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[ ::: ♥Self Awareness♥ ::: ] 25 Signs You are Already Successful

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Communication Motivation by Carles Sabarich

We have all had that period in our lives where we feel, regardless of what happens, we simply have nothing positive going for us. It’s easy to criticize yourself in just about anything–from your competence in the workplace to how you deal with situations at home–and this can make it easy to become clouded to our own successes in life.

This kind of constant action and lack of clarity can make it easy to believe that you are a failure, even when all the evidence in your life–personally and professionally–points to other conclusions. If you are too busy in life fighting fires, you’ll likely never make the time to actually appreciate your own success and accomplishments. You could already be successful and just not realize it. Here are some signs that is the case:

1. You aren’t controlled by your income.

Many people feel like they are tied to that next paycheque to make things work for them. If you are able to go day-to-day without the worry that you won’t have enough money to last until the end of the month, then you are most definitely a success! You might not be able to afford a Rolex, but if you aren’t living from week-to-week you are a success.

2. You don’t seek praise.

Seeking praise from loved ones and colleagues is something that we typically grow out of in our teenage years. If you aren’t hanging around waiting to get the proverbial pat on the back at work or at home, you are a more successful individual than you might even know. Being able to do your part without looking for praise is a strong sign of mental security.

3. You suffer less drama.

Look back even just a year in your life: are you finding that things are quieter? At home and at work? If this is the case then you can probably say that your life is pretty successful–a lack of chaos points to order and harmony.

4. You have a plan.

Success is built on structure and having a long-term plan to get to where you want to be. If you actually have a framework to follow in your life to reach your life goals, you are already pretty successful. Most people don’t plan ahead!

5. You crave more.

For someone who might feel like they aren’t doing well very in life, if you tend to look for more from any situation you are already on your way to success. Ambition and a desire for knowledge points to a determined individual who seeks to better themselves.

6. You are an early bird.

You know the old saying. The early bird catches the worm. If you are to make your life a success, you can’t be starting each day in the afternoon. When you find that you are jumping out of bed, ready to attack the day, you can probably point to a successful lifestyle and personality.

7. You are socially active.

Success tends to come in many different ways, not just your rank or your pay packet. If you are able to get involved in many different situations with a variety of social circles you can point to a healthy and harmonious life–people don’t tend to stick around toxic personalities.

8. You offer mutual respect.

Success tends to come from your own experiences in life, including going through stresses and difficulties. If you understand the value of treating others with respect, you already harness one of the most important aspects of success.

9. You wish to help others.

Again, your success in this world goes far beyond the cost of your car. If you are able to provide people with a solid base to work with, and act as a pillar of strength for colleagues, success is not too far off.

10. You are driven.

Anybody without an engine and a willingness to get through the hard times and the difficulties will struggle to succeed. If you don’t mind getting your sleeves rolled up and your hands dirty, you are better off than you think.

11. You possess confidence without arrogance.

The big difference between a successful person and someone who believes they are successful is the way they conduct themselves. If you can show some genuine humility for others, whilst inspiring those who are struggling, you are already a successful individual

12. You have fought back.

We have already touched on how failure can be the point needed to succeed. You need to hit the bottom before you can reach the top. Being able to battle back from a position of failure to success–any success–is a sign of an iron-willed individual with the nous to succeed in life.

13. You strive to improve.

Many people fall into the trap of believing that they “made it”. When you always look to improve on the previous performance, even if it was spectacular, you are setting yourself up to be a long-term success.

14. You have discipline.

Discipline can only come from being a success and seeing how things have gone in the past. Learning how not to make mistakes and how to make the right call is vital to being a long-term success.

15. You preach patience.

Patience is a virtue that the most successful people emit on a large-scale basis. Without patience, it can be hard to ever make the type of impact that you originally intended in any work or personal environment.

16. You can say no.

We spoke earlier about the power of being able to avoid needing to be praised–this is the same ideal. If you are able to say no then you have already avoided the need to please everyone. This is the sign of a successful individual.

17. You manage time well.

Time management is a sign of long-term success, and being able to use the time in any given day to be productive is the sign of a successful person. Capable of dealing with plenty of tasks in any given day? You are already a success.

18. You have successful friends.

Success around you is the easiest way to inspire yourself. If you find yourself surrounded by those who are also doing well it can be easier to actually improve and develop yourself in the right manner.

19. You don’t blame others.

You have reached a point in your life where you fully understand what it means to take ownership of your actions and not target others for your frustrations and failures. That comes about from being active rather than passive, and noticing your inner power to transform your life. It also speaks to your ability to prevent the environment from leading you down a direction you do not desire.

20. You don’t waste your time.

Long gone are the days when you let others drag you along and make you invest your time in activities you deemed boring or even counterproductive to your self-development and self-esteem. Your greater sense of direction empowers you to know what you want without needing other´s approval.

21. You are assertive.

You understand that simply saying yes or no is not enough. Explaining your reasons in a clear manner is essential for others to understand that you are an individual with your own thoughts and needs. This does not mean being inflexible, but while being understanding you should never let anyone bend your way.

22. You stay positive.

You have learnt the hard way that being negative or skeptical to justify your potential defeats and failures does not serve any purpose. Not only it does make you feel unable and anxious, but also does affect the final outcome. By being positive and honest at pursuing your goals you will unleash the true achiever within you.

23. You take care of your health.

Quitting harmful activities that stop you from working towards the brighter future you have always dreamt is a powerful step. Be it smoking, taking drugs, eating too much saturated fats and sugar, or not exercising, you understand that leaving all of those behind will turn you into a stronger individual with greater drive and willpower.

24. You don’t seek a relationship to solve your personal issues.

It is easy to hide our failures behind someone who loves us. But, it is a bit immature for both sides in a relationship to stop tackling the real issues that harm each other’s lives. It is not a good idea to avoid helping the other towards becoming a better person just because it is easier not doing it or because “things are just fine as they are”.

25. You are mature.

When bad situations unfold in the workplace, or you need to deal with the individual who you have a problem with. A sign of success is being able to put personal grievances to the side for professional gain.

It’s always important to remind yourself that success isn’t something that can be judged so materially. If you are able to look at your lifestyle and understand that you do things in a mature, social and effective manner then you are already far more successful than any slap on the back will ever make you feel.

Success comes from acceptance of your own skills and abilities, not what somebody you might never have met before tells you.

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Gut feeling

Small steps at a time

Trial and error

Dhokha kha kar

Be appreciative

Be helpful first

Its life long journey !

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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:


Gut feeling

Small steps at a time

Trial and error

Dhokha kha kar

Be appreciative

Be helpful first

Its life long journey !

Though wisdom comes after experience,but still humans with inbuilt qualities gets sidelined.

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Yes !
Opportunity keeps knocking .
Have u read a book by Ashwin Sanghi
Bloody good luck !
It will come I’m 100 rs, please order and read.


Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

Yes !
Opportunity keeps knocking .
Have u read a book by Ashwin Sanghi
Bloody good luck !
It will come I’m 100 rs, please order and read.


But its better to b what I m good at,A good observer is one of them.
Rather than to judge someone or have different masks likewise.

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10 things successful people never do

I have done all of these ten things and seen the results. I was very unhappy.
Before I can give you the rules I must establish my credentials.
I have started about 20 businesses and failed at 17 of them. I have failed as a husband, as have many.
I hope I don’t fail as a parent but certainly some people would look at my track record and say, “yes, yes indeed, he failed as a parent.”
I’m not the best boyfriend. One time I broke up with a girlfriend while I was on the elevator up to meet her in her apartment. I just hit the down button and never spoke to her again.
But I also have had a few successes.
Here is what failures do



We don’t live long enough to fail. Like if a planet is around for 4 billion years and produces no life-forms, I would call that planet a failure.
Everything else is an experiment.
Thomas Edison never said, “I failed 10,000 times before I made a lightbulb.”
The guy was in a LABORATORY. He experimented. And now everyone gets into “failure porn” and says “I’m a failure”. That’s BS!
John Coltrane didn’t fail when he couldn’t stay in Miles Davis’ quartet.
He was experimenting with Miles Davis style but ultimately, with 20 years of practice and study under his belt, he knew that only his unique style could survive and flourish in his own quartet.
He experimented, learned from the experiment and moved on.
HERE is the key on experimenting:
Why is this? It’s brain science: when you make a mistake, you repeat and repeat until you get it right.
This repetition is “practice”. Practice makes perfect.
People who just get it right the first time (e.g. when I sold my first business) never learn all the subtleties you learn with practice.
So they get fooled into thinking that “luck” equals “good” when actually “mistakes + repetition = good”.


Everybody is told a lie: to be a success you have to under promise and over deliver.
This is the worst form of lack of integrity. The idea is that you are “safe”. Let’s say you under promise and you under deliver.
You think, incorrectly, “hey, at least I have my integrity intact”.
No, you have nothing intact. You are just like everyone else. There are 3,000,000,000 employees on the planet and they are all under promising and most of them are under delivering.
You are just like them.
Over-promise sets you apart from the people who under-promise. Over-deliver sets you apart from people who just delivered.
It’s not that hard to do both. (It’s easy to slightly over promise and slightly over deliver because nobody else is doing it).
Try it and you will see the results. it’s amazing.


They left their important project on the subway. They are sick.
Their dog got sick. They broke up with their girlfriend or boyfriend.
There’s a way to minimize accidents and it’s called health.
You can’t succeed if you are sick in bed. You can’t succeed if you spent all night the night before reading your wife’s emails because you can’t trust her.
You can’t succeed if you aren’t grateful for being given at least the chance to be something better than what you are now.
When someone consistently has a lot of excuses for why something has gotten done, I know they are not ready for the next step.
When I was young, I was the man with the excuses. I had them every day. I was a master of them. But I fooled nobody. And so I was given less opportunities for success.
And you know what: I was right! If I’m reading my wife’s email and she’s cheating on me, I deserve to fail.
So here’s what you do: You can’t be perfect.
But every day:
– Move, Eat, Sleep…Well
– Improve your relationships (Call a friend, surprise a spouse, be kind to your kids)
– Be creative (only you know how to do this but at least write 10 random ideas a day)
– Be grateful for where you are. (and this is the “Now” that people brag about)


Bobby Fischer always took it to the next level. Nobody ever thought he was the greatest talent in chess history. He probably had average talent.
But he always said, “how can I take chess to the next level”.
When he was a kid he learned Russian so he could read the Russian chess magazines.
After that, he never lost a US Championship. He was 13 years old.
He was so much better than the Americans he even stopped playing in the US championship.
And he took it to the next level right up until the world championship.
For the first time in his life he played a different first move.
His opponent, the older world champion had ONLY prepared for the one move Fischer ever did. So Fischer came up an entire new opening with a new first move.
Gandhi took it to the next level. Every revolution before him was done with violence.
He experimented. He had a vision. He felt that 300 milllion Indians didn’t need to do violence.
He was right, despite everyone disagreeing with him.
Take the advice of everyone around you, and then take it to the next level. Practice taking it to the next level (because at first you won’t be good).
Come up with your ideas but then think, “What has never been done before” (it’s not true that everything has been done before. Only shadows of things have been done before).
But do it over and over again and you will be THAT PERSON that knows how to take things above and beyond.


Failures are insecure. When they do their little stupid thing at work they want the credit.
Give others credit all the time. Then you are the source of credit. Just like a bank.
When people want more credit, who do they go to? They go to you! Just like they would go to the bank when they need more money.
Credit is like currency. If you’re the bank, then in the long run you will end up with all the real credit.


I don’t mean “be honest”. That’s obvious.
How do you take “honesty” and “integrity” to the next level?
You become vulnerable. You admit mistakes before you have to. You offer people their money back when you’ve lost it and didn’t have to.
I was talking to Ev Williams who started Twitter. When his older company, Odeo, wasn’t working out – he and his board decided to give everyone their money back before moving on.
That’s integrity. Nobody has ever given me my money back.
You give advice and help people when you sincerely want them to do better.
Do this every day. It adds up. No, it doesn’t add up. It multiplies. It compounds.
There’s “negative integrity” and “positive integrity”.
“Negative integrity” is saying to your boss: “I failed because I missed the train”.
“Positive integrity” is, “I like your idea for A, B, C reasons but how about you give a chance to X, Y, and Z and I bet we can make your idea a huge success to your boss.”
And then you give your boss total credit.
Remember, these rules don’t live in isolation. It’s all one big rule.
It’s all about you being a vessel for a vision.
People live for 75 years on average. But a vision can live for millenia.


I thought there was only ONE rule about money: making it.
So I lose it all. Because first I had to learn there are three rules to money:
Making it.
Keeping it.
Growing it.
Making it is what we deal with for a long time. We need to pay the bills. We need to reduce money anxiety in life.
But many people who are failures think that once they make it, the job is over.
I thought my job was over when I had millions in the bank.
So I stopped being healthy. So I stopped being nice to the people around me.
So I spent money on a penthouse apartment and buoght art and got a house in Atlantic City and started gambling after taking helicopters back and forth.
So I put money in every investment possible just to impress people.
And then I had $143 left and I was dead broke and blame myself for the deaths of at least two people.
When you make money, keep it. Don’t even invest it. Put it in the bank. Don’t be greedy for more. You only need to get rich once.
Unless you want to buy a basketball team you don’t need to get rich twice.
And only when you are confident you can Keep it, you can THINK about growing it. But that takes a year or two first of keeping it.
Please trust me on this one.
Almost every failure I know (and I know a lot) didn’t fail because they couldn’t make money. They are broke now because they couldn’t keep it.


I have a very good friend who is a brilliant brilliant scientist. Maybe the most brilliant man I know.
I would tell him this to his face: you have no follow through.
He has an idea. Everyone says it’s amazing! AMAZING! You are so SMART!
He gets about 30% of it done.
And then he is on to the next Brilliant idea. BRILLIANT!
His kids live on food stamps. And every single one of his ideas is not just a million dollar idea. But a TRILLION dollar idea. I’m not exaggerating.
But he can’t follow through. The next idea is always bigger.
Thomas Edison didn’t say, “I did it!” when he made the light bulb.
He called up the mayor of New York and worked out a deal to light up downtown New York City. The first city in history to be lit up at night by electricity.
He got paid for that. He made a company. He followed through. He got rich.
That’s the difference between Edison and Tesla, who was probably smarter in every way than Edison but died penniless.
If you have trouble following through, delegate. But don’t forget the other rules above: Over deliver. Integrity. Health. etc.


I carry at all times a waiter’s pad. I have over 100 waiter’s pads.
In my pocket right now is one. In the table next to where I sleep is one.
Saul Bellow once said, “you never have to rewrite what you write in the middle of the night”.
How many times do you think of a great idea and you think, “this is so GREAT I will never forget it” and then you forget it.
It happened to me this morning. Claudia and I were talking last night and she said, “You have to write this down!” and I said, “there is NO WAY I’m going to forget this. “
Well, I forgot it. I pray to the gods of memory I will remember it but I forgot it.


I say, on average, 10,000 words a day.
I ALREADY know the things I’m going to say. They already got to my brain somehow. And now I’m just waiting to vomit them out.
When you listen, you learn. When you learn, you get better. When you get better you start to have a vision, you start to over deliver, you get more creative, and all the other good things above.
I’m going on a word diet.
2500 words a day. MAX. I might not succeed (it’s an experiment) but I’m hoping I learn more today. And tomorrow.
Listening is a form of giving credit. It means you value the words of other.
Listening is a form of integrity. Because everyone offers something, you acknowledge that.
Listening is a form of improving relationships with others.
Listening is a way to outsource good ideas since if you let many others talk, some of them will give you good ideas you might not have thought of.
Buddha didn’t start a major religion by talking. It started because he sat under a tree and listened.
Jesus spent 40 days in a desert. Listening.
Moses listened to his wife (err….I mean a burning bush).
Everything that has moved history happened because of listening instead of talking. Talking inspires. But listening creates the inspiration.
I can say “break all of the above rules” is the final rule.
But I’m not going to say that.
You know why? Because this is not bullshit.
This is not about how to fail or to succeed. You can read those rules in a birthday card.
This is how I failed and succeeded. I hope I can die now without any more pain.

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The Two FalconsP 

Once there was a king who received a gift of two magnificent falcons from Arabia. They were peregrine falcons, the most beautiful birds he had ever seen. He gave the precious birds to his head falconer to be trained.

Months passed and one day the head falconer informed the king that though one of the falcons was flying majestically, soaring high in the sky, the other bird had not moved from its branch since the day it had arrived.

The king summoned healers and sorcerers from all the land to tend to the falcon, but no one could make the bird fly. He presented the task to the member of his court, but the next day, the king saw through the palace window that the bird had still not moved from its perch. Having tried everything else, the king thought to himself, “May be I need someone more familiar with the countryside to understand the nature of this problem.” So he cried out to his court, “Go and get a farmer.”

In the morning, the king was thrilled to see the falcon soaring high above the palace gardens. He said to his court, “Bring me the doer of this miracle.”

The court quickly located the farmer, who came and stood before the king. The king asked him, “How did you make the falcon fly?”

With head bowed, the farmer said to the king, " It was very easy, your highness. I simply cut the branch of the tree where the bird was sitting."

Moral :-
We are all made to fly – to realize our incredible potential as human beings. But instead of doing that, we sit on our branches, clinging to the things that are familiar to us. The possibilities are endless, but for most of us, they remain undiscovered. We conform to the familiar, the comfortable, the mundane. So for the most part, our lives are mediocre instead of exciting, thrilling and fulfilling. So let us learn to destroy the branch of fear we cling to and free ourselves to the glory of flight..

Fear is one of the major blocking obstacles against your success. You tend to compromise with your circumstances and prefer to continue your status quo condition because you are afraid of making decisions. Since you lack in courage you cannot move forward in your life with liberty.

On the other hand successful people are those who take risks in life. Successful people understand that taking risks will lead them experience new horizons in their field, will give them more vision and more confidence, give them wisdom and success by exposing them to more and more challenges and consequently help them achieve their dreams. Such people keep taking new risks in order to achieve what they want to achieve. Whenever there is a doubtful situation they take the next baby step in order to determine whether it is fine to move ahead. In case they fail, they take one step back and re-determine their direction using their analytical skills.

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Habits of Perfectly Organized People 

It’s true what they say: clutter breeds clutter. There are so many of us who dream of running a less chaotic household or struggle to remember what ouroffice desk looks like. We crave order, yet at the same time resist due to the negative connotations attached to being perfectly organized.

There are many who believe being perfectly organized is like believing in unicorns: it’s just not going to happen. There are also misconceptions that being “organized” means being a control freak or a neat freak. That if you prefer to organize the food in your fridge a specific way, you’re not being efficient, you’re being OCD. That you’re not truly enjoying your life because you’re focusing on mundane details you “shouldn’t” consider important.

I’m here to say that’s a huge pile of crap! As someone who’s gone from chaotic and spontaneous to organized and efficient, there are so many benefits to the latter this topic could be turned into a self-help book. The top three benefits of being perfectly organized are:

Not being in a permanent state of “catch-up” decreases your stress level by 10,000 percent and increases your self-esteem by the same amount.

You’re able to work less and accomplish more.
You always know where your keys are!

By being perfectly organized, you’re respecting your most valuable commodity: time. It helps you accomplish all you set out to, both professionally and personally. It gives you the freedom to be exactly who you are and live a life of minimal stress, not to mention how much more enjoyable the present moment becomes.

If you’d like to feel this way too, here are 12 habits of perfectly organized people I’ve observed, read about, and am currently attempting to execute:

Find out more Lifehacks: Why Being Popular Isn’t as Cool as It Looks

1. They know who they want to be.

Perfectly organized people have an exact definition of how they want their life to be – from how they want their home to look, to how they want to dress, to how they spend their time – which makes it a lot easier to set goals and feel a sense of accomplishment.

2. They know how to say, “No.”

Because they know exactly what they want, it’s easier for them to say, “No”: when they’re offered a work project or invited to a social gathering that doesn’t advance their lifestyle in some way, they’re able to decline with confidence and aren’t easily swayed by societal pressure.

3. They’re mindful shoppers.

Just because something’s on sale doesn’t mean you have to buy it. Perfectly organized people always ask themselves, “Do I really need this?” before every purchase. Not only does this help keep your budget intact, it pushes you away from using instant gratification as a tool to cope with rough patches.

4. They’ve let go of their perfectionism.

If you try to do everything perfectly, it goes without saying you’ll feel like a constant disappointment. Perfectly organized people channel their perfectionist tendencies into their most important tasks – work assignments, remodeling their home, exercising – and with tasks that aren’t a priority, they do what they have to do to get the job done.

5. They don’t believe in labeling anything “miscellaneous.”

Though they don’t have much to store due to their minimalist nature, when perfectly organized people do store items, they specifically label and index where everything can be found. Their bills are specifically filed, and their Christmas decorations are specifically cataloged.

6. They separate emotions from possessions.

They don’t attach sentimental value to everything they own. For example, I still have my three favorite stuffed animals from when I was a kid, but not my entire collection. (I’m a big kid now!)

7. What they don’t need, they don’t own.

They don’t buy anything until they know it’s something they’re going to use right away or in the near future. From personal experience, there’s no worse feeling than cleaning an item more than you enjoy it. Trust me, you won’t miss the dusting. At all.

8. They clean as they go.

Instead of waiting for the dishes to pile or the recycling to take itself out, the perfectly organized carve out chunks of time to maintain their lifestyle. This might sound like a drag, but there’s no better feeling than having time off, andnot having to spend it running errands or cleaning, since they’re already taken care of.

9. They understand the power of one.

One checking account. One savings account. One credit card. One email address. Perfectly organized people understand that consolidation and simplicity equals more freedom.

10. When it comes to planning, they’re all about the details.

Perfectly organized people don’t just plan in advance: they plan way in advance, and they plan in detail. Sure, their to-do lists look like scrolls, but it’s only because they’ve broken down each of their tasks into manageable mini-tasks. Not only does this make each goal less overwhelming, it also helps you foresee any potential conflicts that could get in the way of your end result. BAM!

11. They don’t procrastinate.

Because of how much respect they have for their time, perfectly organized people don’t procrastinate, and they have no reason to: because of their maintain-as-they-go, to-do-list-Zorroing way of life, there’s no need to.

12. They believe in quality over quantity.

To perfectly organized people, quantity equals clutter. They’d rather be surrounded by a minimal amount of items, all of which they use, enjoy, and actually have time to take care of properly. Professionally, they’d rather streamline their focus into a specialty where they can thrive, instead of working in more than one area and completing mediocre work.

Do you strive to be perfectly organized? Why, or why not?

Source: LifeHack

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4 Important Keys That Will Unlock Your Fast Track to Successs



Serial Entrepreneur, Mentor and co-founder of

There may not be any shortcuts in life, but there are certainly ways you can work smarter instead of harder. When you utilize some specific tools and systems, you can accelerate your journey to success exponentially.

Some of these tools are abstract and more mental in nature, while others are concrete and tangible, but all will help you in various ways. The best part about using these tools is that they will help you fast track your way to success in every aspect of your life, not just in business.

1. Embrace servant leadership.

Servant leadership is a timeless concept and one that many of the most influential figures in history have embraced. Great leaders are those who put the well-being of their staffs and communities above their own needs. Simon Sinek tapped into this idea with his popular book, Leaders Eat Last, but it was Robert K. Greenleaf who formally defined the term in his 1970 essay, The Servant as Leader.

Related: Want to Reach Your Goals? Adopt and Embrace the Hustle Mentality.

“The servant-leader is servant first … It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant first to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served.”

All ships rise with the tide, and embracing a servant-leadership mindset that puts your community’s good above your individual desires will unlock unlimited possibilities for you.

As Zig Ziglar famously said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want."

2. Focus exclusively on value.

Value is of the utmost importance. This key to success is reminiscent of the famous John F. Kennedy quote, “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.”

In many ways value shares the attributes of servant leadership, but the idea with this key is that you provide value to a larger, less tangible audience.

Millions have been influenced, helped and inspired by Sinek’s “Start With Why” TED Talk, yet most have never met him. They received tremendous value from the effort and preparation Sinek put into that talk, and while he’ll never be a servant leader to most of those individuals, he is still able to create a tremendous impact on people’s lives.

Value is you focusing on how much you can give and how big you can serve your market and the world.

Related: The 5 Non-Negotiables for Thriving in Business and Life

3. Automate everything possible.

Automation is something that can help you grow your business exponentially. With all the tools on the market today, you could automate huge chunks of your life by simply taking the time to set them up. Automation will likely be the entrepreneurial tool that revolutionizes today’s business climate.

Think of what Henry Ford’s assembly-line production model did to change industrialism in his time. Automation is that mass-scale production model for today, but it’s about your productivity instead. The more you can automate aspects of your business, the faster your business can grow.

There are highly automated CMS solutions such as Infusionsoft, easily set-up sales-funnel programs such as Click Funnel and other semi-automated online storefronts such as Shopify that can revolutionize your business. The list goes on depending on the solution you require, but automation software is there to make your life more efficient and to free up your time. Use it!

4. Get help.

Last but not least, get the help you need. This final key to fast-tracking your success is perhaps the most difficult for entrepreneurs because it requires capital. However, when you get the right staff, agencies or freelance help on your side, you will be amazed at the difference it makes in your productivity.

The growth will come fast and furious when you get the right resources for your business. People are certainly an invaluable and essential growth tool.

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What Do You Expect?

Zig Ziglar

Speaker/author Mamie McCullough tells this story. Several years ago as she started the school year, second-grade teacher Frances Hurst of Rayville Parish, Rayville, Louisiana, was told that she had the “middle” class of students. At that time, all the students were grouped in either “low,” “middle” or “high.” This grouping or grading bothered Ms. Hurst quite a bit because she had never taught “ability grouping” before.

On her first day of class, the students told her they were the “middle group,” and at that point Ms. Hurst went into action. She closed the door, placed paper over the glass in the windows, and told the students there had been a mistake and that they were actually the “high” group. From that point on, she treated them like they were the high group. Her expectations for them were high; their own expectations and confidence grew, and at the end of the school year the SRA test (which is given to measure the achievement for each group) revealed that her group had tested one year ahead of the “high” group. Since this test was a class average, that meant that some of the students were testing much higher than the “high” group.

Someone once said that if you treat a person as he is you make him worse than he was, but if you treat that person as the individual he’s capable of becoming you make him the best person possible. That’s a marvellous philosophy because it’s true. This was aptly proved by Ms. Frances Hurst. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every parent, teacher, employer, etc., in America would treat everybody as if they were in the “high group”? Odds are dramatic that everything would be better. You can’t influence everybody, but you can influence those you work and live with. Put them all in the high group – they’ll climb higher and so will you. See you at the top!

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What is Tunnel Vision?

Having a vision is a powerful tool. It means that you are honoring your goals, aspiring towards them, and taking risks to expand your horizons. But sometimes our visions for ourselves subtly turn into tunnel vision. We can’t see anything that contradicts our intentions and desires. We get selective perception, which limits our ability to remain open and to see things clearly. Instead of being present to our reality, we put the blinders on and barrel ahead towards our hopes and dreams.

There is a shadow side to almost every positive thing we can do for ourselves, including having a vision. All spiritual and psychological tools can be used in a “willful” way. For example, sometimes self-care is actually about taking care of ourselves: unplugging from too much work and plugging into more balance and harmony. But sometimes, under the guise of self-care, we are really just checking out: denying what’s happening and how scary it feels to show up for it. So, how do we know the difference?

One red flag is the tension that usually crops up when we are stuck in the tunnel. It takes a lot of effort to keep the blinders on. For me, the tension often shows up in the form of a headache. For others, there might be similar physical cues such as stomach or backaches, getting sick, or feeling lethargic. Some people find themselves to be more irritable or short tempered. When we aren’t looking at the big picture of our reality, our emotional bandwidth tends to shrink. This happens because everything becomes limited in the tunnel, not just our vision. I don’t know about you, but when I’m stuck in a tunnel, I can get a little cranky. What are your personal cues that suggest you might be denying aspects of your reality?

Of course, there are reasons that we aren’t looking at the big picture. Many of them boil down to fear. “What if I leave this relationship and I’m alone forever?” “What if I open this piece of mail and find out that I owe more money then I have in the bank?” “What if I take this day-job and I never get to work professionally in the job of my dreams?” Our response to these fears can be “No thanks, I’ll stay here in the tunnel, where it feels safe.” And then we clamp down, even harder.

*If you are still with me on this tunnel metaphor, here is where it gets good. I grew up in Colorado where there are some amazing tunnels going straight through the mountains. Perhaps you have driven through one yourself, or you can imagine it right now. As you are driving, you move from a cold and dark, fear-filled tin can, out into a picture postcard. Let that experience be your teacher and your inspiration. When we move through small and contained ideas of what we think we want, what we think will make us happy, and what we think will keep us safe, we are brought to extraordinary and expansive beauty. It’s truly breathtaking. Removing the blinders is like seeing in color for the first time. Tunnel vision is rigid and constraining, while remaining open is fluid and liberating.

Ultimately, moving out of the tunnel is about finding clarity, even if it feels terrifying. At least it is true. And reality begets more reality, and the opportunity to make it the best reality you can. I’m not saying that you have to give up on the dream, but you do have to face what is actually going on instead of living in a fantasy. Keep showing up for the life you are envisioning, but do it by starting from where you actually are. *

I’d love to hear how have you have moved through your own tunnels in life. How did you get stuck, and what enabled you to move through? What did you discover when you surrendered your vision? I know that oftentimes people find a “picture postcard” that they never would have if they held on to that tin can they used to believe was the shiniest and most precious thing they ever could have wished for.

Ingrid Mathieu, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist and author of Recovering Spirituality: Achieving Emotional Sobriety in Your Spiritual Practice (link is external).

Source: psychologytoday

@srocks @prinkle

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How Staying organized helps?

Staying organized has many advantages in terms of having more time for yourself and family; in terms of saving money; peace of mind, better health, balanced life and improved professional/Social life.

Below are some considerations on how to be more Organized and consequently get the benefits mentioned above.

How to stay organized?

1. Use files or folders to place all your Personal documents. Segregate your documents and place different kind of documents in different files. For example utility bills, educational documents and purchase receipts to be placed in three different files. If you want you can scan (or take a picture from your mobile) and put it in your email for quick reference. Make sure your password is safe! Advantage: Saves time and avoid stress to find the relevant document.

2. Differentiate between urgent and important tasks. Important tasks sooner or later will come out to be either very fruitful (if you have given them proper attention) or would be a complete disaster (if you have avoided them). Advantage: Attending Urgent tasks in timely manner will ensure healthy outcome in terms of family, personal, financial or professional life.

3. You need to closely observe your Time stealers. the routine tasks which takes away a lot of time but do not produce real good results should be optimized. Advantage: You will have more control on your time and arrange it for family & self matters.

4. Place your things at right locations. Allocate proper drawers, boxes, cabinets, Files, balcony for accessories. Advantage: you don’t have to waste your time when you need something.

5. Google Calendar is a great service which sends you email and SMS for any event which you store in your online Calendar. You can set reminders for next car service, tires replacement, remembering birthdays & anniversaries and so on. Advantage: you will save money by avoiding disasters (car malfunctioning etc), you will have healthy family relations (birthdays etc)

6. Make a to-do list. Maintain it on daily/weekly basis. Use ‘post-it’ notes for shopping list. Advantage: Critical tasks will not be missed. Unnecessary market revisits will be avoided.

Stay organized for a concrete grip on your life starting today.

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The successful person has the habit of doing
the things failures don’t like to do.

The truth hurts.
Not from the searching after but the running from.

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Great employees are reliable, dependable, proactive, diligent, great leaders and great followers… they possess a wide range of easily-defined—but hard to find—qualities.

A few hit the next level. Some employees are remarkable, possessing qualities that may not appear on performance appraisals but nonetheless make a major impact on performance.
Here are eight qualities of remarkable employees:

1. They ignore job descriptions. The smaller the company, the more important it is that employees can think on their feet, adapt quickly to shifting priorities, and do whatever it takes, regardless of role or position, to get things done.
When a key customer’s project is in jeopardy, remarkable employees know without being told there’s a problem and jump in without being asked—even if it’s not their job.

2. They’re eccentric… The best employees are often a little different: quirky, sometimes irreverent, even delighted to be unusual. They seem slightly odd, but in a really good way. Unusual personalities shake things up, make work more fun, and transform a plain-vanilla group into a team with flair and flavor.
People who aren’t afraid to be different naturally stretch boundaries and challenge the status quo, and they often come up with the best ideas.

3. But they know when to dial it back. An unusual personality is a lot of fun… until it isn’t. When a major challenge pops up or a situation gets stressful, the best employees stop expressing their individuality and fit seamlessly into the team.
Remarkable employees know when to play and when to be serious; when to be irreverent and when to conform; and when to challenge and when to back off. It’s a tough balance to strike, but a rare few can walk that fine line with ease.

4. They publicly praise… Praise from a boss feels good. Praise from a peer feels awesome, especially when you look up to that person.
Remarkable employees recognize the contributions of others, especially in group settings where the impact of their words is even greater.

5. And they privately complain. We all want employees to bring issues forward, but some problems are better handled in private. Great employees often get more latitude to bring up controversial subjects in a group setting because their performance allows greater freedom.
Remarkable employees come to you before or after a meeting to discuss a sensitive issue, knowing that bringing it up in a group setting could set off a firestorm.

6. They speak when others won’t. Some employees are hesitant to speak up in meetings. Some are even hesitant to speak up privately.
An employee once asked me a question about potential layoffs. After the meeting I said to him, “Why did you ask about that? You already know what’s going on.” He said, “I do, but a lot of other people don’t, and they’re afraid to ask. I thought it would help if they heard the answer from you.”
Remarkable employees have an innate feel for the issues and concerns of those around them, and step up to ask questions or raise important issues when others hesitate.

7. They like to prove others wrong. Self-motivation often springs from a desire to show that doubters are wrong. The kid without a college degree or the woman who was told she didn’t have leadership potential often possess a burning desire to prove other people wrong.
Education, intelligence, talent, and skill are important, but drive is critical. Remarkable employees are driven by something deeper and more personal than just the desire to do a good job.

8. They’re always fiddling. Some people are rarely satisfied (I mean that in a good way) and are constantly tinkering with something: Reworking a timeline, adjusting a process, tweaking a workflow.
Great employees follow processes. Remarkable employees find ways to make those processes even better, not only because they are expected to… but because they just can’t help it.

Jeff Haden learned much of what he knows about business and technology as he worked his way up in the manufacturing industry. Everything else he picks up from ghostwriting books for some of the smartest leaders he knows

@Smarty @srocks @Magus

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::: ♥ 30 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress at Work

Have you ever wondered why you are not able to do more at work?
What are some of the things that come to mind? Is it the lack of planning or passion for the work you do, or not liking your co-workers, your boss, or your salary, etc.?

The list can go on and on, but one way to help you achieve more at work is to learn different ways to reduce stress. If you are less stressed at work, you will be better able to focus and accomplish more tasks. By reducing stress you will be able to become more efficient, work with enthusiasm, and produce great results. Another great way to be less stressed would be to do work that you love!

If you want to reduce stress at work, simply find a few different ways that will help you to reduce that stress. Remember, what works for Peter does not always work for Paul, so don’t give up if the first few things you try don’t work for you. The good news is, reducing stress at work does not have to be difficult, and below you will find 32 simple things you can try out. They are some of the most common things individuals like you have used to reduce stress and get on with the job.

32 simple ways to reduce stress at work

1. Talk to a co-worker and keep the conversation positive. Ask for help if you need it.
2. Watch sports videos during lunch and short breaks.
3. Go outside and take a walk, even if it’s just for five minutes. Running won’t hurt either.
4. Eat some healthy snacks or food. Dark chocolate is excellent.
5. Listen to audio books, or read a book.
6. Take pictures of the beautiful scenery around your work place.
​​7. Re-organize and prioritize your tasks.​
8. Find out what is stressing you, and try to change how you feel about it.
9. If you work standing up, try sitting down for a few minutes, and vice versa.
10. Read the news. Stay abreast with what’s going on in the world to see the bigger picture.
11. Breathe in deeply, and out again. Do this for a few minutes.
12. Chew gum. Yes, it’s that simple.
13. Stretch your body. Stretch your muscles, legs, hands, etc.
14. Socialize and meet someone new at your work place.
15. Meditate.
16. Massage your neck, shoulders, and back with your hands.
17. Write in your journal. If you do not have one, write about your dream life.
18. Reminisce your past times, those euphoric moments when you felt alive.
19. Wash your face or your hands with cold water on hot days, and warm water on cold days.
20. Laugh out loud ( LOL!). Laughter is a great way to reduce stress.
21. Move away from your computer, smartphones, etc. and observe your surroundings.
22. Take your shoes off, and walk barefoot. Enjoy being barefooted for a minute.
23. Spin in your chair for a few seconds.
24. Do some pushups.
25. Reach out to one of your friends. Send an email or call them on your phone.
26. Look out the window and admire nature.
27. Drink some tea or coffee.
28. Eat lunch with your best co-workers and do not talk about work.
29. Turn on your favorite internet radio.
30. Pranks. ONLY the ones that will make people laugh and talk!

These are all simple stress reduction methods, and do not cost an arm and leg. Stress can negatively impact your life directly, and those around you indirectly. I hope these tips will help you reduce stress while you work, and improve your life.
How do you reduce stress at work? What can you add to this list?

Source: LifeHack


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To be an inspiration you have to be inspired. Find what inspires you and Go For It! Follow the Dream in your heart because it won’t steer you wrong! ❤️

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