Bigrocks - .com domain in Rs.69 Only | 1st year

Bigrocks - .com domain in Rs.69 Only | 1st year

Budding Star


* when you register a .COM domain name for 3 years. Additional years at ‪₹1319

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Buy for 3 years, and get 1st year at ₹69 only

Expiring In 12 days
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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Use spaceship you will get lesser than this

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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I think more better is to use
Flat 0.99 USD for 1 year as well as additional years which is always the issue with all other platforms.

Using these to host websites on Pi Zero 2 - with reverse proxy via Ngrok and with Cloudflare on other device. 
You can also add camera on Pi Zero 2 - to see remote images when away from home.

This is hosting a PHP website and traffic comes from domain I purchased


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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Not worth it, there are better ways to buy for cheap!

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Please suggest which site I should book domain whose charges are less on renewals

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