Doubt Truths

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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Who’s telling the truth, and is it true, or only a perception, belief, guess, or just relative to the time, place, and manner?
For the first time, after reading many accounts on what happened to the alleged orchestrator of the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center over the last 14 years since 2001, a whole new ‘truth appears’ from the famed ‘truth teller’ (allegedly) who escaped to Moscow. Former CIA employee, Edward Snowden has said (again it’s allegedly) that he has evidence showing that Osama bin Laden, who was supposedly killed in Pakistan in 2011 by U.S. special forces, is still alive and well. In an interview with the Moscow Tribune, Snowden said Osama was living in the Bahamas, on the payroll of the CIA. (that last line seems to make it farcical).

This seems to be the age with amazing technological developments where everyone can communicate that we get snippets or more of ‘the real true story’ of everything that hits the news. We also hear, that the government has people who are paid to put out disinformation to really screw things up as it’s not easy to figure out who is who and what is what!

Truth is what is. Lots that is accepted as ‘truth’ is perception, belief, confusion, agenda driven, lying and on and on. What’s accepted as truth needs logical, common sense, and more verification. Moving to the personal do you really know why you are here? Do you know who you really are other than what you’ve come to perceive supported by outsiders confirmation. What you see and hear may or may not be the truth. The ‘truth’ is often a lie posing as truth in your perception, which may indeed be filtered through your prior conditioning and belief systems. Then again, ‘truth’ is more that frequently subject to change. Even your attitude about something that has been unchanging, can suddenly face new information which might change the ‘truth’ you knew…if it holds true that is.

We’ve all heard many lies like: the checks in the mail, read my lips, no new taxes; you’re the best I’ve ever had; I love the gift; I can quit anytime; I promise I won’t come in your mouth; and, the worst when it’s not true, ‘I love you’. Oh, and one of the worst is just the omission of truth!

Always, the question you need to ask yourself, ‘is what I say and do really true, and not going to hurt someone unnecessarily? Now, being overly obsessed with truth can be a neurotic illness, so we can lighten up with a little humor and accept ‘white lies’ sometimes, which are harmless fibs or small untruth, often done to spare someone’s feelings or for some other diplomatic reason. An example would be telling your mom her pie tastes good when it tastes terrible or telling someone they have a beautiful physical feature while omitting what clearly isn’t. A love committed partner needs to live in truth with you.

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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दौड़ एक दस वर्षीय लड़का रोज अपने पिता के साथ पास की पहाड़ी पर सैर को जाता था। एक दिन लड़के ने कहा, “पिताजी चलिए आज हम दौड़ लगाते हैं, जो पहले चोटी पे लगी उस झंडी को छू लेगा वो रेस जीत जाएगा!” पिताजी तैयार हो गए। दूरी काफी थी, दोनों ने धीरे-धीरे दौड़ना शुरू किया। कुछ देर दौड़ने के बाद पिताजी अचानक ही रुक गए। “क्या हुआ पापा, आप अचानक रुक क्यों गए, आपने अभी से हार मान ली क्या?”, लड़का मुस्कुराते हुए बोला। “नहीं-नहीं, मेरे जूते में कुछ कंकड़ पड़ गए हैं, बस उन्ही को निकालने के लिए रुका हूँ।”, पिताजी बोले। लड़का बोला, “अरे, कंकड़ तो मेरे भी जूतों में पड़े हैं, पर अगर मैं रुक गया तो रेस हार जाऊँगा…”, और ये कहता हुआ वह तेजी से आगे भागा। पिताजी भी कंकड़ निकाल कर आगे बढे, लड़का बहुत आगे निकल चुका था, पर अब उसे पाँव में दर्द का एहसास हो रहा था, और उसकी गति भी घटती जा रही थी। धीरे-धीरे पिताजी भी उसके करीब आने लगे थे। लड़के के पैरों में तकलीफ देख पिताजी पीछे से चिल्लाये,” क्यों नहीं तुम भी अपने कंकड़ निकाल लेते हो?” “मेरे पास इसके लिए टाइम नहीं है !”, लड़का बोला और दौड़ता रहा। कुछ ही देर में पिताजी उससे आगे निकल गए। चुभते कंकडों की वजह से लड़के की तकलीफ बहुत बढ़ चुकी थी और अब उससे चला नहीं जा रहा था, वह रुकते-रुकते चीखा, “पापा, अब मैं और नहीं दौड़ सकता!” पिताजी जल्दी से दौड़कर वापस आये और अपने बेटे के जूते खोले, देखा तो पाँव से खून निकल रहा था। वे झटपट उसे घर ले गए और मरहम-पट्टी की। जब दर्द कुछ कम हो गया तो उन्होंने ने समझाया,” बेटे, मैंने आपसे कहा था न कि पहले अपने कंकडों को निकाल लो फिर दौड़ो।” “मैंने सोचा मैं रुकुंगा तो रेस हार जाऊँगा !”,बेटा बोला। “ ऐसा नही है बेटा, अगर हमारी लाइफ में कोई प्रॉब्लम आती है तो हमे उसे ये कह कर टालना नहीं चाहिए कि अभी हमारे पास समय नहीं है। दरअसल होता क्या है, जब हम किसी समस्या की अनदेखी करते हैं तो वो धीरे-धीरे और बड़ी होती जाती है और अंततः हमें जितना नुक्सान पहुंचा सकती थी उससे कहीं अधिक नुक्सान पहुंचा देती है। तुम्हे पत्थर निकालने में मुश्किल से 1 मिनट का समय लगता पर अब उस 1 मिनट के बदले तुम्हे 1 हफ्ते तक दर्द सहना होगा। “ पिताजी ने अपनी बात पूरी की। समस्याओं को तभी पकडिये जब वो छोटी हैं वर्ना देरी करने पर वे उन कंकडों की तरह आपका भी खून बहा सकती हैं।
Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:


एक दस वर्षीय लड़का रोज अपने पिता के साथ पास की पहाड़ी पर सैर को जाता था।

एक दिन लड़के ने कहा, “पिताजी चलिए आज हम दौड़ लगाते हैं, जो पहले चोटी पे लगी उस झंडी को छू लेगा वो रेस जीत जाएगा!”

पिताजी तैयार हो गए।

दूरी काफी थी, दोनों ने धीरे-धीरे दौड़ना शुरू किया।

कुछ देर दौड़ने के बाद पिताजी अचानक ही रुक गए।

“क्या हुआ पापा, आप अचानक रुक क्यों गए, आपने अभी से हार मान ली क्या?”, लड़का मुस्कुराते हुए बोला।

“नहीं-नहीं, मेरे जूते में कुछ कंकड़ पड़ गए हैं, बस उन्ही को निकालने के लिए रुका हूँ।”, पिताजी बोले।

लड़का बोला, “अरे, कंकड़ तो मेरे भी जूतों में पड़े हैं, पर अगर मैं रुक गया तो रेस हार जाऊँगा…”, और ये कहता हुआ वह तेजी से आगे भागा।

पिताजी भी कंकड़ निकाल कर आगे बढे, लड़का बहुत आगे निकल चुका था, पर अब उसे पाँव में दर्द का एहसास हो रहा था, और उसकी गति भी घटती जा रही थी। धीरे-धीरे पिताजी भी उसके करीब आने लगे थे।

लड़के के पैरों में तकलीफ देख पिताजी पीछे से चिल्लाये,” क्यों नहीं तुम भी अपने कंकड़ निकाल लेते हो?”

“मेरे पास इसके लिए टाइम नहीं है !”, लड़का बोला और दौड़ता रहा।

कुछ ही देर में पिताजी उससे आगे निकल गए।

चुभते कंकडों की वजह से लड़के की तकलीफ बहुत बढ़ चुकी थी और अब उससे चला नहीं जा रहा था, वह रुकते-रुकते चीखा, “पापा, अब मैं और नहीं दौड़ सकता!”

पिताजी जल्दी से दौड़कर वापस आये और अपने बेटे के जूते खोले, देखा तो पाँव से खून निकल रहा था। वे झटपट उसे घर ले गए और मरहम-पट्टी की।

जब दर्द कुछ कम हो गया तो उन्होंने ने समझाया,” बेटे, मैंने आपसे कहा था न कि पहले अपने कंकडों को निकाल लो फिर दौड़ो।”

“मैंने सोचा मैं रुकुंगा तो रेस हार जाऊँगा !”,बेटा बोला।

“ ऐसा नही है बेटा, अगर हमारी लाइफ में कोई प्रॉब्लम आती है तो हमे उसे ये कह कर टालना नहीं चाहिए कि अभी हमारे पास समय नहीं है। दरअसल होता क्या है, जब हम किसी समस्या की अनदेखी करते हैं तो वो धीरे-धीरे और बड़ी होती जाती है और अंततः हमें जितना नुक्सान पहुंचा सकती थी उससे कहीं अधिक नुक्सान पहुंचा देती है। तुम्हे पत्थर निकालने में मुश्किल से 1 मिनट का समय लगता पर अब उस 1 मिनट के बदले तुम्हे 1 हफ्ते तक दर्द सहना होगा। “ पिताजी ने अपनी बात पूरी की।

समस्याओं को तभी पकडिये जब वो छोटी हैं वर्ना देरी करने पर वे उन कंकडों की तरह आपका भी खून बहा सकती हैं।

Nice share sir..,.

Deal Major Deal Major
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What I’m doing on the top of your list of doubts? Anyway, I’ll address to you once I’ll be free if this is a potshot.

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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A person who has stopped growing at both ends
and is now growing in the middle..

A place where women curl up and dye.

The only animals you eat before they are born and after they are dead.

A body that keeps minutes and wastes hours.

Mud with the juice squeezed out.

Someone who is usually me-deep in conversation.

Cold Storage.

Cutting money in half without damaging the paper.

An insect that makes you like flies better.

A grape with a sunburn.

Something you tell to one person at a time.

A bunch of bones with the person scraped off.

The pain that drives you to extraction.

One of the greatest labour saving devices of today.

An honest opinion openly expressed.

And MY Personal Favourite!!

Something other people have,
similar to my character lines.

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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*How much gold can we get from mobile phones? *

A phone and a bar of gold
It’s said that a bag of used mobile phones contains a gram of gold. There are a lot of mobile phones in the world, so how much of the gold we need can we get from them, asks William Kremer.
There be gold in them thar smartphones, said the European Commissioner for the Environment Janez Potocnik last month. He didn’t use those exact words, but that was the general idea.
“The business case is clear,” he said, as he launched revised waste and recycling targets for the EU. “There’s gold in waste – literally. It takes a ton of ore to get 1g of gold. But you can get the same amount from recycling the materials in 41 mobile phones.”
This seems to be largely correct, whether the commissioner was talking about an imperial ton, or a metric tonne (one is 1,016kg, the other 1,000kg).
In gold-rich ore deposits, there are concentrations of gold at one or two parts per million, says Dave Holwell, an economic geologist at the University of Leicester. That equates to 1g or 2g per tonne.
And the idea that 41 handsets contain 1g of gold stems from a UN report on electronic waste. Brussels-based technology company Umicore told the BBC you can actually get this amount of gold from just 35 phones.
To look at it another way, Umicore says a tonne of old phones (weighed without their batteries) yields about 300g of gold.
But the business case may not be as clear as the commissioner claims. At current gold prices, the amount in your handset is worth less than £1 ($1.67). While Umicore says extracting gold from phones is commercially viable, another company, London’s Genuine Solutions Group, told the BBC it makes little or no money this way.
The wider point of Potocnik’s speech was to promote what he called “the circular economy”. “In essence we propose to make Europe a society without waste. To take the 600 million tons of materials contained in our waste and pump them back into productive use in the economy,” he said.
Of course, you can recycle gold from a range of different products, but how far could we satisfy our appetite for gold from phones alone? According to Dave Holwell, about 2,700 tonnes of gold are produced every year from mining – about 7.4 tonnes per day. To get that from mobile phones we’d need to recycle 300m of them. And if we did that every day, the world’s estimated seven billion mobile phones in active use would run out in 23 days.
Additional reporting by Keith Moore and Faizal Farook.

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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Put A Positive Spin On Your Inner Dialogue

If you were able to read a transcript of your inner dialogue – that seemingly ceaseless chatter that fills our head – what would it say about your relationship with yourself? Friend or foe? When you face a major challenge, does the voice say “you can do it!” or does your internal critic kick in?

Directing your awareness to your self-talk can help reveal a hidden habit of self-defeat. Making a few adjustments to the dialogue can help empower you to break old patterns, overcome obstacles and put a positive spin on your outlook. Positive affirmations are the antidote. Would professional athletes make it to the finish line by telling themselves “you can’t do it?” Encouraging, optimistic mental conditioning is integral to your success.

You are in charge of your thoughts, simply change the channel, turn the page, send the negativity into outer-space and replace them with more valid and useful words of wisdom. Developing your own positive affirmations is easy, just look at the truth. Allow yourself to focus on your true basic goodness and make a list. Are you creative? Generous? Helpful? Intuitive? If you are trying to lose weight, turn your finances around, or learn to speak Japanese, the truth of the matter is that you can do it. It is physically possible. So just tell it like it is.
​​"I can do it."

If you need help developing affirmations, browse Louise L. Hay’s books or card decks, which are filled with good ideas like “I accept all parts of myself,” “I am surrounded and filled with infinite wisdom,” or “I am willing to go to a new level to truly heal myself.”

Once you have a few powerful messages for yourself you can:

  • Repeat them several times during the day, especially at night before going to bed and after getting up in the morning.
  • Post them around the house – on mirrors, doors, your alarm clock.
  • Create a stack of note cards and pick one out to contemplate each day.
  • Choose one and write it one hundred times in a notebook.
  • Write them into your subconscious so that the positivity is with you always.
  • Allow yourself a moment to truly experience positive feelings.
  • Refresh your affirmations every two weeks so the message doesn’t become stale.
  • Remember to be patient. “It takes some time to go from a seed to a plant”, says Louise Hay, "and so it is with affirmations, it takes some time from the first declaration to the final demonstration.

@asoka @srocks
@adamantine @BlueWater

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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A man walked into a bar and ordered a glass of white wine. He took a sip of the wine, then tossed the remainder in the bartender’s face.

Before the bartender could recover from the surprise, the man began weeping, “I’m really sorry. I keep doing that to bartenders. I can’t tell you how embarrassing it is to have a compulsion like this.”

Far from being angry, the bartender was sympathetic. Before long, he was suggesting that the man see a psychoanalyst about his problem.

“I happen to have the name of a psychoanalyst,” the bartender said. “My brother and my wife have both been treated by him, and they say he’s as good as they come.”

The man wrote down the name of the doctor, thanked the bartender, and left. The bartender smiled, knowing he’d done a good deed for a fellow human being. Six months later, the man was back.

“Did you do what I suggested?” the bartender asked, serving the glass of white wine.

“I certainly did,” the man said. “I’ve been seeing the psychoanalyst twice a week.”

He took a sip of the wine. Then he threw the remainder into the bartender’s face. The flustered bartender wiped his face with a towel.

“The doctor doesn’t seem to be doing you any good,” he spluttered.

“On the contrary,” the man said," he’s done me a world of good."

“But you just threw the wine in my face again!” the bartender exclaimed.

“Yes,” the man said. “But it doesn’t embarrass me anymore!”

@sidbhai @asoka @aniey72
@Magus @Smarty @sharma_ji
@sheetalvarunyadav2223 @Beinghuman

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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एक दार्शनिक अपने एक शिष्य के साथ कहीं से गुजर रहा था। चलते-चलते वे एक खेत के पास पहुंचे। खेत अच्छी जगह स्थित था लेकिन उसकी हालत देखकर लगता था मानो उसका मालिक उस पर जरा भी ध्यान नहीं देता है।

खैर, दोनों को प्यास लगी थी सो वे खेत के बीचो-बीच बने एक टूटे-फूटे घर के सामने पहुंचे और दरवाज़ा खटखटाया।

अन्दर से एक आदमी निकला, उसके साथ उसकी पत्नी और तीन बच्चे भी थे। सभी फटे-पुराने कपड़े पहने हुए थे।

दार्शनिक बोला, “ श्रीमान, क्या हमें पानी मिल सकता है? बड़ी प्यास लगी है!”

“ज़रूर!”, आदमी उन्हें पानी का जग थमाते हुए बोला।

“मैं देख रहा हूँ कि आपका खेत इनता बड़ा है पर इसमें कोई फसल नही बोई गयी है, और ना ही यहाँ फलों के वृक्ष दिखायी दे रहे हैं…तो आखिर आप लोगों का गुजारा कैसे चलता है?”, दार्शनिक ने प्रश्न किया।

“जी, हमारे पास एक भैंस है, वो काफी दूध देती है उसे पास के गाँव में बेच कर कुछ पैसे मिल जाते हैं और बचे हुए दूध का सेवन कर के हमारा गुजारा चल जाता है।”
आदमी ने समझाया।

दार्शनिक और शिष्य आगे बढ़ने को हुए तभी आदमी बोला, “ शाम काफी हो गयी है, आप लोग चाहें तो आज रात यहीं रुक जाएं!”

दोनों रुकने को तैयार हो गए।

आधी रात के करीब जब सभी गहरी नींद में सो रहे थे तभी दार्शनिक ने शिष्य को उठाया और बोला, “चलो हमें अभी यहाँ से चलना है, और चलने से पहले हम उस आदमी की भैंस को चट्टान से गिराकर मार डालेंगे।”

शिष्य को अपने गुरु की बात पर यकीन नहीं हो रहा था पर वो उनकी बात काट भी नहीं सकता था।

दोनों भैंस को मार कर रातों-रात गायब हो गए!

यह घटना शिष्य के जेहन में बैठ गयी और करीब 10 साल बाद जब वो एक सफल उद्यमी बन गया तो उसने सोचा क्यों न अपनी गलती का पश्चाताप करने के लिए एक बार फिर उसी आदमी से मिला जाए और उसकी आर्थिक मदद की जाए।

अपनी चमचमाती कार से वह उस खेत के सामने पहुंचा।

शिष्य को अपनी आँखों पे यकीन नहीं हो रहा था। वह उजाड़ खेत अब फलों के बागीचे में बदल चुका था… टूटे-फूटे घर की जगह एक शानदार बंगला खड़ा था और जहाँ अकेली भैंस बंधी रहती थी वहां अच्छी नस्ल की कई गाएं और भैंस अपना चारा चर रही थीं।

शिष्य ने सोचा कि भैंस के मरने के बाद वो परिवार सब बेच-बाच कर कहीं चला गया होगा और वापस लौटने के लिए वो अपनी कार स्टार्ट करने लगा कि तभी उसे वो दस साल पहले वाला आदमी दिखा।

“ शायद आप मुझे पहचान नहीं पाए, सालों पहले मैं आपसे मिला था।”, शिष्य उस आदमी की तरफ बढ़ते हुए बोला।

“नहीं-नहीं, ऐसा नहीं है, मुझे अच्छी तरह याद है, आप और आपके गुरु यहाँ आये थे…कैसे भूल सकता हूँ उस दिन को; उस दिन ने तो मेरा जीवन ही बदल कर रख दिया। आप लोग तो बिना बताये चले गए पर उसी दिन ना जाने कैसे हमारी भैंस भी चट्टान से गिरकर मर गयी। कुछ दिन तो समझ ही नहीं आया कि क्या करें, पर जीने के लिए कुछ तो करना था, सो लकड़ियाँ काट कर बेचने लगा, उससे कुछ पैसे हुए तो खेत में बोवाई कर दी… सौभाग्य से फसल अच्छी निकल गयी, बेचने पर जो पैसे मिले उससे फलों के बागीचे लगवा दिए और यह काम अच्छा चल पड़ा और इस समय मैं आस-पास के हज़ार गाँव में सबसे बड़ा फल व्यापारी हूँ…सचमुच, ये सब कुछ ना होता अगर उस भैंस की मौत ना हुई होती !

“लेकिन यही काम आप पहले भी कर सकते थे?”, शिष्य ने आश्चर्य से पूछा।

आदमी बोला, “ बिलकुल कर सकता था! पर तब ज़िन्दगी बिना उतनी मेहनत के आराम से चल रही थी, कभी लगा ही नहीं कि मेरे अन्दर इतना कुछ करने की क्षमता है सो कोशिश ही नहीं की पर जब भैंस मर गयी तब हाथ-पाँव मारने पड़े और मुझ जैसा गरीब-बेहाल इंसान भी इस मुकाम तक पहुँच पाया।”

आज शिष्य अपने गुरु के उस निर्देश का असली मतलब समझ चुका था और बिना किसी पश्चाताप के वापस लौट पा रहा था।

Friends, कई बार हम परिस्थितियों के इतने आदि हो जाते हैं कि बस उसी में जीना सीख लेते हैं, फिर चाहे वो परिस्थितियां बुरी ही क्यों न हों!

हम अपनी जॉब से नफरत करते हैं पर फिर भी उसे पकड़े-पकड़े ज़िन्दगी बिता देते हैं, तो कई बार हम बस इसलिए नये business के बारे में नहीं सोचते क्योंकि हमारा मौजूदा बिजनेस दाल-रोटी भर का खर्चा निकाल देता है! पर ऐसा करने में हम कभी भी अपने full potential को realize नहीं कर पाते हैं और बहुत सी ऐसी चीजें करने से चूक जाते हैं जिन्हें करने की हमारे अन्दर क्षमता है और जो हमारी life को कहीं बेहतर बना सकती हैं।

सोचिये, कहीं आपकी ज़िन्दगी में भी तो कोई ऐसी भैंस नहीं जो आपको एक बेहतर ज़िन्दगी जीने से रोक रही है…कहीं ऐसा तो नहीं कि आपको लग रहा है कि आपने उस भैंस को बाँध कर रखा है जबकि असलियत में उस भैंस ने आपको बाँध रखा है! और अगर आपको लगे कि ऐसा है, तो आगे बढिए…हिम्मत करिए, अपनी रस्सी को काटिए; आजाद होइए… 🙏 🙏
समस्या के बारे में सोचने से “बहाने” मिलते है पर..
समाधान के बारे में सोचने पर “रास्ते” मिलते है ।


Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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Why Teachers retire early or turn to drink

The following questions were in a ( UK ) GED (grade 12 equivalent) examination— (These are genuine answers).

Q. What is a turbine?
A. Something an Arab or Sheik wears on his head. Once an Arab boy reaches puberty, he removes his diaper and wraps it around his head.

Q. How is dew formed?
A. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire.

Q. What guarantees may a mortgage company insist on?
A. If you are buying a house, they will insist that you are well endowed.

Q. What are steroids?
A. Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs.
(Shoot yourself now, there is little hope.)

Q. What happens to your body as you age?
A. When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental.

Q. What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty?
A. He says goodbye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery.
(So true)

Q. Name a major disease associated with cigarettes.
A. Premature death.

Q. What is artificial insemination?
A. When the farmer does it to the bull instead of the cow.

Q. How can you delay milk turning sour?
A. Keep it in the cow.
(Simple, but brilliant)

Q. How are the main 20 parts of the body categorized (e.g. The abdomen)?
A. The body is consisted into 3 parts – the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels: A,E,I,O,U

Q. What is the fibula?
A. A small lie.

Q. What does ‘varicose’ mean?
A. Nearby.

Q. What is the most common form of birth control?
A. Most people prevent contraception by wearing a condominium.
(That would work.)

Q. Give the meaning of the term ‘Caesarean section.’
A. The caesarean section is a district in Rome .

Q. What is a seizure?
A. A Roman Emperor.
(Julius Seizure, I came, I saw, I had a fit.)

Q. What is a terminal illness?
A. When you are sick at the airport.

Q. Name the four seasons
A. Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar.
-—————— @dealyogi
@mdeal001 @Magus
@asoka @sinha.vipul
@viSH @vishusgh

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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True Story
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

A lawyer purchased a box of very rare and expensive cigars, then insured them against, among other things, loss due to fire.

Within a month, having smoked his entire stockpile of these great cigars, the lawyer filed a claim against the insurance company.

In his claim, the lawyer stated the cigars were lost ‘in a series of small fires.’

The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious reason, that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion.

The lawyer sued and WON!

Delivering the ruling, the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was frivolous. The judge stated nevertheless, that the lawyer held a policy from the company, in which it had warranted that the cigars were insurable and also guaranteed that it would insure them against fire, without defining what is considered to be unacceptable ‘fire’ and was obligated to pay the claim.

Rather than endure lengthy and costly appeal process, the insurance company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for his loss of the cigars that perished in the ‘fires’.


After the lawyer cashed the cheque, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of ARSON!!!

With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was convicted of intentionally burning his insured property and was sentenced to 24 months in jail and a $24,000 fine.

This true story won First Place in last year’s Criminal Lawyers Award contest in US

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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Someone asked a Master, `When my wife gets angry, it is like a rage of hundred flames. How do I deal with it?’
`Can you see your expression very closely? It is a product of your imagination.
One of the teachings of George Gurjieff is…There is imaginary self in all of us. If one is not watchful, it creates its own world of reality. In a relationship we have to observe how our imaginary selves operate and learn to handle them with maturity.
When one is in a negative frame of mind, observe the following steps:

· Negativity is not in a given situation; it is more in us. For example when we say, `Picnic is spoiled because of rain’…a negative feeling is generated – is it in rain or in us? · Do not identify yourself with negative feelings. Feelings are like clouds which come and go fleetingly; but you are like space. Do not identify with the clouds; but be centered in the space of consciousness. This process is called detachment. When you are attached to your negative feelings you become a prisoner to them. Attachment creates hell.
Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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1. Pencil Brand & Lord of Dance = Natraj 2. Birth Sign in English & Type of Disease = Cancer 3. Name of Soap & A Musical Instrument = Santoor 4. A Car Brand & Lord Ramas Devotee = Maruti 5. Name of Fruit & Name of Shoe Polish = Kiwi 6. Mobile Brand & Fruit Name = Apple / Black Berry 7. Name of Bulb Co. & Source of Energy = Surya 8. A Shoe Co. & Underground Train = Metro 9. Watch Brand & Resident of Country = Citizen

10. Mineral Water Co. & Mountain Range = Himalayan

11. Name of Bird & Beer Brand = Pelican 12. Name of Fuel / Clothing Company =

13. Tree/Toothpaste = Nim / Babul

14.Famous Monument/Tea brand = Taj [Tajmahal ]

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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Japanese save a lot. They do not spend much. Also, Japan
exports far more than it imports. Has an annual trade surplus of over 100 billion.
Yet Japanese economy is considered weak, even collapsing.

Americans spend, save little. Also US imports more than it exports.
Has an annual trade deficit of over $400 billion. Yet, the American economy is
considered strong and trusted to get stronger.

But where from do Americans get money to spend?
They borrow from Japan, China and even India.
Virtually others save for the US to spend. Global savings
are mostly invested in US, in dollars.

India itself keeps its foreign currency assets of over $50 billion in US securities.
China has sunk over $160 billion in US securities.
Japan’s stakes in US securities is in trillions.


The US has taken over $5 trillion from the world.
So, as the world saves for the US – It’s The Americans who spend freely.
Today, to keep the US consumption going, that is for the US economy to work,
other countries have to remit $180 billion every quarter,
which is $2 billion a day, to the US!

A Chinese economist asked a neat question.
Who has invested more, US in China, or China in US?
US has invested in China less than half of what China has invested in US.

The same is the case with India. We have invested in US over $50 billion.
But the US has invested less than $20 billion in India.

Why the world is after US?

The secret lies in the American spending, that they hardly save.
In fact they use their credit cards to spend their future income. That the US spends
is what makes it attractive to export to the US. So US imports more
than what it exports year after year.

The result:

The world is dependent on US consumption for its growth.
By its deepening culture of consumption, the US has habituated the world to
feed on US consumption. But as the US needs money to finance
its consumption, the world provides the money.

It’s like a shopkeeper providing the money to a customer so that the
customer keeps buying from the shop. If the customer will not buy, the shop
won’t have business, unless the shopkeeper funds him. The US is like the lucky customer.
And the world is like the helpless shopkeeper financier.

Who is America’s biggest shopkeeper financier? Japan of course.
Yet it’s Japan which is regarded as weak. Modern economists complain that
Japanese do not spend, so they do not grow. To force the Japanese to spend, the
Japanese government exerted itself, reduced the savings rates, even charged the savers.
Even then the Japanese did not spend (habits don’t change, even with taxes, do they?).
Their traditional postal savings alone is over $1.2 trillion.
Thus, savings, far from being the strength of Japan, has become its pain.

Hence, what is the lesson?

That is, a nation cannot grow unless the people spend, not save.
Not just spend, but borrow and spend.
Dr. Jagdish Bhagwati, the famous Indian-born economist in the US, told
Manmohan Singh that Indians wastefully save. Ask them to spend, on imported cars and,
seriously, even on cosmetics! This will put India on a growth curve. This is one of the
reason for MNC’s coming down to India, seeing the consumer spending.

‘Saving is sin, and spending is virtue.’

But before you follow this Neo Economics, get some fools to
save so that you can borrow from them and spend !!!

The world is in a economical mess!

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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A man was sitting quietly reading his paper one morning, peacefully enjoying himself, when his wife sneaks up behind him and whacks him on the back of his head with a huge frying pan.

Man: “Ow! What was that for?”

Wife: “What was that piece of paper in your pants pocket with the name Marylou written on it?”

Man: “Oh honey, remember two weeks ago when I went to the horse races? Marylou was the name of one of the horses I bet on.”

The wife looked all satisfied, apologizes and begins to do work around the house.  

Three days later, he’s sitting in his chair again, reading the newspaper. She whacks him with the frying pan once again, this time even harder than she did before.

Man: “OW!! What was that for this time?”

“Your horse just called.”



Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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A man was sitting quietly reading his paper one morning, peacefully enjoying himself, when his wife sneaks up behind him and whacks him on the back of his head with a huge frying pan.

Man: “Ow! What was that for?”

Wife: “What was that piece of paper in your pants pocket with the name Marylou written on it?”

Man: “Oh honey, remember two weeks ago when I went to the horse races? Marylou was the name of one of the horses I bet on.”

The wife looked all satisfied, apologizes and begins to do work around the house.  

Three days later, he’s sitting in his chair again, reading the newspaper. She whacks him with the frying pan once again, this time even harder than she did before.

Man: “OW!! What was that for this time?”

“Your horse just called.”



Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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A man was sitting quietly reading his paper one morning, peacefully enjoying himself, when his wife sneaks up behind him and whacks him on the back of his head with a huge frying pan.

Man: “Ow! What was that for?”

Wife: “What was that piece of paper in your pants pocket with the name Marylou written on it?”

Man: “Oh honey, remember two weeks ago when I went to the horse races? Marylou was the name of one of the horses I bet on.”

The wife looked all satisfied, apologizes and begins to do work around the house.  

Three days later, he’s sitting in his chair again, reading the newspaper. She whacks him with the frying pan once again, this time even harder than she did before.

Man: “OW!! What was that for this time?”

“Your horse just called.”



Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Bhai me rah gaya

Updated: How can you manage all user names…excel banayi he kya?

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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@DealsStreet wrote:


Bhai me rah gaya

Updated: How can you manage all user names…excel banayi he kya?

nahi bro, koi tool ya excel nahi, jis ki yaad a jati hai usko tag kar deta hun.

i am crazy tagger , @numberek

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

@DealsStreet wrote:


Bhai me rah gaya

Updated: How can you manage all user names…excel banayi he kya?

nahi bro, koi tool ya excel nahi, jis ki yaad a jati hai usko tag kar deta hun.

i am crazy tagger , @numberek

Bhai tum sahi ho.. sabko yaad mein rakhta ho..
All hail TAG Master ..

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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Jodhpuri Gulab Jamun Ki Sabzi (Jain version) : Have you heard about this unique curry. :- Gulab Jamun have always been a great and my fav sweet dish which is popular all over the world but i just tried this delicious curry with raw / dry gulab jamun . In jodhpur you can find vendors selling some raw jamuns that is which are not soaked in the syrup and just fried balls . So the rajput womens over there is said to have innovated this curry out of the unsweetened jamun isn’t that interesting . I was so happy to try them and they turned out so yummy and rich .

Gulab jamun ki sabzi is one of the rajasthani dish where the gulab jamun’s are fried and instead of dipping them in sugar syrup they are dipped in tomato/cashew gravy.These are generally heavy and filling curry as cashew adds all the richness to it. As we had 8 days festival of payurshan parva last week i wanted to share some jain recipe today with no onion or garlic.

Method / Preparation in the link below


Pro Entertainer Pro Entertainer
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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

Jodhpuri Gulab Jamun Ki Sabzi (Jain version) : Have you heard about this unique curry. :- Gulab Jamun have always been a great and my fav sweet dish which is popular all over the world but i just tried this delicious curry with raw / dry gulab jamun . In jodhpur you can find vendors selling some raw jamuns that is which are not soaked in the syrup and just fried balls . So the rajput womens over there is said to have innovated this curry out of the unsweetened jamun isn’t that interesting . I was so happy to try them and they turned out so yummy and rich .

Gulab jamun ki sabzi is one of the rajasthani dish where the gulab jamun’s are fried and instead of dipping them in sugar syrup they are dipped in tomato/cashew gravy.These are generally heavy and filling curry as cashew adds all the richness to it. As we had 8 days festival of payurshan parva last week i wanted to share some jain recipe today with no onion or garlic.

Method / Preparation in the link below


Hamaare ghar me nahi banti thi par khayi bahut baar hai
Malaai Kofta ka mini aur better version

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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A farmer came into town and asked the owner of a restaurant if he could sell him a million frog legs. The restaurant owner was shocked and asked the man where he could get so many frog legs! The farmer replied, “There is a pond near my house that is full of frogs – millions of them. They all croak all night long and they are about to make me crazy!” So the restaurant owner and the farmer made an agreement that the farmer would deliver frogs to the restaurant, five hundred at a time for the next several weeks. The first week, the farmer returned to the restaurant looking rather sheepish, with two scrawny little frogs. The restaurant owner said, “Well… where are all the frogs?” The farmer said, “I was mistaken. There were only these two frogs in the pond. But they sure were making a lot of noise!”

1- Next time you hear somebody criticizing or making fun of you, remember, it’s probably just a couple of noisy frogs.
2- Problems always seem bigger in the dark. Have you ever laid in your bed at night worrying about things which seem almost overwhelming like a million frogs croaking? Chances are pretty good that when the morning comes, and you take a closer look, you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about.


Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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You can always find a quirky way to work on something that’s boring.

On a hot day, Akbar was travelling to a distant place along with some of his courtiers. Tired and angry, Akbar gave up and asked, ‘Can someone shorten this road for me?’ Birbal said he could. The other courtiers were shocked at Birbal’s response. Akbar asked Birbal to go ahead. ‘I will, but listen to this story I have to tell, said Birbal. Riding beside the emperor’s palanquin, he launched upon a long and intriguing tale that held Akbar and all those listening, spellbound. Before they knew it, they had reached the end of their journey. Akbar was amazed at how time had passed so quickly. This is how Birbal had shortened the road for Akbar. Before you give up on that project because it’s boring, think of a way to make it more interesting! There’ always be a way.

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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