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The 2nd hospital in India to go solar is in Mysore…Sigma Hospital has installed a 25 kW HT solar power generation unit and over 135 units power is being generated every day. The first hospital in Karnataka to have a solar power generation unit and it’s able to save 100 kg of carbon foot prints per day. Wish more hospitals will join and become more Eco-friendly..Photo courtesy…World’s largest solar powered hospital in Haiti !!

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Bank in a Box – Onboard customers realtime, Online KYC – Biometric, Camera, Scanner and printer with API’s to link to Core Systems. Deliver money, Collect money, cheques. Enhance your customer experience Digitally @

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How to live cosmically?
According to Einstein, you create your own personal space-time. Time is perception. In fact, time as life is perception, connecting to concepts, understanding and feeling. You create your own space-time. In India our sages the then scientists concentrated on living the life of cosmic entities and not as the earth bound limited entities. In western science they are now busy re-inventing the Hindu Cosmology—- the personal cosmology.
Your personal space-time depends on your own perspective. There is no absolute time unrelated to everything as Newton contended. Time gets meaning only relationally. Other than your personal perspective and the resulting perception, space-time has no meaning. Suppose you are the only person in the Universe and there is nothing else. Can you measure time? You cannot, because then you have to refer to an event, but there can be no event when there is only one unit-yourself. Can you locate yourself? You cannot, because to specify your location, you have to refer to other things, like near to, by the side of etc.But when there is nothing else you simply do not have those specifications. There can be no common perspective as your perception depends on your conceptualizations.
Now how do you perceive yourself—as a part of the Micro-cosmos as an atom feeling the atomic time—waves becoming particles due to the conscious notice, particles as part of the atomic nucleus or as independent but interacting entities creating their space-times, not being able to perceive yourself as of so much height, weight etc as your own conscious notice is creating particles out of waves and actually creating space-time which is your own but rapidly changing, making it extremely difficult to conceptualize a momentary ‘you’.
You can also be a Newtonian ‘you’, imprisoned in the Maya of being confined to the visible spectrum. Or you may feel that you are the earth itself, then going round the Sun and feeling time as the Goddess Gaia. You may also feel that you are the Solar system going round the nucleus of the Milky Way, feeling the cosmic year of 250 million earth years. Or you may feel that you are the Milky Way galaxy, interacting with the other galaxies in the local group cluster. But one point is very clear—separating Physics from Psychology is meaningless. Without our realization, classical physics has given way not to Quantum Physics or Relativity Physics but to the good old Meta-physics or Spiritualism. The scholar prodigals are returning.
“Immanuel Kant, one of the all-time great philosophers, thought that the mind arranges and orders perceptions of the world through active organizing principles. These principles he called categories.Space, time, casuality and others are the categories that present us with the way in which we experience the world. He thought, as did many others such as St Augustine that time was only a subjective experience that we projected out onto the phenomenal world. IT HAS NO MEANING OR REALITY OUTSIDE US.”(Gary F.Moring in—Theories of the Universe, page 143)
Now to live as a cosmic being, you have to do yoga, meditation, and concentration after specialising in Human Psychology, Quantum Physics, Astrophysics, Bio-physics and Astrology. You have to fight the Newtonian Rakshasas on the way—-the three dimensional false shapes our mind models on the basis of the photons received by the eyes, to be exact by blinding you from the rest of the extensions of the thing in artoms, energies…,and making you believe that the unseeing is seeing. The only method of feeling and seeing cosmically is developing the eye for beauty, the feel of sublimation, to create positive meanings from words, not to be misled by the feeling that the other persons are bad etc.
At the basic or fundamental level of energies and subatomic particles, all of us are the met morphing parts of the ever met morphing cosmic flow—-the Universe.
As a beginning to get over the basic limitation of the habit of the mind in modelling only three dimensional shapes, try to perceive, observe, analyse etc by using the faculty of smell and breathing only. Do Pranayama. Spirit means air. When you breathe in you get inspired. When you are determined you keep the breathe within you for some time. When you give up in despair you empty yourself of the air. Spiritualism is based on breathe regulation for feeling.

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