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Introducing DesiDime 2.2 Android App - Material Design - Come try us out and provide Feedback.


Hello Dimers,

We are happy to announce that we will be making live our Newest Android App 2.2 which is completely done using the concept of Material Deisgn and also has a much more richer feature set compared to existing Android App…

If you would like to try out the new app, Simply Join the Google+ Testing Community and the app will be available to you on play store in a day or two:

The app will be available on Play Store on or after 10th November 2015 to Beta Testers.

Once your request is accepted for Google Community, Go to link below and click on “Become a tester”

Soon after that you will get update in the play store.

Your feedback would really help us solve problems before we rollout to everyone else…

Some Screenshots for impatient and restless


71 Dimers
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Pro Entertainer Pro Entertainer
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Finally Finally Finally
Well done boss

Deal Baba Deal Baba
Link Copied pepperykool

Budding Star Budding Star
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Yesterday Jungle raaj 2.0 got introduced and today desidime 2.0 Kyaa baat, kyaa baat

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Wildfire Wildfire
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Looks sharp and feels smooth by the pictures !!
Waiting for the update to release for all

Helpful Helpful
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Looks like playstore!


Wildfire Wildfire
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Requested to join the testing community to

Pro Shopping Friend Pro Shopping Friend
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@VaibhavJain wrote:

Yesterday Jungle raaj 2.0 got introduced and today desidime 2.0 Kyaa baat, kyaa baat

By the way it is 2.2

Deal Major Deal Major
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@VaibhavJain wrote:

Yesterday Jungle raaj 2.0 got introduced and today desidime 2.0 Kyaa baat, kyaa baat

That was Jungle. This is Mangal

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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@VaibhavJain wrote:

Yesterday Jungle raaj 2.0 got introduced and today desidime 2.0 Kyaa baat, kyaa baat

Bihar just missed the best deal…though they got the “loot” deal…

Deal Major Deal Major
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post apk here

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@admin can we edit our post in this app ?? it is main problem..please try to solve it

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@khan saab wrote:

post apk here


Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Link not working, error 404

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@vishusgh wrote:

Link not working, error 404

Edit : working in Google Chrome, not in Uc browser ( mobile)

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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amazon mouse 155 lol
1000 fk gv fron mmt?when ?

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@admin please accept my joining request
Feature which are missing from app are :
1. Add to channel
2.subscribe to channel
3. Dashboard.

Bugs in dd application :
1) sometimes When someone tag you & you open post after clicking on alert icon then sometimes we are unable to like comment of person who tagged,
2) some times when you try to like comment of user then it write that you can’t like yr own comment, I. E. It is redirecting to vu at place of like
3) sometime when someone tag you & you open that post then his post appears like new thread I.e. There is all the options which appear below a thread .
4. Mostly after checking the notification, notification automatically not tick as read.
Few more bugs are there

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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For Gods Sake Change these ugly emojis.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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“@CrazyTroll ": wrote:

For Gods Sake Change these ugly emojis.


Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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For the love of god, please update the iOS app. It’s buggy like hell.

It’s not that iPhone users don’t want to save money.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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someone post apk pls

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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what about ios users?

Helpful Helpful
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@hitesh1985 wrote:

what about ios users?

Working on it… Its high on our priority list and will definitely come up with a better version for iOS users soon. Cant give an estimate yet. Sorry.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@admin wrote:

@hitesh1985 wrote:

what about ios users?

Working on it… Its high on our priority list and will definitely come up with a better version for iOS users soon. Cant give an estimate yet. Sorry.

no worries. U r aware of it and trying for that is enough for me.. Thanks for reply ,

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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Request sent.
I am always ready for the betterment of DesiDime.
Hoping to get the app soon.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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please provide the option of “edit post” in android app ,it is very frustrating sometimes ..

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Nice to see in screenshot…Waiting for its launching

Helpful Helpful
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The Beta app is now uploaded to play store… Everyone in the beta group should “Enroll now as a tester” to get the testing APK.

And app should be available/visible in next few hours in play store automatically.

Keep sharing your initial reactions/feedback with us about the new app in this thread.

Thanks and Happy Diwali to all

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