US President Donald Trump impeached for abuse of power

Tech Guru
The House of Representatives formally charged Donald Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. By a 230 to 197 vote in the Democratic-majority House, the 45th US president becomes just the third occupant of the White House in American history to be impeached. Trump spent the first half of the day holed up at the White House, sending out tweets reflecting his frustration, anger and predictions of revenge in the 2020 election.
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The historic impeachment trial of Donald Trump opened Thursday in the US Senate

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When is the trial expected? How long will it be?
The trial is expected to begin in early January, and it’s unclear how long it will last. Republicans and Democrats alike have expressed an interest in keeping it short.

How might it end?
A conviction would require a two-thirds vote on at least one article, resulting in the president’s removal from office, with no opportunity to appeal. The vice president would take over as president.

The Senate could subsequently vote to disqualify the president from future office, using a simple majority vote.
Although a conviction is unlikely — barring some unexpected development — the trial could have political ramifications for both parties.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Big sham it is actually. Nothing gonna happen to Trump

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Impeachment doesn’t mean’s nonsense by media…He will hold office unless their senate decide (majority of whom are Republicans themselves)… smile

PS. My views!

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