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Brain Teasers for Dimers :)

Community Angel

Here are the teasers for Dimers…

The very first dimer who gives the right answer my teaser question’s…would be given Karma from my side…

Let’s play with the Teasers….answers will given by you…;-}

1. Tom’s mom had three children.
The first was named May,
the second was June.
What was the third child’s name?

98 Dimers
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Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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IT was real fun while reading these funny tit bits!! VU!!

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Two men are standing on one side of a bridge and two women are approaching them.

One of the men says, “Here comes my wife and daughter” to which the second man replies “Here comes my wife and daughter”

If they have not married the same woman and the women aren’t pregnant,how is this true ?

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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What do these 3 have in common?
The Cabbage Patch Kids

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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papapoirot wrote:

Two men are standing on one side of a bridge and two women are approaching them.

One of the men says, “Here comes my wife and daughter” to which the second man replies “Here comes my wife and daughter”

If they have not married the same woman and the women aren’t pregnant,how is this true ?

The men are widowers and married each others’ daughter.

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Two women apply for a job. They are identical and have the same mother, father and birthday. The interviewer asks, “Are you twins?” to which they honestly reply, “No”.

How is this possible?

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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abhi1989 wrote:

Two women apply for a job. They are identical and have the same mother, father and birthday. The interviewer asks, “Are you twins?” to which they honestly reply, “No”.

How is this possible?

They are triplets

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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abhi1989 wrote:

What do these 3 have in common?
The Cabbage Patch Kids

They’re all adopted.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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An Arab sheikh tells his two sons to race their camels to a distant city to see who will inherit his fortune. The one whose camel is slower will win. The brothers, after wandering aimlessly for days, ask a wise man for advise. After hearing the advice they jump on the camels and race as fast as they can to the city. What does the wise man say?

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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What seven-letter word has hundreds of letters in it?

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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A man and his son had a terrible car accident and were rushed to the hospital. The man died on the way, but the son was still barely alive. When they arrived, an old gray surgeon was called in to operate. Upon seeing the young boy, the surgeon said, “I can’t operate – this is my son.”
How is this possible?

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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pankaj.gupta86 wrote:

An Arab sheikh tells his two sons to race their camels to a distant city to see who will inherit his fortune. The one whose camel is slower will win. The brothers, after wandering aimlessly for days, ask a wise man for advise. After hearing the advice they jump on the camels and race as fast as they can to the city. What does the wise man say?

The wiseman tells them to switch camels.

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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pankaj.gupta86 wrote:

What seven-letter word has hundreds of letters in it?


Deal Captain Deal Captain
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abhi1989 wrote:

Two women apply for a job. They are identical and have the same mother, father and birthday. The interviewer asks, “Are you twins?” to which they honestly reply, “No”.

How is this possible?

They probably is triplet or more than that.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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pankaj.gupta86 wrote:

A man and his son had a terrible car accident and were rushed to the hospital. The man died on the way, but the son was still barely alive. When they arrived, an old gray surgeon was called in to operate. Upon seeing the young boy, the surgeon said, “I can’t operate – this is my son.”
How is this possible?

Because the old man’s son was dead..

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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One day a Big Eskimo and a small Eskimo were walking on a snow

small eskimo said to big eskimo i am your son but you are not my father !!!

who was the big eskimo

Dimer Of The Year 2012 Dimer Of The Year 2012
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Fun reading through these….more…more

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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One day 4 sardarji decided to do business, they started a pertol pump
but after 5 days they didn’t get a single customer why ?

Dimer Of The Year 2012 Dimer Of The Year 2012
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rilu300 wrote:

One day 4 sardarji decided to do business, they started a pertol pump
but after 5 days they didn’t get a single customer why ?

B’cos their garage was on the first floor or second floor..

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Good one

Now they realised so they started departmental store but again no customer why ?

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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deal_dacoit wrote:

pankaj.gupta86 wrote:

A man and his son had a terrible car accident and were rushed to the hospital. The man died on the way, but the son was still barely alive. When they arrived, an old gray surgeon was called in to operate. Upon seeing the young boy, the surgeon said, “I can’t operate – this is my son.”
How is this possible?

Because the old man’s son was dead..


The surgeon was his mother,.

Community Angel Community Angel
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Q. This one’s a tuffy!
There is a common English word that is seven letters long.
Each time you remove a letter from it, it still remains a common English word – from seven letters right on down to a single letter. What is the original word, and what are the words that it becomes after removing a Letter at a time?

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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rilu300 wrote:

One day a Big Eskimo and a small Eskimo were walking on a snow

small eskimo said to big eskimo i am your son but you are not my father !!!

who was the big eskimo

Big Eskimo is mother

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Born Legend wrote:

Q. This one’s a tuffy!
There is a common English word that is seven letters long.
Each time you remove a letter from it, it still remains a common English word – from seven letters right on down to a single letter. What is the original word, and what are the words that it becomes after removing a Letter at a time?


Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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rilu300 wrote:

Good one

Now they realised so they started departmental store but again no customer why ?

Probably visitors not allowed signage ??

Community Angel Community Angel
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abhi1989 wrote:

What do these 3 have in common?
The Cabbage Patch Kids


Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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rilu300 wrote:

Good one

Now they realised so they started departmental store but again no customer why ?

they did’nt remove the signboard of petrolpump

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Name an English word of more than 2 letters that both begins and ends with the letters “he” in that order. There are two possible answers. “hehe” is not acceptable.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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In olden days you are a clever thief charged with treason against the king and sentenced to death. But the king decides to be a little lenient and lets you choose your own way to die. What way should you choose? Remember, you’re clever!

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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pankaj.gupta86 wrote:

In olden days you are a clever thief charged with treason against the king and sentenced to death. But the king decides to be a little lenient and lets you choose your own way to die. What way should you choose? Remember, you’re clever!

Die of Old Age.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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pankaj.gupta86 wrote:

Name an English word of more than 2 letters that both begins and ends with the letters “he” in that order. There are two possible answers. “hehe” is not acceptable.

Headache is one of them

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