Not receiving Debit card transaction alerts for HDFC Millenia debit card.


I recently downgraded from platinum to Millenia debit card. 

When I had platinum debit card I used to receive transaction emails for every transaction done using platinum card. But now after downgrading to Millenia I no longer receive transaction emails. I have not changed anything in the settings. 

I continue to receive bill pay emails and the email alerts that I have already set, just these debit card transaction emails are not coming. 

Anyone knows how I can fix it? 

I have not changed anything in email alert setting, but still I checked it. And there is no such option to receive debit card transaction alerts.

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Blaze Blaze
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Try resetting InstaAlerts from Netbanking

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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hmm ask customer care on phone or branch, because its not about settings we can see anywhere , only they can guide you i think as they might have to flip some flags in their Core bank system , not sure

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Since you mentioned, I noticed that I ain't receiving email alerts.

I received sms alert tho

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