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Ladies and gentlemen, it was a great time here till it lasted

Deal Hunter

Now that my state Assam is facing dark days again, coupled with curfews and even net ban (net speed has already been reduced and facebook posts being monitored and many random ppl are getting arrested) I won’t be able to join.
Please pray for us. Even military is being brought back here in hordes! We really don’t want to go back to the days of fake encounters and gang rapes again.

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Pro Entertainer Pro Entertainer
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Buy 2 dresses. One green coloured and one Orange. Wear the one whose color matches the larger crowd🥺

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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wasn’t expecting such callous attitude from here but then again what can be expected nowadays as even pm himself openly terms protesters categorically – muslims as jihadists, tribals as maoists and hindus as naxals, anti nationals :/

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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wasn’t expecting such callous attitude from here but then again what can be expected nowadays as even pm himself openly terms protesters categorically – muslims as jihadists, tribals as maoists and hindus as naxals, anti nationals :/

Generous Generous
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What else can you expect from this blabbermouth of a PM who visits India only for election rallies?

9 Dimers
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Pro Entertainer Pro Entertainer
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Buy 2 dresses. One green coloured and one Orange. Wear the one whose color matches the larger crowd🥺

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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wasn’t expecting such callous attitude from here but then again what can be expected nowadays as even pm himself openly terms protesters categorically – muslims as jihadists, tribals as maoists and hindus as naxals, anti nationals :/

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Deal Major Deal Major
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now bill has been passed

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Guys, locust attack, solar eclipse, bamboo flowering are not good omens. I am praying for your state @rini50 I hope everyone remains safe there

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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Its superstitions. Locust and rats attack happened sometimes in a while. Solar eclipse is kinda cool and so many other countries witnessed it too and nothing happened ☺
Its just we civilians have to try harder to fight against corporate elites (yes, I’m not forgetting those richie riches who ran away without paying loans while I’ve to work my a** to get rid of my debts 😠) and greedys criminals aka politicians.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Why is the negative vote has “self promotion” tag? The voter is so stupid and lazy that they forgot there is a button called other reason in the drop down menu. They had to type a few words there. But no. How come this post is a self promotion? A citizen is anxious n cared to share it with us. If we didn’t like it, we can just give a reason. Come on. We can do better than that, cann’t we?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Politics is a dirty profession. No matter who’s in power they’ll do everything to retain it forever. Congress allowed Christians, Mullas free rein and Modi is doing same to Hindutva. People complain or support according to their conditioning.

Helpful Helpful
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Now Ppl Mindset Is We Oppose The Rulling Government Then Either Congi,Aaptards,librals And What Shit They Gave Created To Defend Fake Propaganda.

If i m opposing then first listen rather than busy categorising me to put all the shit that is learnt from fake news and what not… Instead of solving my issue.

That’s how things goes now. In twitter, whatsapp,fb, and even real life when a group of Ppl try to discuss something factually then shitty Ppl will pop in with these fake propaganda’s .

I hope and pray that Ppl Assam And NE states get the peace what they need pray and no to forget the Ppl of J&K 🥺

Why can’t Political parties compete in the name development. Like if party A builds mega hospital then party B should go ahead build a mega school for poor, so on….In this competition atleast the common ppl will get what they voted for.

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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If they fight elections by competing in making hospitals and schools then how will they pocket the money to swiss banks?? Bloody con men and outright criminals all of them!
P.S. bjp IT cell trolls are busy selling the CAA miss call support no as single hot girl’s no , lottery and free Netflix subscription lies!
Netflix already exposed their lies on Twitter! 😂😂😂😂😂

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Critic Critic
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People say ‘Kashmir & Assam are integral parts of our country’. That’s true.
But, those people actually means only land area is ours, let citizens of that state be die.what a shameless thinking!
They just don’t understand that Today or tomorrow, this situation will come to whole India!!

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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True. They are living in the past. We were that n stuff. They don’t give a shit about who are we now!!!

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