Bollywood's intellectual bankruptcy over CAA.

Deal Cadet

Why some not-so-prominent faces of Bollywood are spreading falsehood and propaganda over CAA and instigating riots across the nation? Equating CAA with NRC that was done in Assam (which was fully based upon Assam Accord 1985 and is principally different in nature to what proposed Nationwide NRC stands) shows how absurd their logic is.
Moreover, the way they are protesting against the CAA which relaxes rules in granting citizenships to those minorities who have faced persecution in neighboring islamic majority nations tells one thing that they are not at all “liberal” as they proclaim themselves to be.

Why has Farhan Akhtar shared a poster created by a pro-kashmiri separatists org?
Is he also a part of some WA group which propagate anti-India sentiments? Or is he a political juvenile who has little to no understanding of the issue of which he is proactively protesting against?

Whatever may be the answer, but it all trickles down to the fact that bollywoodiyas are nothing more than a bunch of overpaid entertainers.

When asked why is he protesting against CAA, he answered:

Funny, how one isn’t sure about the act itself and its consequences but is already protesting against it smile

The map he shared is a also a distorted map of India:

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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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They wanna be heroes. But lack of practice has made them to do things wrongly. They expect someone to read the script and say cut. Hahahaha

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Nah! They are united under one banner and we are not i.e ghazwa-e-hind. We are divided by caste, creed, society. There is one man who is trying to unite us under one rashtra and the religion of peace are creating hue and cry out of a mole and running helter skelter so that we don’t get united.

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