for the same person in order to generate additional referral credits.
Violate these terms or any other terms and conditions on Woohoo app, including but not limited to the Gift Card Terms in any way or participate in the Woohoo Refer and Earn Program where doing so would be prohibited by any applicable law or regulations.
Use false names, impersonate other people, or otherwise provide false or misleading information to us.
We reserve the right in our sole discretion at any time and without prior notice to you to add to, remove or otherwise change these terms, including without limitation: changing the amount of the referral bonus, modifying how you may earn and spend referral credits, modifying the duration and expiration of referral credits, requiring minimum purchase amounts for use of referral credits, instituting maximum amount of referral credits that you may earn, and discontinuing the Woohoo referral program entirely.We will post an updated version of these terms on the Woohoo App, and you will be deemed to have accepted such changes by continuing to use the Woohoo app.

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