
Deal Newbie
Hello, I had booked my flight tickets from Goibibo website on 18th Dec 2019 for Mumbai to HYD on 20th Dec’2019 and HYD to Mumbai on 21st Dec’ 2019 but due to family emergency I had requested customer care to reschedule my flight to next week. They have given me same fare estimate to reschedule flights which I already paid 9500 INR and when I asked for cancellation they refund me only 1700 INR which is totally unfair. I lost 8000 INR for booking made through Goibibo website. Now with this kind of experience how Goibibo expect any further bookings from me. Really shame on you. Cheating people with bloody company rules and regulations and blaming airline company for heavy cancellation charges. You have done this kind of contract with airline company that is the reason we as a loyal customers are suffering. I will not do any single booking from this cheater company in future. Max
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