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Navjot Singh Sidhu sacked from The Kapil Sharma Show after comments on Pulwama attack

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Navjot Singh Sidhu sacked from The Kapil Sharma Show after comments on Pulwama attack

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Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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He deserved it stuck_out_tongue
Considering his previous history ( Imran Khan’s Oath taking ceremony and Photograph with Pakistan Army Chief ), he should’ve remained silent being a minister representing the same government n people here who consider Pakistani Govt n army as enemies ( Just like many leaders from the country, even though they have sympathy for the normal people in Pakistan they don’t say it open. They only condemn the act and expect the government to eradicate all militants )

People’s representative – Who represents the people as a whole, not just himself. He isn’t just Nobody like us
Hope he learns the lesson atleast now grinning

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Good Decision.

No one should comment on Indian Army or India’s ability. sunglasses🇮🇳

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Read the article brother stuck_out_tongue
Neither he commented about Indian Army or India’s Ability
It is all about the existence of Terrorism in every nation and blaming Individuals ( According to the article )

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Idiots have no role other than Idiots. F**istani Navjot

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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So ultimately Siddhu is the culprit who’s responsible for this attack. Boycotting him gave justice to this attack?made country more secure??

Even considering he’s at fault, there are more responsible people who must be answerble about this attack on country than Siddhu.

why such a lapse in security.? Isn’t Govt more responsible than Siddhu.

And those who trended boycottsidhu are not normal citizens but paid bhakts. If really care country to the anger they show on social media, then be sucide bomber and hit the target. But they won’t do anything such, they r getting paid plus identity of deshbhakt- two way benefits.

Ppl should aware of this who’s really invoking or who’s really in favour of betterment of country in real.

#Lastly those Baba’s who spread paakhand on TV did not guess probable attack .
#Media, Govt knows who is trying to kill ModiG and arrest them quickly then how can they miss on these inputs without any action at the safest place.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Did govt sacked siddhu on sony tv  or Sony TV itself sacked him?

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Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Funny posts and even funnier comments
Dummies are comparing hackers to soldiers from the border
+ Hacking their school website is an achievement LoL

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Analyst Analyst
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Just imagine Sidhu asking person to come to talk if he kills his family member.

Was intensions were wrong? No. Was his timing was wrong? Yes. Because current PM of India started talks with Pakistan after our ex and weak PM didn’t share dialogue with terror nation after Mumbai attack till he served. However strong PM called Pakistani counterpart soon after getting elected. So those who are trending against Sidhu should also ask their own salary provider if you can, why can’t others?

Those who blame Sidhu don’t even know that in Pakistan’s Punjab there are still many people who speak Urdu but only know to write in Gurmukhi while in India’s Punjab people speak Punjabi but only know to write in Urdu. Sidhu comes from that upbringing. Sidhu or xyz has nothing bad towards people of Pakistan. Just like common people of Pakistan still loves Indians and it’s movies, songs, cricket and serials. Baaki jeher ghulta rehna chahiye. Rafale khareedenge kiske liye?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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There was supposed to be a reset of relations to see if that could happen. Nawas was more resistent to Army and ISI than Imran. But it led to no results and we know where Nawas is now. Moreover PM spoke with a elected official from Pakistan not their thug killing squads general. Know the difference.

Analyst Analyst
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A short while ago minister KJ Alphons tweeted a selfie with a martyr’s deadbody in coffin (Now deleted), yes A SELFIE WITH TRICOLOUR COFFIN! But since he doesn’t comes on tv show no one will complain. Babu bhaiya vote ka chakkar Babu bhaiya.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Absolutely disgusting to see BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj smiling on the vehicle carrying the mortal remains of Ajit Kumar Azad, who lost his life in the Pulwama attack.
He was treating it as a political procession. How shameless these politicians can be!

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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That chap is a blot and should be thrown out of the party.

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Blogger Blogger
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They defend/praise Sidhu for defending Pak

We praise captain Amrinder Singh for this -

2 leaders same party
But soch apni apni thats why one is CM

Deshbhakti party dekh ke nahi aati ye bat terrorist sympathizer kya jaane

Budding Star Budding Star
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This thread has almost negligible posts condemning Navjot Singh Sidhu and more of Godi media, bhakt media, selfie, Rafale, Modi, URI movie and what not. Sad state of affairs.

Blogger Blogger
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They could praise their own cm but they did not because he is first indian then a politician, who condemned Pak for this terror attack.

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Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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@Utsav That’s what they think n believe stuck_out_tongue
PS : Bots also can’t understand Sarcasm and starts questioning based on sarcastic comments laughing
And they have their own code language and they can talk to themselves when they get questions only humans can answer

Budding Star Budding Star
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Well it just got difficult for them, they now have to learn to interpret whataboutery.

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Deal Major Deal Major
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Clarification from Archana Puran Singh

Archana Puran Singh reacts to the news of replacing Navjot Singh Sidhu on The Kapil Sharma Show

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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People love to use any situation to their own benefit
Sony did it just because they are worried about TRPs n bad publicity they might get
With the herd mentality people have here, it’s understandable why they sidelined Sidhu for the moment
Prior to URI attack, selected Pakistani start cast had so much popularity n fan base here in India. But then just after the attack, those individuals were referred to as something else, forced to leave the country by the same people who admitted them
Bollywood had no say here as the vigilant forces were creating havoc back then n might do again now

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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One Rational Guy you can find on YT/Twitter
Much much better than those who spread or instigate hatred
I’m very happy to see the likes for this particular video and everyone who wants a debate on this topic here should definitely watch this video including the comments (Not just smileys with jai hind tags)
You get nothing by fighting/arguing with just 2 or 3 users from the community with a different or biased opinion.
Thanks for sharing, this video aligns with everything I said n much more

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Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Bhai .. Sidhu’s comment timing is Bad
So even if this hits National Media, people might not care much

Also looks like the first Twitter Handle belongs to Pakistani guy so except criticism soley on that factor grinning

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Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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@getready and @Mirror – Sorry guys i have not followed anything in this thread so all i can do is to request you both to stop taking it on each other
Everything can be discussed and debated amicably

Have patience and just cool down – Ok ?

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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More than Okay . I was Fed Up answering tens of tags
Everytime I ignored there was a taunting tag, not just 1 but multiple 3 or 4
Meanwhile I need an answer if that’s okay, u can check n pm me when you are free grinning
Thanks for prompt reply

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Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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On a general note : Yes everyone has their own opinions – if u like responding to something u can do but please make sure u r not hurting anyone sentiments or emotions and same time if u don’t like to respond back ignore it

Why to take and make it so personal and guys if u dont like tags make it clear one time and end the matter

and on my personal note it is becoming too political in every thread as it is more of personal targets on one another than the real subject.

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Thanks for the heads up!

Just a small request/ query from my side. In between any discussions or reply to any posts, when someone posts his concern/ distress questioning/ challenging the govt policies, there exist some political trolls (mostly the supporters of current dispensation) here who come up and target the commentator(s) through a lot of defenses and personal remarks sometimes abuses even.. that not only leave the user in a bitter experience but makes the whole community look pungent and biased for any participation. There are many instances happened recently. When tagged any admins, only the contents has been removed but no warning given to the miscreants openly which not only encourages them to be more aggressive in subsequent posts, but makes difficult for other users to scroll through the deals (in recent posts), who wants to ignore those meaningless discussions.

Please suggest some resolution to this.

Cc: @admin @anthrax.ut

Blogger Blogger
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Mask/hide all posts of political section from recent post page.
And move all such politics posts to political section and give strict warning to people doing politics in Normal threads of DND.

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Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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We will definitely try to be more active / attentive towards these threads and take necessary actions to stop such outcomes
but we do trust on our dimers that they are sensible enough to differentiate between good and bad and wrong or right

so its equally on everyone to have control on what they are debating or trying to convey
I expect full cooperation in this regard from this very minute. Thanks in advance to one and all smile

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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we will surely take all suggestions and feedback into consideration

Edit: Let me add a warning/alert – Will straight away delete the post which turns political in wrong section instead of moving cause lately everyone starts with simple DND thread and later makes it political.

Op’s make sure u post thread in right section

If anything goes wrong do seek assistance of team or use alert admin option.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Few questions from my side,

Kapil Sharma spoke in support of Sidhu, so now trollers trying to #boycott Kapil Sharma #boycott Sony TV. These trolls need a lesson. Any idea how to control on these??

Sidhu met families of slain martyrs , how many of trolls did this or offers support to families??

What Sidhu said was also said by Rajnath Singh so why only one comes out as villain?

If govt can track 3kg of beef , why can’t 300kg RDX ?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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trolls were born to eliminate opposition it was all started by this govt only and the rest is history.. who ever opposes is called anti national

nothing has developed in all these 5 years except making minds and thinking corrupted

even relations friendship have gone for a toss…

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